Chapter 688 Goblin Mercenaries

"You don't need to be loyal to me. I am just the general of the kingdom. When the king comes back, you need to be loyal to him!" Renault shook his head and said to Alistar.

"Then where will we be stationed before this?" Alistar looked at Renault, wondering where he would place them.

"Cross the river first! This is not a sphere of influence controlled by the kingdom. Windhelm Town is just a pioneer territory. You can't stay here!" Reno shook his head at Alistar. Windhelm Town cannot withstand the size of the town. These goblins are such a waste, and if they just eat one meal, Windhelm Town will be destitute.

"Okay, General!" Alistar nodded and said happily. The wild goblins lived in the open all year round, and no one hired them in the dark forest. This made the living conditions of this goblin tribe miserable. The typical meal is too late, and these tutu pigs need to be domesticated, which makes the life of the wild goblins even tighter. These tutu pigs are their friends and partners, and the wild goblins will bury them to death. Tuk-tuk pigs are sacrificed and prayed for. Although these pigs are not big, they are still very edible... So the wild goblins have been looking for a long-term meal ticket for a long time.

"Inform them to bring the ferry over!" Renault said to the griffin knight in the sky. The griffin knight quickly disappeared into the horizon after hearing Renault's order.

"General Renault?" Ismir quietly approached Renault and whispered.

"What's wrong?" Renault raised his eyes.

"Do you think I can hire some Goblin knights?" Ismir said a little embarrassed, after all, he was trying to intercept King Hu.

"Of course! You can talk to them yourself. The kingdom recruits them just to be prepared, and it does not conflict with you hiring them!" Renault nodded. After all, how many Goblin knights can Ismir's family recruit? The big head fell on Roland.

Reno's recruitment of these wild goblins was also a spur-of-the-moment idea. After all, when he thought about Roland's plan, he knew that the kingdom's military strength was still lacking. These goblin knights could just be used as low-end combat power to complement the kingdom's soldiers. Thousands of pig knights rushed forward. But the human Banner Knights can always rush through those Dongyi chariots and infantry, right? After all, as one of the three cavalry, the combat effectiveness of the pig cavalry is still guaranteed.

"Thank you!" Ismir said, stroking his chest. It was like Renault had done a favor for himself in advance, and Ismir remembered this favor.

"Your Excellency Alistar?" Ismir and Ymir found the Goblin Chief who was gathering his people. This Goblin was obviously a head taller than the other wild Goblins, and with the gorgeous feather crest on his head, he was still very tall. Easy to find.

"Um? What's the matter, you two?" Alistar held a pig's ear in one hand and drove their domesticated tutu pigs. The tutu pigs were not annoyed and clustered together obediently where Alista led them.

"Well, I want to recruit some Goblin knights!" Ismir nodded and explained his purpose in a concise and concise manner.

"Huh?" Alistar was stunned and didn't respond.

"Isn't this bad? I just promised General Renault that our tribe will fight for the kingdom!" Alistar wondered. After all, it is not easy to find a meal ticket.

"General Renault agreed. He allowed me to recruit a group of Goblin knights to protect my territory!" Ismir shook his head and explained.

"This is your developed territory, no wonder it's so desolate." Alistar muttered, otherwise this developed territory would be too desolate and he wouldn't have led his people to herd the animals to the gates of other towns. But it's a good thing he came, otherwise he would have arrived Where are you looking for long-term meal tickets?

"Okay, how many people do you plan to recruit? Long-term employment or short-term employment? I'm not bragging! Our wild goblin mercenaries are definitely worth every penny!" Alistar said proudly.

In fact, as he said, the Wild Goblin Mercenaries are worth every penny! These goblins will really fight for their employers to the last drop! For them, if the gold coins are enough, the Nazgul will be destroyed! As long as you give enough money, you will definitely fight for your employer vigorously! In addition, wild goblins are more prolific and grow faster, making them the best high-level cannon fodder!

"How do you charge for the long term? How do you charge for the short term?" Ismir asked curiously. It seems that these goblins are very professional, and they work for long-term and short-term jobs!

"It's 10 gold coins per person in the long term. The contract ends when you are loyal to the point where you are no longer able to fight. If you die in battle, there will be no pension! In the short term, it will be calculated based on the battle. A battle will cost 1-5 gold coins based on the difficulty of the battle. If you die in battle, you will need 5 gold coins as a pension!" Ali Star took out an ancient parchment from his belt and read it.

"A child is innocent! This price has been the same for several epochs." Alistar added another sentence for fear that Ismir would be frightened by the price.

"Well, then hire 10 Goblin Knights!" Ismir took out the still warm money bag from his arms, which contained his only 100 gold coins as a reserve.

"Okay!" Alistar took out a few gold coins and bit them with his teeth.

"..." Ismir.

"..." Ymir.

"Get used to it, get used to it!" Alistar smiled and scratched his head. He also felt a little embarrassed just now.

"Just a moment, Your Excellencies, I will gather the soldiers!" Alistar hung the money bag on the saddle of his Tutu Pig and nodded to Ismir and the others.

"Come here!" Alistar stopped a group of Goblin Knights who were moving their belongings.

Upon hearing this, the team of knights immediately put down their work and came to Alistar's side. Obviously Alistar's prestige within the tribe is still very high!

"This...uh? What's your name?" Alistar pointed at Ismir and said to the knights. Halfway through, he remembered that he didn't know Ismir's name.

"Lord Ismir of Windhelm Town!" Ismir nodded and recognized his future subordinate.

"Yes, yes! Lord Ismir has hired you for a long time. You can stay for a while. You don't have to move with the tribe!" As he said, Alistar took out a handful of gold coins from his purse and gave them to each Goblin Knight. Five were issued.

"Go back and see your family and arrange everything!" Alistar said calmly.

"Yes!" This team of Goblin knights did not feel any sadness about life and death. They turned around and left calmly one by one. Obviously, for Goblin mercenaries like the Wild Goblin, it is normal to be away from home all year round, even in the future. It’s not surprising that I’ll never see my family again.

"Ah? What are they doing again?" Ymir looked at the Goblin knights who returned to the crowd, and found that those knights gave all the money to their families without saying anything, and began to take off their clothes and put away the pieces. They kept their weapons and accessories. When they gathered together again, Ismir and Ymir were shocked when they looked at the goblins riding pigs and running naked with bare hands... These goblins left behind only their leather underpants. Leave everything else to the tribe.

"Sorry, I just forgot to mention that long-term employment does not include equipment..." Alistar blushed a little. Fortunately, the skin of the wild goblin is light green, otherwise it would be difficult to hide it.

"Forget it..." Ismir waved his hands and said sadly. Although he didn't like the original equipment of these Goblin Knights, he couldn't have ten naked men!

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