The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 628 The Daily Life of a Noble

Di Chang

After a grand (show) but not grand canonization ceremony, the entire City of Rapids learned of the birth of a new Lord. Suddenly the entire City of Rapids fell into a frenzy. The path to promotion was really important to civilians. It's on! This made the civilians who were still immersed in the heavy casualties in the defense of Rapid City instantly look forward to the war and the next development!

But these things have nothing to do with Ismir. He put on the brocade robe of a nobleman. As for why it is said to be a brocade robe of a nobleman, of course it has the coat of arms representing the nobleman! The family coat of arms completely distinguishes the status of civilians and nobles!

His coat of arms is a wild bear with its head snarling to the left. Coming up with this coat of arms cost him a lot of brain cells, but fortunately Queen Nyx did not rush him (there is no Noble Heraldry Institute in Caotai Kingdom yet) , because there were not many nobles, so Nyx took care of it), and finally he racked his brains to come up with this coat of arms that did not duplicate the coats of arms of other nobles.

As for why he chose this giant bear emblem, of course it was the fusion of his career and family prospects. As a druid, he can transform into a wild bear when he is promoted to a war druid in the future! (Most war druids transform into a giant bear.) The roar of the giant bear is an incentive for yourself to work harder to become a hereditary noble!

"What should I do?" Ismir was walking on the streets of Rapid City at a loss, surrounded by the eyes of civilians with admiration. However, Ismir, who suddenly became a noble, was still a grassroots in nature and had no education. He almost made a joke at the canonization ceremony because he had no knowledge of the nobility...

"Lord Ismir!" Someone suddenly called him.

"Are you Baron Lance?" Ismir said awkwardly, stroking his chest and saluting.

"Haha, no need to be polite!" Lance patted his shoulder easily after returning the courtesy.

"What's the matter with you?" Ismir looked at Lance blankly.

"Of course, His Highness Nyx considered that you are a newly promoted noble, so he specially asked me to teach you the knowledge and etiquette of nobles!" Lance explained his purpose.

Nyx's original words were probably to lecture Lance on this young man. His poor etiquette simply lowered the standard of the kingdom's nobles, and there were no outsiders, otherwise he would be laughed at by the nobles of other kingdoms...

Lance wholeheartedly agrees with what Nyx said above. After all, new nobles used to have to go to Guizhou Academy for further training. They can only be released after passing the exam. However, now that the kingdom does not have such an institution, Lance can only I'll do it myself.

After Lance explained his intention, Ismir immediately agreed without hesitation. After all, he was still confused after being promoted to the nobility. After all, he had entered a new circle that he was unfamiliar with. Without a leader, he would undoubtedly become the new fun person in the circle. .

The two of them parted ways after making an appointment to study every day. According to Lance's estimation, the entire study cycle can be completed in about two weeks. A few hours of study a day is enough. After all, the little nobles don't have to. So much knowledge needs to be mastered.

"..." After parting ways with Lance, Ismir was confused again. He clamped the money box under his arm and looked around in confusion. Originally, he was just an ordinary third-level professional, although he didn't count. Although he was rich and powerful, he still had dozens of gold coins in savings. It was not until King Roland rewarded him with a thousand gold dragon coins that he was completely fooled. Without space equipment, he could only carry a box and wander around the rapids city. .

"Oh oh oh! Stay in a hotel!" Ismir patted his head. After all, his kennel was in Palembang and he had no home in Rapid City. Considering that he would have to spend the next half month in Rapid City , so he could only go to the hotel to stay overnight.

Although Swiftstream City is not that big, it has developed several taverns and hotels. After all, there are still dwarves and merchants from the River Valley State and the Kingdom of Akvia coming here to trade, so after he took out a golden dragon, he I successfully obtained the right to live in a room of about ten square meters for half a month and three meals a day.

"Tsk? The Modlan family? The Heinrich family..." Apophis Breo looked at the information and closed his eyes with a headache. Although the current population of the Lion Leader of the Junlin family has approached 5,000, and the military strength has reached He has six hundred people, but compared with this Modlan family, it seems that he should be a baron.

"What the hell! There is still a family from the heyday that can be passed down?" Apophis Breo looked at Olaf and scratched his head.

At this moment, Olaf also has the title of Lord. At the same time, in order to reward this loyal centurion, Apophis Breo specially gave him the ancestral awakening potion to help him join the ranks of professionals, although he is not Apophis. S. Breo is the knight of hope, but he is also a versatile professional warrior!

"I'm actually more curious about this Heinrich family...what's so special about this family that even you are afraid of?" Olaf asked curiously.

"Ahem!" Apophis Breo coughed lightly, what should I say? If the Junlin family's fiefdom hadn't been in the north, they would have probably been kicked by this family. The Heinrich family who joined hands with the Sword and Shield family back then would undoubtedly have the confidence to declare war on any grand duke or duke family! That is to say, these two families started the Empire S1 season, and the demise of the two families announced the start of the Empire S2 season. When he thought of this, Apophis Breo's face became strange, it's over! You won't come at me this time, right? Is the S3 season about to start?

After all, Duke Augustus and his family used all their methods to suppress the Heinrich family, but the cost was that both Duke Augustus and the Dragoon family were killed and injured! In addition to the legendary mage tower of the family and the epic mage tower of the Heinrich family, the contemporary Duke Augustus, a Green Dragon Rider at his peak, spilled blood into the sky. Originally, not a single dragon rider died. What, the empire has been fighting the orcs for so many years, why has the dragon rider never died? The problem lies in the wrong place and in the wrong way! This is a civil war!

The consequences of this move were the rupture of the nobility on both sides of the empire, the split and war of the Dragon Rider Family Alliance. The civil war in the empire during this period was simply more interesting than the entire war in Middle-earth. Various aristocratic secrets and gossips emerged one after another, and even the royal family Caught in a turmoil of melee between nobles from all sides, the royal family originally wanted to summon an army to mediate. Of course, if they disobey, they will directly suppress it! The result... was full of tears!

The royal family suddenly discovered that except for the nobles in the north who were lying on the Great Wall in the north and watching the south eat melons, the remaining nobles had all entered the civil war! Even the army directly under the empire has problems. After all, many officers are concubines of various noble families.

A royal look? Oops! That’s okay! Dragonrider families! Heed the royal call! Then... the entire Lagrand Empire knew that the Anthony family and the McDoug family started a dragon-riding duel because of who the hell was the mistress (the Anthony family and the McDoug family were originally the same family, and they were both members of the first generation of Rune Kings. Descendants, but the mother family is different.)

Come on, the Dragon Riding family has started to fight each other. The royal family can only hide in the quilt and huddle up, watching the demons of various families dancing outside, wait! Let's see who among these living dads can win or lose!

I got stuck yesterday, and I came down to prepare to challenge the field of farming writing that I am not good at. Please forgive me if I am not good at writing. I also ask for monthly votes and rewards to thank all the bosses for their support!

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