Chapter 638 Ambition

Continuing from the above, when the Dragonrider family started to fight each other, the entire royal family's control over the empire was already at a freezing point. They couldn't bring the northern army back to break up the fight. Then the northern nobles would really explode. Isn’t the royal family planning to let it go? The garrison in the north was to prevent the orcs in the vast northern wasteland. When the emperors of the empire were in power, no matter how turbulent the country was and no matter how the nobles attacked, no one touched the nobles on the northern border and touched all of them. They stopped playing, so the royal family, which had no troops to send, could only stare. (In fact, it did have soldiers, but the royal family also had its own Xiao Jiujiu, and it was too late to react later)

In the end, the entire empire exploded, literally...

After Apophis Breo gave Olaf a rough description, Olaf was completely shocked by the secrets of the empire. After all, at his height, he had not been able to access these things before.

"It's amazing..." The corner of Olaf's mouth twitched. Are all the counts in the empire so brave?

"Okay, you don't have to come again after today. I've taught you everything a noble should know, and there's nothing else!" Lance smiled at Ismir, but this drudgery was finally over. The things that Sn can teach Ismir are also very limited. After all, he himself was only a lord before, but he can still teach Ismir some general knowledge of nobility.

"Thank you for your teaching, Your Majesty Baron!" Ismir said with a pious touch on his chest.

"Well, very good!" Lance nodded. Ismir's poor etiquette was finally overturned by him, and now he is in good shape!

"What are your plans?" Lance handed Ismir a hot dog. This is a snack that has become popular in the kingdom recently, and he also likes it very much.

"No..." Ismir mumbled as he took a bite of the hot dog.

"That's not possible..." Lance frowned. If Ismir was left with nothing, the thousand gold dragon coins would only allow him to live a life of food and clothing, which was a bit miserable for a nobleman.

"Baron Lance, what do you think I should do?" Ismir asked humbly.

"What kind of life do you plan to live?" Lance looked at him seriously.

"Are you as comfortable as you are now? Or do you have further ambitions?" Lance added.

"Of course it's a step further!" Ismir's eyes flashed with ambition, and he had a taste of power for the first time, which made him want to stop!

"Then find a way to recruit people to open up! The North is so big, there are too many unclaimed lands! Your Highness will not be stingy with rewarding those who are brave enough to open up!" Lansti nodded and turned away.

Developing your own business is only suitable for nobles like him who have no official positions but only titles. Naturally, Lance does not need to use it. He believes that Roland will not treat him badly as an old man, so he only needs to work step by step and wait for Roland to give him a title in the future. That's it, there's no need to spend money to recruit people to go to the wilderness to open up your own territory.

"Pioneering?" Ismir's eyes lit up. He made it clear that he was just a third-level druid. Without the ability to govern, he would not be accepted as an official by King Roland. He also had no commanding talent, so he could only receive his salary as a nominal noble. After a lifetime, it will be different if you take risks and explore. Maybe you can truly become a hereditary noble!

"Development?" Roland narrowed his eyes and was a little stunned. When he looked at Ismir in front of him, he really didn't expect that he would come to ask for the development order, but he soon felt relieved. After all, he was the only idle noble in the kingdom.

"Why do you want to open up?" Roland decided to ask carefully.

"I...I want to become a hereditary noble with a fief, Your Highness." Ismir said a little nervously.

"Oh!" Roland nodded clearly. After all, everyone has their own ambitions and whether they can realize them or not is up to them.

"Okay, have you decided where to go?" Roland wanted to ask about the area he planned to develop. If it overlaps with the empire territory he planned, then naturally it is not allowed.

"I plan to open up to the west of Lulong Fortress!" Ismir's words shocked Roland.

"Are you crazy? That's the Dark Forest!" Roland's eyes widened. He didn't want the nobleman he rewarded to die within a few days.

"I heard that all the developed land belongs to you. The place over there is bigger..." Ismir scratched his head and said with a smile.

"..." Roland was silent. After all, the development order is indeed like this. The land developed belongs to the pioneering nobles. Otherwise, who will open it for the king? Working for free? Ismir's reasons are impeccable, and sincerity is indeed the greatest nirvana.

"That's okay. After all, you are a Druid, and the forest is your home..." Roland rubbed his chin and thought for a moment. The Druid was also at home in the forest. His safety can still be guaranteed. Of course, this is without touching him. In the case of high-level warcraft and orcs, but now that the orcs have all shrunk, it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Okay, I can give you a pioneering order, but do you know the rules of pioneering? You need to bring all expenses and items by yourself, including accompanying personnel and later construction! The kingdom will not give you any support!" Roland said solemnly, anyway, now Sauron has gone back to Mordor, so it’s okay to cast a wider net and expand the territory of the kingdom! Plus the main mission requires so many towns...

"I understand!" Ismir nodded decisively. He had tasted the taste of the aristocratic class and did not want his children to continue to return to the common people. He hoped to create a brand new family in his own name! Ambition gave him courage and motivation.

Hearing this, Roland stopped talking and turned around and took out a piece of parchment with a magic crest engraved on it and started writing.

"Here! This is proof of your legal development! All items on the territory you have developed belong to you! And you need to be loyal to me!" Roland repeated it and handed the development order to Ismir.

"Thank you for your trust, Your Highness!" Ismir said, stroking his chest.

"No need to be polite, go find Lance yourself and get one hundred steel guns, ten fine steel swords, one hundred leather shields, ten fine steel half shields, and ten fine steel mails, by the way! Return them!" There are ten Shire horses. This is considered as my personal support to you!" After all, Roland did not ignore it as he said, but thoughtfully prepared a set of equipment, which was enough for Ismir to arm an army. An army of a hundred people!

"Thank you for your generosity! Your Highness!" Ismir knelt down and said respectfully. After all, King Roland was not as ruthless as he said. This made Ismir feel warm in his heart, as he had already prepared for the worst.

"If you really plan to go there... If you can't do anything, just cross the river to find Renault. Lulong Fortress will always open its door to you!" Roland reminded that there was not much he could do, and this was already the most he could give. Good stuff too.

"I understand!" Ismir nodded. This was the escape route Roland left for him. If he couldn't continue to develop his own territory, he could always go to the Lulong Fortress on the other side of the river to seek asylum from the Kingdom's army! I believe that no cerebral palsy orc or monster would dare to attack Lulong Fortress...

"Okay, get ready early!" Roland returned to the chair and collapsed, waving his hand to indicate to Ismir that he could retreat. Looking out the window, Roland once again entered a state of calm.

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