The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 680: Suppression from the

Chapter 689: Suppression from “Brother’s Position”

"Forget it, come with me. I will find a way to equip you with all your equipment!" Ismir shook his head helplessly. These Goblin Knights will be his subordinates from now on, and they will naturally need equipment. He comes to provide.

"Let me look for any other treasures..." Ismir dove into the large tent that was used as a warehouse and rummaged around. King Roland had given him 100 steel guns and 10 steel swords. , plus 100 leather shields, 10 half-body steel shields and 10 mail armors! However, those steel swords, shields and mail armor were naturally equipped to those nature guardians. Now what is left are 80 spears and 80 leather shields.

After writhing for a while, Ismir shook his head in disappointment. He really didn't have any good equipment, so he could only use the weapons of ordinary militiamen and let the Goblin Knights make do with it.

"Here, come here and get your own equipment! Each person has a gun and a leather shield!" Ismir poked his head out of the tent and threw out equipment in a steady stream. The Goblin Knights' eyes suddenly lit up and they all He quickly stepped forward and took his weapons one by one.

"Let's make do with it for now. Territory conditions are limited. I'll change your outfits when I get the chance later!" Ismir shook his head and said helplessly. His Goblin Knight was actually a naked armored unit... Who would have known about it, family members! A knight without armor is like a knight walking at night in brocade!

"Thank you, sir!" The Goblin Knights didn't have so many twists and turns. They gestured excitedly after taking their weapons. The two-and-a-half-meter infantry-standard spears could just be used by the Goblin Knights as cavalry. When using the gun, the leather shield that originally could only cover half of the body became a large shield in the hands of the Goblin Knight. It is short and compact and saves materials!

For these wild goblins, how have they ever used such high-end gadgets? They all use twisted stone spears and wooden shields spliced ​​together by several thin wooden boards. As for the armor? Does the brave Goblin Knight need armor? (I’m too poor to pretend! What a funny dog!) So now these Goblin Knights are extremely satisfied! Praise for the equipment issued by their new master!

"Tomorrow let the women pull some cloth for them and make a few sets of clothes for each of them. We are civilized people! We don't want to run around!" Ismir frowned and said to Ymir. Just now, a Goblin knight came from Tutu. The pig turned down, and Ismir could clearly see through the short and pitiful apron... No! From now on, they will be his soldiers! It was his people who were taken out and thrown away!

However, what makes Ismir extremely fortunate is that the wild goblins are just a little poorer, but in essence they still have their own civilization, so these goblins clean themselves very clean and don't have any odor on their bodies.

"Your Highness, are you back?" Lance stood up to greet Roland with a concerned look on his face.

"Why do you miss me?" Roland said jokingly.

"You should leave this to the queen. By the way, General Renault has recruited a group of goblins. His Highness Nyx has not made up his mind, so in the end it is up to you to finalize the details." Lance glanced at Roland and said to him. Roland recounted the major events that happened after he left.

"What? Goblin? Am I crazy or is Reno crazy?" Roland was completely shocked. What could a Goblin do? Even being a cannon fodder is too much for blocking the road! Renault actually wants to recruit a group of people for this thing?

"Dear..." Roland quickly found Nyx and stretched out his hand to hug her.

"Pah!" A crisp slap sounded, and Roland was stunned. The intensity was just right to make him stunned without hurting his brain? What greeted him when he got home was not his wife's loving hug but her big mouth.

"Roland! How did you promise me!" It was hard to imagine that such a gentle person as Nicks would roar. Looking at the hoarse voice of Nicks, Roland felt an indescribable timidity.

" was really an accident!" Roland said, covering his face with some embarrassment. The anger that was originally slapped disappeared without a trace when he faced the pear-shaped Nyx.

"Accident? I accidentally carried Darion Nightblade and ran with you, right?" Nyx sneered.

"Darian! Get in!" Without even thinking, Nyx knew that Darien Nightblade was waiting outside the door. After all, his mission was to protect Roland's daily safety.

"What are your orders, Your Highness?" Darien Nightblade pushed open a crack in the door and whispered softly.

"Get in!" Nyx said angrily.

"Plop!" Darien Nightblade slid down and knelt down in front of the two of them very carefully.

"..." Roland, aren't you qualified as a Creed Assassin? Where is your glory?

"Get up! What's the point of kneeling all the time? There's gold under a man's knees!" Roland frowned. Kneeling on one knee is a courtesy, and kneeling on both knees is a treatment that can only be given to parents.

"This is the time to manifest..." Darien Nightblade muttered in a low voice.

"Ha! Are you two here to perform a play for me?" There was a dangerous light in Nyx's eyes.

"Tell me, Darien Nightblade, did Roland run away with you or did you run away with Roland?" Nyx glanced at Roland with a half-smile.

"Ahem!" Roland coughed twice in a low voice.

"Why are you not feeling well? Do you want to take medicine? Tell me!" Nyx greeted Roland in a soft voice and then turned back to Darien Nightblade and roared.

Roland and Darian Nightblade were almost frightened by this voice. Both of them were trembling. Darian Nightblade, who was kneeling on the ground, gave Roland a wishful look and decided to betray himself. The great, the majestic, the kind, the wise...the brave king.

"It's King Roland..." Darien Nightblade muttered in a low voice, wanting to bury his head in the carpet.

"What the hell!" Roland rolled his eyes and roared! Dead!

"Very well. Dear Lord Darion Nightblade, you can leave now. Please forgive me for my rudeness just now." Nyx helped Darien Nightblade with a gentle tone, sent him out, and then threw him tightly. He opened the door and locked it from the inside, then pounced directly on Roland, opening his little mouth and biting it...

"Bang!" The loud noise behind him frightened Darien Nightblade, who was still mourning Roland, half to death. He was so startled that he jumped up and hung upside down on the ceiling of the castle.

"Huh? Are you doing performance art?" Yun Feng raised his eyebrows and walked by.

"Is King Roland here?" Yun Feng raised his head and looked at Darien Nightblade and asked.

"Not only is King Roland here, Queen Nyx is also here..." Darien Nightblade said sadly. He had already foreseen Roland's miserable appearance next.

"Excuse me!" Yun Feng is such a smart person. Darien Nightblade just said these words and Yun Feng immediately understood the seriousness of the matter, so Yun Feng turned around and left without hesitation. .

"Ahhh! I was wrong!" Roland's scream could be heard faintly from the door. Darien Nightblade shuddered. He didn't have a habit of eavesdropping on the walls, so he immediately jumped from the ceiling. When he got down, he turned around and left.

"Watch this place, no one is allowed to go up until King Roland or Queen Nyx come out!" Darien Nightblade did not forget to say hello to the royal guards guarding the stairs.

However, the movement in the room was a bit ambiguous at this moment. Roland's screams had turned into the gasps of Nyx. It was obvious that Roland had conquered Nyx again...

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