The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 738: Die as a human being!

Chapter 747 Die as a human!

"Haha! Kill my people! Destroy my kingdom! Desecrate my soul! Want to leave now? Too late!" Senar's voice was gloomy and cold. Looking at a sunny and cheerful person, his words at this moment were like a traveler returning from the abyss.

"I have seen hell! I came from the abyss!" Senar showed a hideous smile and waved the holy sword again.


"Ahem! Weiss!" Kaslo groaned with his eyes closed.

"Pa!" A crisp slap sounded.

"Still barking like a dog! You almost died, do you know? Do you want my sister to be a widow for you? Bastard!" Dos Anthony slapped Kaslo in the face and woke him up.

"Ahem! Dos? Where's Weiss?" Kaslo grabbed Dos Anthony's hand.

"Go find your father!" Dos Anthony shook off Kaslo's hand and left angrily.

"Hehehe!" At this time, a silly laugh came from the side. Kaslo looked in the direction of the sound and found that it was Renault, the bitch, who was laughing happily.

"Hey! Hold your chin, saliva is coming out!" Kaslo rubbed his swollen face, thinking that this bitch had a strong hand.

"Where is my disciple?" Kaslo's heart sank. He had made the worst plan. This time he really miscalculated. He was pecked in the eye by a goose today after hunting geese all day. As he said, prejudice and arrogance harmed mankind.

"He's not dead. At least he was alive before we left. Now I'm not sure!" Renault shook his head.

"?" Kaslo was stunned. Is there a plot that he doesn't know? The kind of paid VIP?

"Well, anyway, it's quite magical! Let me tell you! The Ringwraiths turned against us! The three rings Sernar was almost caught and killed by Uvasa!" Renault said mysteriously.

"What? Why didn't you say that Roland had planted a secret stake into Mordor!" Kaslo sneered.

"Fuck! You're so smart! How did you know that!" Renault gave a thumbs up.

"What happened after I fainted?" Kaslo was confused. He was confused by the Ringwraiths' betrayal and Sernar's defection.


"Ding Dong! The course of history has changed dramatically! The third Ringwraith Sernar has defected! He is now affiliated with the Raglan Kingdom Alliance!" Roland of the Rapid City was lost in thought as he looked at the message panel that suddenly popped up on the system. So... what did you do? Roland stood up and walked to the window, looking south and lost in thought.

"Send a message to General Ajax! Ask her to rush to Lulong Fortress to support General Kaslo and his men!" Roland thought for a moment and waved to the guards beside him.


"Sernar! You lunatic! Are you going to die!" Uvasa, who was furious after being beaten by Sernar, cursed. Isn't it just blocking the space? As for hitting him when he catches him? Is he still playing the art of war? Attack the enemy and rescue him? Knowing that he couldn't just watch Khamul being pierced like a sieve, he kept using Khamul to fish?

"I'm already dead!" Sernar sneered and continued to chase Uvasa and hack.

"Disgusting bastard! How dare you ignore me?" Lidilias was very hurt. Sernar didn't even look at him! He was a Ringwraith after all! Why did he hide from the attacks of Uvasa and Khamul, and just resisted his battle axe? Did he really think he couldn't beat you? Well... I really can't beat you.

"Get lost!" Lidilias rolled on the ground with a holy sword. Sernar didn't even look at him. He was just a trash sandbag. He could flatten and round him anytime he wanted. What was there to pay attention to? Uvasa, this loach, would suffer a great loss if he didn't care.

"This is too much!" Uvasa, who failed to jump in space again due to the space blockade, turned red instantly. The soul fire in his eyes was jumping wildly, and the huge war cloud was twisted into a tornado, rolling into his body.

"I will kill you!" The magic ring in Uvasa's hand flashed with a strange light.

"..." Senar shook his head slightly. This guy's life is like this. He is doomed to fail if he can't keep his temper. The weak don't even have a chance to fight.

