The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 737: Return of the Hero

Chapter 746 Return of the Hero

"...What's going on?" Where has Uvasa seen such a tragedy? The Ringwraiths are covered in Holy Flames? Are they going to self-immolate? They just set themselves on fire!

"..." Lidillias was also silent. He thought that Sernar would turn against everyone and give them a hard time, but he didn't expect to give them a big shit. The performance was very good, don't perform it next time!

"He's crazy..." Khamul also whispered. As the adjutant of Angmar, he knew what the Holy Flames meant to the Ringwraiths! This is no less than eating rat poison! Didn't you see that the fifth-level Renault dared to jump up and down in front of the Ringwraiths with his status as a paladin? The Ringwraiths couldn't do anything?

"Crack!" The ring in Sernar's hand was still defeated under the baptism of the Holy Flames and the cutting of the Holy Sword. As the Holy Flames poured into the gap, a large amount of black air was ignited and purified, and the entire ring began to tremble.

"Bang!" A light sound made everyone look at Sernar's hand. Under the gaze of the three Ringwraiths, the ring in Sernar's hand broke into several pieces and then drifted away with the wind.

"..." The Ringwraiths looked at each other and saw the horrified expressions in each other's soul fire. The ring was broken?

"Heretics... accept the trial!"

What caught the eyes of the Ringwraiths was the gradually enlarged holy sword. The white and golden sword light wiped away the war clouds belonging to the Ringwraiths like an eraser, and cut out a bright and clear sky!

"Dang!" In a hurry, the three Ringwraiths could only raise their weapons to resist and try not to be taken away by Sernar's sword.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" With three explosions, three human-shaped pits appeared on the ground.

"You can't stop the will of the knight! You can't annihilate my humanity!" Sernar walked slowly down from the void, looking at the three Ringwraiths and said coldly.

"When... How could it be... This is impossible!" Khamul's soul fire trembled. He actually restored the human will? Nazgul got rid of the control of the ring? This is simply a fairy tale! How could a mere human being do that?

"I come in the holy light! Bringing the judgment of light! Heretics who blaspheme the soul... accept the judgment from the holy light! In the name of Lord Arnor! Judge you on behalf of the kingdom!" Sernar's voice was emotionless.

"Get out of the way!" Uvasa grabbed Khamul and hid in the void while kicking Lidillias hundreds of meters away.

"Holy Sword! Judgment!" A holy sword hundreds of meters long fell from the sky, hanging upside down. The holy sword with holy light made the Ringwraiths want to die! As the ultimate skill of the Paladin, the Holy Sword Judgment is considered to be ranked among the forbidden spells in terms of power, but the Holy Sword Judgment is one of the few skills that has the power of forbidden spells but is not among the forbidden spells! The reason is very simple. In addition to the Holy Sword Judgment being able to be used multiple times in a short period of time, it also does not have the environmental residual damage that other forbidden spells have. This powerful skill without sequelae is naturally not included in the list of forbidden spells.

"Ah!" A shrill scream sounded, and Uvasa fell out of the void with Khamul. Half of their bodies were burning with holy flames. Uvasa was just covered in dust, but Khamul, who had been severely injured by Raynor, was miserable. The holy flame that had been suppressed with great difficulty burned again in his body. The hot and holy holy flame "cleansed" his soul. At this moment, Khamul could be said to be in ecstasy. The holy flame burning inside and outside almost burned out the child's CPU. He never expected that the Holy Sword Judgment not only had the effect of space destruction, but also had the ability to ignite other holy flames.

"Leave here, child, it's not safe here! They have no time to take care of you now!" When Sernar and the other three Ringwraiths were fighting fiercely, Sernar's voice rang in Weiss's ears.

"Senior, then you..." Weiss looked at Sernar in surprise.

"Don't worry about me, I've died once! There is nothing in this world that can scare me anymore!" Sernar said calmly. Whether it was the Ringwraith or the Heroic Spirit, they were all in the state of souls after death. In essence, he should not stay here.

"The world of the living, the dead should not exist!" With a wave of Sennar's hand, a space vortex appeared behind Weiss and sucked Weiss in. Sennar could still exile Weiss in a short distance. As for how he could get out? His dragon would protect him!

"Let's settle the accounts now! You bastards who blasphemed the soul!" Sennar waved his left hand, and a smooth and white holy shield appeared in his hand. Then he didn't say much, and directly swung the big sword to chop.

Now, Khamul and the others have finally experienced what it means to be bullied by shrimps when a dragon swims in the shallows, and to be bullied by dogs when a tiger falls to the plain! After being injured by Renault with his life, Lidilias and Khamul were not in good condition. A fifth-level "tender candy" had already disgusted the two of them to death, not to mention Sennar's transformation into a sixth-level "tender candy".

If the Ringwraith who relies on the power of the war cloud to restore himself can become a "perpetual motion machine on the battlefield", then Sennar himself is a perpetual motion machine at this moment! The power brought by purifying a magic ring is enough for him to squander.

"This bastard! A disgusting creature of light!" Lidillias roared and swung his battle axe to chop it up, and then flew back at a speed a little faster than before.

"Don't be stabbed by the holy sword!" Khamul roared sharply. The holy sword of the holy hero could do the most damage to the Ringwraiths. The pain of burning the soul made Khamul, the lieutenant of the Witch King of Angmar, feel lingering fear.

What the Ringwraiths don't know is that Sernar's attacks have a miraculous effect on the Ringwraiths because of special circumstances. Sernar in the soul state is a life made up of energy. So, with the same divine power, Sernar in the soul state can use it better and more efficiently than a living divine hero! And because Sernar specialized in the power of the soul after becoming a Nazgul, his attacks now are all aimed directly at the soul! It can be said that every strike is a real injury!

After being killed by Sernar and ignited, Khamul became honest and mobilised the power of death to play water grinding kung fu with Sernar in a conventional way. He mainly played a game of "he advances and I retreat", and refused to fight Sernar in close combat. After all, it was not easy to suppress the holy flame in the body. If Sernar ignites it again...

"You lunatic! Stop! Stop attacking! We just want to leave!" Uvasa gritted his teeth and said hatefully. Their own people stabbed them in the back, and now they have to humiliate this traitor to let them go! After all, if it drags on... maybe other reinforcements from the human kingdom will arrive. Uvasa has no interest in imitating the Witch King of Angmar and eating a divine word, and he doesn't want to get entangled with those sticky heroes. He knows how much the master of that kingdom wants to skin him alive!

Fourth update, please give me monthly tickets!

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