The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 713: The Will of the Holy Evil

Chapter 722 The Will of the Holy Evil

The figure in the black robe gently picked up the gray-white dragon egg and then pulled Weiss's arm. He stretched out a pale bone finger and slowly scratched Weiss's wrist, and a trace of blood suddenly appeared.

"Evil dragon... Devil Knight, they are a good match! Hehehe!" A hoarse and ambiguous laugh came.

Soon, the blood on Weiss's wrist was drawn and engraved on the eggshell of the dragon egg to form a twisted and creepy pattern. The bloody pattern exuded a seductive light and then slowly penetrated into the eggshell.

"Um..." Weiss, who had fainted, struggled for a few times under the stimulation of wrist pain and then slowly opened his eyelids.

"Ah!" Weiss rolled and crawled back with his hands and feet. The dark thing in front of him really scared him half to death.

"Young knight, you seem to be afraid of me?" The figure in the black robe said in a hoarse and low voice.

"You... who are you!" Weiss drew the dagger from his waist and pointed at the "person" in front of him, trembling with a trembling voice, regardless of his bleeding wrist.

"Me? Who am I? No one has asked me this question for a long time..." The man under the black robe seemed to be in some kind of nostalgia and stood there quietly in thought.

Weiss naturally did not dare to move and could only hold the dagger in his hand and stalemate with him, leaving only the injured wrist dripping with blood.

"The dragon rider will not be able to win so quickly. It is not so easy to slay a dragon! Leave here, this is not a place you should set foot on!" The figure shrouded in a black robe said calmly, and then pushed the dragon egg in his hand with the battle spirit.

Weiss looked at the battle spirit full of decay and evil wrapped around the dragon egg and his eyelids were raised. In his heart, he had a guess about the person in front of him that he did not want to believe.

"Ringwraith..." Weiss said bitterly. Now he was numb. He had been listening to all kinds of rumors about the Ringwraiths and did not expect that one day he would face the real Ringwraiths.

"I am a member of the Nazgul, but everyone calls me a Ringwraith!" The man covered in a black robe slowly lifted his cloak, revealing a face wearing a hideous helmet, but the black mist on his face could only see the two soul fires jumping in his pupils...

"Gudong!" Weiss slowly swallowed his saliva. He felt that he saw the grandmother, and the grandmother waved to pick him up...

"Hehe!" As if satisfied with Weiss's performance, the Ringwraith put on his cloak again and covered himself in the shadow.

"What are you going to do!" Weiss said coldly. After confirming that it was a Ringwraith in front of him, he calmed down instead. Although he was afraid of death, he never forgot his identity! He is a human! He is loyal to humans! In addition, his only relative died at the hands of the Ringwraiths, so it can be said that he hates the Ringwraiths to the bone!

"You seem to hate me very much?" The Ringwraith retreated into the shadow under the shade of the tree and asked calmly in a hoarse voice.

"Hate? I want to kill you with my own hands! You dirty and evil things!" Weiss's voice was full of chills, and he raised his sword and stood up.

"Dirty and evil? Do you think... they are really upholding justice?" The voice of the Ringwraith was a little ethereal and illusory, but it carried a chill from the soul.

"It's useless for you, a little kid, to care about those things. Leave this burial ground of the dead. The living should not appear here!" The Ringwraith silently waved his hand to indicate that Weiss could leave.

"What did you do to me?" Weiss looked at the blood scab that had solidified on his wrist and looked at the Ringwraith solemnly. God knows whether the Ringwraith in front of him had cursed him or something else.

"What did you do to you? Hehehe! Your status is not worthy of me playing any conspiracy! I just helped you contract the dragon egg! It's just a piece of cake..." The Ringwraith smiled sinisterly and was amused by Weiss's caution. What is there for the Ringwraith to use conspiracy for a first-level trainee knight?

"Contract dragon egg?" Weiss looked at the dragon egg in his arms and his face condensed. He didn't understand why this Ringwraith was so kind. Not only did he not kill him, but he also contracted this dragon egg for him! You know, if this is true, he will be a dragon knight in the future!

"Of course! The most entrenched slave contract! The life and death of this dragon from now on depends on your thoughts! Hehehe!" The Ringwraith laughed wantonly, and the pale face of Vess was reflected in the sunlight through the shade of the trees.

"Don't look like your parents are dead. This dragon is hopeless, but there is still some friendship. It's just a piece of cake to help him preserve the few bloodlines of the evil dragon clan. As for why I chose you...tsk tsk tsk!" The Ringwraith looked at the battle spirit flame drawn by Vess with a meaningful look. The evil sense emitted by the purple-black battle spirit was not much inferior to that of the Ringwraith.

"You are more like the Ringwraith than me! At least your evil is pure enough! More like... um! That guy flying in the sky!" The Ringwraith pointed to the purple-black figure rolling on the clouds in the sky.

"..." Vess was in a state of confusion at the moment. Was he recognized by the Ringwraith? Was this considered a win-win situation?

"Okay, hurry up and leave before I change my mind. You are a human knight anyway, and we are destined to be enemies in the future!" The Ringwraith waved his hand to Weiss like shooing away a fly.

"Don't look at it, that dragon is hopeless, a dragon rider in his prime beats a half-crippled old antique... You can ask that dragon rider for the dragon crystal of that dragon later. The dragon egg in your arms needs the dragon crystal of its father, which can help it skip the long larval period. That's all I have to say." The Ringwraith stood in silence in the shadows, with only two balls of soul fire flickering slightly.

"What is your name, senior?" Weiss bowed as he looked at the Ringwraiths standing in the shadows. No matter how vicious the Ringwraiths were, they didn't seem to have much killing intent towards him. Instead, they helped him contract the dragon egg, so Weiss decided to give them some respect.

"Third Ring, Sernar... Go! Other Ringwraiths are coming!" Sernar's figure flashed, leaving only his voice floating in the air. When Weiss looked again, Sernar's figure had already disappeared from the shadows.


"Sernar! Where did you go just now? Why do you have the breath of the living?" The fifth ring, Lidillias, looked at Sernar who had returned to his side and asked curiously.

"Well, I just killed a few blind bugs! Let's continue watching the battle!" Sernar covered up the past imperceptibly and shifted Lidillias' attention to the sky.

"Lord Khamul is in Dol Guldur and can't come, otherwise we can try to keep this unscrupulous dragon rider!" Lidillias said viciously.

"Stay? You'll stay with your life? If he wants to leave, no one can stop him except the Nine Rings!" Sernar sneered. After all, the dragon knight's ability to escape has been tested for a long time. Except for the Nine Rings, which can successfully intercept him through space jump, other ring spirits really can't catch him. Especially when facing the dragon knight, it's even more embarrassing. The Nine Rings that can be caught may not be defeated, and the One Ring and the Two Rings that can be defeated may not be caught...

"So we just watch him slay the dragon? That dragon used to be our ally, right?" Lidillias said a little frustrated.

"By the way! Doesn't this male dragon have a cub? Where's the dragon egg? Save it!" Lidillias reminded, but he found Sernar looking at the depths of the forest in the distance.

"You ask me why? Because I used to be a knight..." Sernar, standing in the shadow, murmured as he looked at the direction where Weiss left.

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