The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 624: Modlan Family (with data)

Chapter 633 Modlan Family (with data)

"Huh? Are they leaving?" A bored Roland sat up straight in his chair when he suddenly heard the news that the envoy was about to leave.

"Yes, Lord Adrasil will come to visit you soon to say goodbye!" Yun Feng nodded.

"Tsk!" Roland thought in his mind. Indeed, the delegation from the Amroth family had been here for a long time, and it was time to leave.

"Are you still used to living here during this time? Ragland's bed may not be as soft and comfortable as in the south of Gondor!" Roland joked with a smile, which contained a hint of irony towards those southern nobles who were just waiting to die.

"Hahaha! Not bad. Although your kingdom is young, it is definitely rich and powerful! Compared with Gondor here..." At this point, Adrasil shrugged, compared to the busy nobles here. It can be said that most of the nobles of Gondor are living like dogs. Although most of them are busier than the Lagrand nobles, the objects of their busyness are usually banquets or women's bellies...

"Leave it to time! Time will prove everything!" Roland smiled and nodded. Time will decide everything. In the end, Gondor still needs to break and stand again.

"I hope so." Adrasil shook his head slowly.

"They're gone!" Yun Feng stood on the city wall and said to Roland, looking at the figures of Adrasil and his group walking away.

"I don't care about them now. What I care about is where is the Modlan family now? I wonder if the people Ormsk brought have picked them up!" Roland squinted his eyes and looked at the sky.

The Modlan family is a noble family that Roland only obtained from the system sign-in. Compared with other nobles, this noble family is described as a family with complete strength! This is also the first complete noble family Roland has gotten so far, unlike other nobles who are just three or two kittens.

"The Modlan family..." Yun Feng closed his eyes and began to think deeply. He was recalling the noble information in the noble album.

"Isn't this a big noble?" Yun Feng thought for a long time before scratching his head and saying to Roland. In his impression, there was no Modlan family among the high-ranking nobles of the empire.

"An old border baron family!" Roland glanced at Yun Feng and said speechlessly. The introduction of the system at that time was the old Border Baron family. The original family fiefdom was in the south of the Rune Mountains. They were authentic Border Barons and were on the front line of the war with Mordor. They had outstanding military exploits! However, the fate of this family was not very good. It was the first to be affected during the civil strife in the empire. The baron at that time was killed by the Sword and Shield family, and the fiefdom was trampled by the orc army...

"Border Baron?" Yun Feng pursed his lips.

"What kind of strength can a Border Baron have? Haha..." Yun Feng smiled nonchalantly. After all, a Grand Duke of Nyx and a Grand Duke of Junlin, the soldiers brought by the two top Grand Dukes cannot even form a legion. What can the Baron do? ah! How many legions does he have?

"..." Roland glanced at Yun Feng meaningfully.

"Is this the strength of the Border Baron? The Border Baron in the heyday of the empire!" Yun Feng looked at the army with flags fluttering in front of him and instantly broke through the defenses. Don't call him a Border Baron. You came to be the current Laglang Kingdom. All the Grand Dukes from the Lagland Kingdom are looking for you!

"Your Highness! The Modlan family offers you the loyalty of the Modlan family! I am the current head of the family, Yu Modlan!" Yu Modlan knelt down on one knee and kissed Roland's hand.

"Get up, you've had a hard journey!" Roland looked at the dark place behind Yu Modlan and said with emotion, you are really good at the system! What a Baron of the Imperial Frontier!

Roland opened the system panel and took a look at it before he twitched a little. If you say this is the Border Baron, it's better to say that this guy brought half of the Lagland Kingdom!


1. Rapid City:

Area: one kilometer in radius.

Building units: ordinary lord's castle*1, ordinary townhouses*900, intermediate magic pattern city wall, stone well, blacksmith shop, military camp, archer temple, advanced arrow tower, knight temple, warrior temple (not yet available) Activate) Tavern...

Generals: Kaslo (Level 5), Renault (Level 5), Radil (Level 4), Adilai (Level 6), Yunfeng (Level 6), Ormsk (Level 6), Lavian (Level 4) , Holling (second level), Luke Leopold, Merck Leopold, Ajax Anthony (fifth level) Lafitte Anthony (third level) Verin Angus (third level) ), Dos Antony (fourth level) Yu Modlan (fourth level) Vervay (sixth level)

Vassal: Apophis Breo (fourth level).

Special Personnel: Ivy (Level 4), Grand Duke Nyx (Level 3), Nina Bonn (Level 2), Rule (Level 2).

City Defense Officer: Marcus (Level 4)

Administrative Officer: Lance (Level 2)

Troop strength: 12763

Knights of Holy Glory: 110 second-level Lagran Empire vanguard knights.

Lagrand City Guards: 1,100 (second level)

Batania Archers: 1,000 (Level 2)

Dorvinian Heavy Swordsmen: 500 (Level 2)

El Niño Rangers: 100. (Second level)

Rangers of Lordaeron: 50 second-level rangers.

Lagrand Royal Guards: 200 (Level 3)

Rapids Legion: 9,000 Rapids Infantry

Recruit light infantry: 200 light infantry.

Priest: 8 second-level priests

Mage: A second-level fire mage.

Lagrand Royal Forbidden Magic Mage Team: 5 third-level fire magicians and 5 third-level wind magicians.

