The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 124 Entering the City

Pei Ye told the person who recorded what happened last night in detail. When the old man asked Cheng Jianghong's whereabouts with a smile, he paused. The smile of a white-faced yellow wolf came to his mind, and a chill spread around his body. More intense.

"He is such an old man." Pei Ye pursed his lips and said, "When people from the county come, please explain carefully that I will report the case again when I arrive in the city."

The catcher nodded: "It's your duty."

Pei Ye returned to Cheng Jianghong's body again, and the man's voice and appearance were still fresh from last night.

He and Cheng Jianghong had only been together for two hours, and they hadn't established a deep relationship yet, but the joy of meeting over wine and talking last night was real. Pei Ye sighed softly and cupped his fists at the corpse.

Turning around, I saw Zhang Junxue still standing in front of the corpse, her mouth tightly pursed.

Pei Ye then remembered that the two of them might have known each other for a longer time, and said softly: "Have you known Brother Cheng before?"

Zhang Junxue raised her head, as if coming back from some kind of memory: "No. Me too, just last night."

"Oh." Pei Ye nodded, "Brother Cheng doesn't know if he has any family members."

Zhang Junxue was silent.

"He said he was going to Zhoucheng to meet friends." Pei Ye said, "It's a pity that he didn't ask clearly last night, otherwise he could inform him on his behalf."

The two stood in silence for a while, and finally Pei Ye sighed softly: "Let's go."


The two walked out of the forest and when they got on their horses, Zhang Junxue suddenly muttered: "He was at least in the top four."


All the way over the mountains to the south.

Zhang Junxue seldom talks, and Pei Ye is not the type who can't stop talking. After this incident, the atmosphere became even more silent. The two of them ran in tandem for about twenty or thirty miles in silence.

Until the sound of "Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!" broke the silence.

Zhang Junxue turned her head and looked at the horse under Pei Ye's crotch. Although she did not show surprise or smile, she looked at it quietly for about seven or eight breaths.

Even the yellow and white horse she was riding turned its head to look at the similar horse next to it.

Pei Ye's face felt a little hot and he suggested, "How about we take a break?"

He looked at Zhang Junxue's horse, which was in good condition at this time. The yellow and white horses were obviously slower in the previous section, and Pei Ye had been controlling the speed of the bay-red horse. But now, more than thirty miles later, the bay-red horse was already tired, and it seemed as if the horse had just run out.

Zhang Junxue reined in her horse and said, "Okay."

The two of them found a place to rest under the shade of a tree. Zhang Junxue took the initiative to give Pei Ye a pear this time.

Pei Ye thanked him, took a bite and asked, "Does this Longmen class take care of our food and accommodation?"

"You have to pay."

"How much do you pay?"

"Two taels."

".Really expensive."


After gnawing the pear and seeing that the horse was still panting, Pei Ye took off the sword case again and reached out to push it in, then opened the "Cicada Sword" and continued to study. After going out, he had deliberately concealed Zhan Xin Liuli, but in front of this woman, he did not reveal it, and I believe she would not take the initiative to ask.

Sure enough, Zhang Junxue only glanced at him, then took out a martial arts book and put it on his lap to read through.

After resting like this for two or three quarters of an hour, the two got back on their horses. This time they climbed over the mountain in one go and finally arrived on the plain.

After running for nearly an hour, when the sky turned orange, a gray and blurry section suddenly protruded from the horizon. Pei Ye frowned and squinted for a long time, and then he recognized it as the distance got closer - it was a high city.

"Oh." Pei Ye opened his mouth slightly.

Fenghuai can be regarded as a city, but the city wall is low, less than three feet, and has long been old. Many places are decayed and covered with green. In order to prevent beasts from entering, some wooden fences were used to repair the gaps.

In front of him was a healthy city, which was taller and stronger. As the distance got closer, Pei Ye looked around for a while and guessed that the city should be as big as two and a half Fenghuai.

"Is this Zhoucheng?" Pei Ye felt that he had arrived a little too quickly. According to his feeling, there should be quite a long way to go.

"It's Shen County."


It was a bit late to set off today, and we lingered at the entrance of the town for a while. Now seeing the sky getting dark, Pei Ye asked, "Should we stay here?"

"Look at your horse."

Pei Ye looked down and saw that it was indeed exhausted and panting again, but it hadn't been a long run today and it could still continue running after a short rest.

