The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 739: Use my holy sword! Achieve your dream!

Chapter 748 Use my holy sword! Achieve your dream!

"Ah!" Weiss was almost scared to death by Senar who appeared behind him. After all, in the Dark Forest, anyone who suddenly appeared behind him would be scared to death.

"You..." Weiss was speechless.

"It's easy to find you! Have you forgotten the mark I left on you?" Senar, who was a little illusory, pointed at Weiss's wrist.

"Okay, to make a long story short, I don't have much time!" Senar frowned, the soul fire in his eyes flashed a few times, and the flames on his body became more and more vigorous.

"You are..." Weiss realized that the flames on Senar's body were soul fires, which was obviously the appearance of sacrificing skills.

"It doesn't matter. I should not live in this land when I should be buried in the dust of history!" Senar shook his head with some sighs.

"I have done too many wrong things in my life..."

"The ring has bewitched my mind and made me degenerate!"

"I have missed too much and done too many wrong things!" Senar said sadly.

"It's okay. You already know you were wrong and have repented. No one can impose the responsibility on you." Weiss looked at Sernar and said. No one can impose the responsibility of the fall of the ring on them. After all, they are also victims. The real culprit is Sauron, not these Ringwraiths who are like tools.

"It's too late! My hands are stained with the blood of innocent people... The holy sword guards the unarmed people, but I pointed it at civilians... I am guilty, I have always been a sinner!" Sernar shook his head with a wry smile.

"If I had died on the battlefield... maybe it would have been the best ending!" Sernar showed a look of nostalgia.

"What can I do for you, senior?" Weiss was silent. He knew the ending of the sacrifice. The only thing he could do was to help this soul who was destined to die fulfill his wish.

"No, it's not what you can do for me, but what I can do for you, child!" Sernar walked in front of Weiss, knelt on one knee, looked up at Weiss and smiled.

"You are the most talented Dunedain I have ever seen since I woke up! I see infinite possibilities in you, so I decided to protect you, hoping that you will become the seed that dispels the darkness. Unfortunately, you have also seen what I look like now. I am afraid that I can no longer protect you..." Sernar calmly looked at the somewhat helpless Weiss.

"I..." Weiss wanted to wave his hand to tell Sernar that he was not that kind of material. After all, this hope was too heavy and it made him unable to breathe.

"Don't worry, the flesh will die one day, but the spirit can be passed on forever!" Sernar encouraged.

"Now you already have a ticket to the top of this world, all you need is accumulation! When you have the power to protect yourself, the Ringwraiths will no longer be your nightmare!" Sernar stood up, his voice as warm as water.

"You..." Weiss's eyes were a little wet, and he choked up and looked at the tall Sernar in front of him. At this moment, Sernar was no longer the terrifying and gloomy image of the Ringwraiths. The silver armor wrapped in holy light and the burning soul fire made Sernar look extremely sacred.

"Summon your dragon!" Sernar smiled.


"Your Majesty! The Third Nazgulthenar betrayed you!" Uvasa, holding his broken left arm, knelt down in front of Sauron in pain.

"Asshole! You rubbish!" Sauron kicked Uvasa away and roared. Sauron, who had accumulated strength in the dark age, could no longer condense a perfect body like before. Now he was wearing black armor and a hideous iron thorn magic helmet, and a scarlet light appeared from the gap of the helmet.

"Where are Khamul and Lidilias?" Sauron calmed down his betrayal and asked slowly. As a ringwraith group acting with Sernar, Sauron now doubted their loyalty.

"They were seriously injured by the human paladin! Then they were backstabbed by Sernar. Now they retreated to Dol Guldur Fortress to recuperate..." Uvasa said awkwardly, almost telling Sauron that the two ringwraiths were now behaving with their tails, for fear that the Northern Alliance would notice them and come to show off to them!

"A bunch of rubbish! Tell them that if they can't fight...then get out of here!" Sauron couldn't give up his subordinates after all. Although Sernar betrayed, the others were still loyal.

"Don't provoke the northern humans anymore, they..." Sauron paused. Those northern humans were really as hard and stinky as stones in the toilet! He didn't bother with them because he was still accumulating strength.

Because Sauron would not rebuild Barad-dur (the Black Tower) until 2951 of the Third Age, the crystal of truth in Sauron's hand could not take care of the entire Middle-earth. He still had only a vague understanding of the northern humans, so in order to be safe, Sauron took the initiative to give up the idea of ​​looking for trouble with the northern humans during this period. After all, Gondor in the south was easy to bully and rich, and people would pick the soft ones to pick on. It didn't make sense for Sauron to bite the hard bones.

"As you wish! Your Majesty!" Uvasa said respectfully.

"Take good care of yourself! The damage to your soul is no less than others. If that attack hits your chest directly, it will be enough to tear your soul apart!" Based on the principle of using a big stick to sweeten a date, Soran comforted Uvasa again and told him the danger of that attack. Senar's hateful attack directly damaged Uvasa's soul, and his left arm will not grow back for some time!


"Is all this really worth it?" The figure that had appeared in front of Sernar appeared again on the treetop in the distance. He seemed to be weightless and stepped on the treetops, looking at Sernar in the distance and fell into deep thought and emotion.

"You tried your best to fight against the darkness, and broke free from the shackles of the ring with willpower... You are a real hero!" The visitor looked at Sernar and whispered, and at the same time slowly bowed to Sernar's increasingly faint body, and then his figure slowly dissipated in the air.

"Senior, do you have any other wishes?" Weiss choked as he looked at the gradually dimming Sernar. He knew that if Sernar wanted to leave at that time, no one could stop him, but in order to protect himself, Sernar was willing to burn himself to kill a way out for him...

"Don't cry! You are a descendant of the Dunedain! You shoulder the hope of the northern people! Arnor is destroyed! But the northern people cannot sink! For you, I have no regrets in death!" Sernar gently wiped away Weiss's tears and said calmly.

"Go on with my will, child! The darkness will eventually dissipate, and light will shine upon the world again!" Senar held up the holy sword in front of him, and the holy sword reflected the determination on his face.

"Use my holy sword! Achieve your dream!" Senar whispered majestically.

The greatness of the Paladin needs no further explanation, and he shines upon the world in the name of holiness!

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