Crusader Lancers and Shields: 100

Crusader Archers: 300

Crusader heavy shield soldiers: 20

Knights of the Cross Bauhinia: 15 (Level 2)

Duchy Hussars: 26

Woodland Warriors: 210 second-level warriors

Griffin Knights: 4 (Level 2)

Bipedal Wyvern Knights: 10 (Level 2)

Prairie Elf: 100 (Level 2)

Population: 54,828 (Civilians available for training: 11,079)

Evaluation: The lonely king led the remaining people back to his homeland and built this city with tall walls. There are many residents in the city, making the whole city look more pyrotechnics. Everything is moving in the right direction. With the development, the city's military power is strong, and the entire city can completely protect the security of the city even in the face of a large-scale attack. The city has its own subsidiary territory and looks prosperous! Note: There is a gap in the training of soldiers, and the awakening training capabilities of professionals are lacking.

Abilities: As the only city in the kingdom of Raglan in Middle-earth, it will attract the remnants of Raglan to it. The system will guide a group of wandering Lagrand civilians to arrive every day, hoping that the lord can properly accommodate them.

Allows civilians from this area to be recruited to train Swift Infantry.

3. The ruling center of the Lagrand Kingdom. The people of Lagrand will receive a faith bonus in the city.

Note: The city had just gone through war, and residents were still grieving the loss of family members.

2. Tuput Territory (Village):

Buildings: wells, walls, lord's hall, houses*20.

Lord: Baron Badr

Residents: 349 people

Evaluation: One of the few centaurs in Middle-earth. They are grateful for the kindness of King Roland of Raglan and are loyal to his command. Note: Although these troops have good combat effectiveness, their small population base makes it difficult for them to play a role in large-scale battles.

Note: This territory was temporarily abandoned due to the war.

3. Lulong Fortress:

Area: one kilometer in radius.

Buildings: 8 Death Dragon Towers, 100 heavy crossbow towers, super magic pattern city walls, war inscriptions...

Rating: Here is the final proof of the empire’s existence! The towering Lulong Fortress is filled with the remains of orcs, and the bones of the Black Knights pile up like mountains. The evil spirits drink their hatred here, and the darkness buries their bones here. The dark walls are stained by the blood of the Dark Alliance, and the entire fortress lies on the bones. Above!

Note: This fortress that experienced a great war is now riddled with holes and many places need to be repaired. Fortunately, the powerful kingdom soldiers repelled the powerful enemy!

4. Delvin (small town)

Area: 500 meters in radius

Buildings: wooden and stone city walls, primary arrow towers, ordinary houses, wells, taverns...

Population: 1,814 (can train 897 civilians)

Evaluation: A small town mainly based on agriculture, it is full of vitality and vitality. The budding business is reviving here. The Tuput Territory next door can help each other very well.

5. Junlin family fiefdom: Junlin Lion Territory

King's Landing Knights: 16 (one person at the third level, 15 people at the second level)

Fenwujiashi (ordinary soldiers): 600.

Population: 4974 people.

Evaluation: A qualified pioneering nobleman built a castle and then a simple pass. The security of the territory has been initially controlled, and the kingdom's control over this land has gradually increased.

6. Palembang

Lagrand City Guards: 100

Population: 3,000 people.

Evaluation: The king’s plan for a rainy day must not be harmful to others, and must be on guard against others! This city bears the important task of being a waterway hub and a bridgehead to contain Western countries!

Overall evaluation: It is a prosperous country. Although the surrounding environment is precarious, the tough Lagrand people still tenaciously guard this ancient land, and their king is still defending the only remaining land! This kingdom that has experienced war once again demonstrates its powerful heritage! (Suggestion: The kingdom is in urgent need of a large amount of land and population to revive. The Dongyi people in the east occupy Dovinion in the kingdom, and the orcs in the south occupy Dol Guldur! The old site of Raglan City is still waiting for the king's restoration... ...) Note: The kingdom is waging war!

A family of border barons brought nearly 20,000 people! There is also a full force of 3,000 rapid-flow troops! There are also 300 rune specialties-Dovinian heavy swordsmen and 200 woodland warriors! He really brought half of the Lagland Kingdom with him!

"Why..." Roland looked at Yu Modlan and hesitated. What you knew was that the system asked you to defect to me. What you didn't know was that you were coming to compete for the king.

"Ever since the fall of the empire, the family has been huddled in the Rune Mountains to survive, but now the Mordor army's activities are becoming more and more frequent. Just when the raven brought your news, I immediately took the people and set off." Yu Mo. Delan shook his head and sighed.

"So what do you think?" Roland raised his eyelids. Although the people recruited by the system have implanted memories that are loyal to him, they still have their own thoughts and needs. Moreover, these new people are not listed separately but with him. When the people gathered together, Roland suddenly had a bold guess.

"To tell you the truth, the Modlan family has been clinging to its fiefdom for thousands of years after the collapse of the empire, and has tried its best to maintain such an army. The Rune Mountains can no longer support it, and the family cannot afford it... Now I think I dedicate these people and troops to you, hoping that you can spread the glory of the empire to them!" Yu Modlan said sincerely, it is really impossible to create it! Who in the family understands? A border baron family has been clinging to its fiefdom for so many years, and they really can't afford to support it!

"Don't worry! Neither the Kingdom nor I will forget the contributions of the Modlan family! In exchange, I will grant the Modlan family the title of hereditary earl! As for the fiefdom... you have to wait." Roland said. The old man blushed.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Yu Modlan quickly knelt down and kissed the back of Roland's hand. A big burden was exchanged for a hereditary earl! Make a lot of money! Although these troops will get more in their hands, the Modlan family was very poor when the system implemented them and could not afford to support them...

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