As soon as the two of them figured out that they had rested long enough last night and were not tired today, they just went into the city to eat something. Pei Ye went to the county government office to confirm that the report had been received. Then he rested for more than half an hour and left the city before the city gate closed.

After driving for a while at night, when the sky was full of stars and moon, the two of them arrived at a town and stayed here.

Setting off on the morning of the next day, three or four hours later, the real state city finally appeared in Pei Ye's sight.

The great city rises above the plain. Standing majestically and lying majestically, it is the most magnificent creation of mankind. Although Pei Ye was relieved to see it from a distance, only when he got closer to the city could he feel its overwhelming oppression more clearly.

And when you pass through the long gate tower and leave the thick and high city wall behind, this oppression also changes its appearance because it is moved behind you.

It was a subtle feeling that Pei Ye, who grew up in the deep mountains, had never experienced before, as if the vague "thorns" that had been around her since childhood were blocked. They had been with him for so long that he was almost used to them.

Instead, there is a sense of relaxation and pragmatism, a bit like closing the door of your own house in the cold rain in the city, lighting an oil lamp in a dark hut and sitting cross-legged with an old man to chat.

It was an enveloping sense of security.

But now this sense of security is larger and more intangible—it comes from the envelopment of the entire human civilization.

Pei Ye looked back at the towering city wall for a while, and after getting used to it, he apologized to Zhang Junxue, who was waiting quietly, and the two of them walked forward along the street, which was several times wider than Fenghuai.

Instead of rushing to the martial arts school, they inquired about the location of the Yamen and planned to report the case first.

When he arrived at the gate of the state government office, leaving Zhang Junxue to look after his luggage, Pei Ye walked straight inside.

The guard leaning in front of the door suddenly realized that the young man had already walked several steps through the door.



The two guards looked at Pei Ye in bewilderment, doubting their own eyes - was this breaking into the Yamen with weapons?

"What for?!"

Pei Ye was also startled, and then he realized that the county government outside was not so free to come and go. He raised his hands and stepped back: "Report the case, two brothers, I want to report the case."

"What case are you reporting?"

"Take off the sword first!"

"In Shen County, Anxin Town, a fourth-generation martial arts candidate was killed." Pei Ye took off the two swords on his back and said.

"You are the policeman of Anxin Town?"

"No, I am also participating in the martial arts competition." Pei Ye said, "I think this case is not small and may require the state government to send manpower."

"If the state government has no manpower, you don't need to direct it. The county council will judge." The man on the left sneered.

"This should be under the control of Zhao Shenjun. He happens to be in the Yamen." The one on the right frowned, "I will take you to report it - what you say must be true."

Pei Ye showed his martial arts competition documents, pointed to his name and said: "Pei Ye, the real person is here, and there is no deception."


After several turns, we arrived at a public house. The guard stood in front of the door, straightened his clothes, pursed his lips, and then leaned forward and knocked gently on the door.

"Zhao Canjun, someone reported the case."


The guard gently opened the door and went in, followed by Pei Ye. As soon as he entered the door, he felt the calm and oppressive air in the room. He saw a man sitting behind the table and looking through the case files.

"What case?" The man turned over a page.

"Reporting to the army, there is a murder case of a four-life warrior in Anxin Town, Shen County. The person who reported the case has been brought here." The guard bowed his head and handed over his hand.

The man raised his head, revealing a majestic and indifferent face. This face was about thirty to forty years old and had no beard.

"Anxin Town?"

"Yes." Pei Ye stepped forward and cupped his hands, "I'm--"

"I have received this case." The man interrupted, "I was notified by someone from Shen County in the morning. You can go back."

After saying that, he lowered his head and continued to look through the case file.

"Oh." Pei Ye was stunned for a moment, "Are the details of the case detailed? I can describe the old man's behavior again."

The man raised his head again and looked at Pei Ye with his eyes: "Is that you the informed boy mentioned in the case?"


".Describe it again."

Pei Ye once again told in detail what he had experienced that night, and finally hesitated and said: "I hope you will pay attention to the fact that the deceased may have died of mental damage."

Zhao Canjun raised his head suddenly, narrowed his eyes and said, "How did you find out?"

"I come from Fenghuai." Pei Ye said, "The way I looked at him looked like he was mentally traumatized."

Fenghuai's incident was kept secret from the outside world, but the state government officials who personally participated in the support must have heard about this disaster.

Zhao Canjun nodded and said, "You can go back. We will try our best to catch the murderer. You don't have to worry about the rest."

Pei Ye cupped his hands and said, "Okay, I'll take my leave."

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