"Bastard! You actually ignored me! I will tear you apart!" Seeing that Uvasa was going to fight, Lidillias also urged his magic ring without reservation. The scarlet fighting spirit wrapped around him, which looked weird and terrifying. He raised his battle axe and roared.

"..." Khamul glanced at Uvasa, and the soul fire flashed for a moment, and then he also triggered the power of the magic ring.

The three terrible pressures directly caused the creatures in the forest to flee. The terrifying breath of the superior made them flee, including the figures of earth dragons and other sub-dragons.

"Sacrifice!" Sernar smiled carefreely. Facing three Ringwraiths who wanted to go all out, Sernar chose to help them. After all, if they didn't take action, they would have no chance!

"..." The Ringwraiths' movements stagnated. They were fighting desperately, but this guy was risking his life! Just casually clicked the sacrifice? Don't the Ringwraiths understand that the knights are so fierce now? The skill of dying together made them feel like using regular skills.

After Sernar launched the sacrifice, his whole body began to burn, and even his body began to become illusory. The burning soul power directly lit up the sky, and a pressure more terrifying than the Ringwraiths swept across the dark forest.


"Sacrifice? Such a terrifying pressure? Who is it?" Renault and others in the Lulong Fortress on the other side first sensed this breath. The majestic and tragic pressure was undoubtedly a sacrifice!

"What happened?" Peter Gro slowly opened his eyes in his deep sleep. The star barrier was his eyes. When the barrier sensed the breath, Peter Gro was also awakened.

"Whose demigod fell?" Star Dragon Geis asked in confusion.

"I'll ask the rangers to investigate!" Peter Gro shook his head.


"You have no chance of winning!" Lidilias roared and swung his battle axe to attack first, but was picked up by Sernar with a sword.

"Ah!" A shrill scream sounded, and Lidilias, who was burning with holy flames, wailed in pain.

"If you don't fight hard... you will die!" Sernar raised his head without a trace of warmth in his eyes.

"Kill!" Uvasa and Khamul looked at each other and roared at Sernar.

"Huh!" The raging holy flame rolled and wrapped Sernar, and he was ready to wait for the Ringwraiths.

"Huh!" The void suddenly shattered, and a space door instantly opened behind the still wailing Lidilias. Uvasa flashed in front of Lidilias and kicked him in while he was still suppressing the Holy Flame, then grabbed Khamul and went inside.

"Looking for death!" Senar's calm voice instantly rose eight degrees, and the terrifying soul power turned into a long sword and cut into the void. He never expected that the Ringwraiths had been pretending for a long time to find Lidilias, an honest man. Uvasa and Khamul had already thought about how to escape.

"Ah~" A shrill scream came from the void. Senar frowned and looked at a left arm falling from the void. He didn't know whether it was Uvasa's or Khamul's.

"Tsk!" Senar frowned. He was not good at space tracking, and now he had to trouble to locate where these three had gone.

"Is it worth it?" A gentle voice sounded.

"You? It's you!" The azure soul fire in Senar's eyes jumped.

"Is it worth it?" The person who spoke stood in the sun, with his back to the sun so that no one could see his face clearly.

"It's not worth it. The moment the ring collapsed, I was destined to be a lonely ghost. At least now... I can die as a human!" Senar smiled heartily, without any regrets.

"Alas..." The man sighed and turned his head to step into the void. The space shook like water waves and then fell into calm.

"I don't have much time! The future belongs to you! Fortunately, fortunately, I can die as a hero! Not a puppet of the ring!" Senar stretched out his hand, looked at the soul that had begun to dim, inserted the holy sword back into his back, and then disappeared from the spot in a flash.


"Huff, huh, huh!" Weiss panted and recalled the scene just now with lingering fear.

"Hey! Boy!" Senar's voice sounded behind him.

Five more! Ten thousand a day! Let's go with the monthly ticket reward, my family!

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