After leaving the yamen, he carried his two swords and took the horse rein from Zhang Junxue.

"Are you ready?" Zhang Junxue asked proactively.


Pei Ye nodded, and the two of them continued walking forward.

This time I went to Changdao Martial Arts School.

After walking along the street for a long time, there were many shops with names he had never heard of, as well as various buildings that dazzled Pei Ye. Until the consecutive houses on the street were suddenly interrupted, and the view ahead suddenly widened, and it turned out that he had arrived at a huge square.

This time Zhang Junxue's pace slowed down, and her eyes were fixed on a certain place in the square. It was not until she passed through the entire square that she whispered: "This is where Wubi is."


After walking for a while, I turned into a branch road. When I reached the end, I turned around and looked up. The four characters "Changdao Martial Arts School" were hung above my head.

Under the plaque, the majestic gate was painted as new and wide enough for carriages and horses. The two stone lions were larger than those at the gate of Fenghuai County Yamen. Pei Ye clicked his tongue twice. He recognized this scene. The "martial arts hall" in "Martial Arts School" is almost two different things.

Zhang Junxue went up to pull up the animal ring and buckled it. After a while, a man pretending to be a man opened the door from the inside.

Zhang Junxue explained the reason and handed over a voucher.

The man took it, looked at it, said "Oh" and said, "Xu Gu and Zhang Junxue, right? I came three days late. It's okay. I'll leave a place for you."

Then Pei Ye took a step forward and handed over the recommendation note given to him by Chang Zhiyuan.

The man also took it and looked at it, but frowned slightly: "Bai Sibing's recommendation. There is no problem, just follow it. It's just that you are considered extra. We have no room in the house, so you have to be nearby by yourself." Looking for a place to stay.”

"Okay, is there still training today?"

"Don't be busy today. I'll find a place to stay first. Just come back and train together tomorrow morning." The handsome man said, telling Pei Ye his morning and evening time.

"Young brother, are you from Fenghuai?" The man looked at the letter of recommendation and said, "I'm tired from the journey. You can take a rest today and walk around. There are still many interesting places in the city. You also need to work and rest when practicing martial arts. Combined, just come in the best condition tomorrow morning - where are the inns? Walk along the street, there are many."

So Pei Ye said goodbye to Zhang Junxue first, led his horse and left the martial arts hall, and went to the street to look for him.

At this time, the sun's brightest time has passed, and the sky is about to become dusk. Pei Ye leads his horse and packs a bag and walks on a strange street. Looking at the strange people coming and going in front of him, he is really confused.

But soon he chose a direction and walked along the street.

The man was right. Even if he just wandered along the street like this, there were many new and interesting places for Pei Ye to see.

Wider streets, more regular roof tiles, long queues of carriages and horses, people in various costumes passing by, and food hawkers that I have never seen before. Pei Ye bought two pancakes sprinkled with sesame seeds for three pennies and tasted them. It tasted really hot and fragrant.

As I walked further, the right side of the street suddenly no longer contained neighboring houses, but turned into a continuous courtyard wall. Along the wall, there was a door eight or nine feet away, and some young people in Confucian uniforms opened. Men and women were talking and laughing as they went in and out.

When Pei Ye approached, he looked up and saw a plaque hanging on the door. He didn't recognize the first word, but the last three were "Fang Academy".

A place where people are taught to read.

He looked at these scholars with black crowns and white shirts, and some of them cast curious glances at him, who was dressed in rough clothes.

There was a scholar standing at the door with a small table and a wooden frame. There was a piece of paper covered with writing on the frame. Pei Ye recognized it and found that the first five characters were "Yinfeng Pavilion Poetry Club".

"Farewell to summer and welcome to autumn, let's practice swordsmanship and ink. The Golden Autumn Martial Arts Competition is coming soon, and we have occupied the Wind Yin Pavilion. Which classmate is interested and can come and compare poems together tomorrow evening."

Pei Ye then saw someone stop in front of the scholar, bowed their hands to each other, and then asked: "Classmate Fang, is this poetry meeting themed as a martial arts competition?"

"Yes, it's always something like Lotus Moon, Wind in the Willows, etc., which can't help but be annoying. It just so happens that the martial arts competition is about to begin. The purpose of our poetry meeting is to strengthen the purity of gold and iron."

"Hmm!" The visitor gave a light slap with interest, "Comrade Fang, there is something I don't understand. The martial arts competition has not started yet, and the warriors have not arrived yet. How can we draw materials?"

The scholar smiled and said: "There are always warriors who arrive. We have already obtained the list of candidates for this martial arts competition. We will take this list to the inn and other places to invite the warriors to leave their names. After that, each person will choose one person and write a poem about the name. It is a competition, and the person with the highest votes will be recommended by us to participate in the Luzhou Poetry Association. When the competition is held, we will watch the poems by name together to see whose "person in the poem" ranks higher. , it’s another comparison.”

"Well, this is an interesting way to play." The man's eyes lit up, and he turned around to call his friends to come and have a look.

The young Confucian scholars came and went, joking and chatting with each other. Pei Ye unconsciously stared at them for a while, and finally curled up his lips. When he was about to leave, he heard the scholar call out: "Young hero, this young scholar Xia!"

Pei Ye looked back in surprise.

I saw the scholar taking a left step out of the stand, holding his hands and bowing in salute. He straightened up and looked at Pei Ye, who was holding the horse's bag, and asked, "May I ask, are you here to participate in the Golden Autumn Martial Arts Competition?"

Pei Ye cupped his hands and said, "Yes."

The scholar's eyes widened immediately: "What a coincidence! Dare I ask the young hero's name?"

"My name is Pei Ye."

"Pei Ye." The scholar thought for a moment, but seemed to have no impression of the name, so he took out a piece of paper with names written on it from his arms and looked for it with his fingers.

My eyes traveled all the way to the bottom, and the four words "Feng Huai Pei Ye" appeared.

Fenghuai Shizi's face paused for a moment, but he quickly waved his hand and smiled: "No problem! Young hero, are you willing to leave your name on our poetry meeting paper? Then we will write poems for young hero if you really don't have any. When people compose poems and compete in martial arts, we will also cheer for the young heroes."

After speaking, he spread out a piece of paper on the table, dipped his pen in ink and handed it to Pei Ye.

Pei Ye walked over and hesitated: "Do you want to write it yourself?"

"Of course! The young hero left his handwriting for us, and after we finished the poem, we gave it back to the young hero. This is the friendship between Tao Li and Qiong Yao. If we randomly choose people to compose poems, it would seem too pretentious - oh, young hero No?" The scholar slapped his head with some annoyance, "I'm sorry, then, I will name the young hero, and the young hero can also leave his fingerprints."

"It's okay, I can." Pei Ye picked up the pen. His name was the two words he wrote best, and he wrote it on the paper one stroke at a time. Although it was still clumsy, it was still clear.

The scholar held up this piece of paper and blew the ink gently, and said happily: "Then the young hero is our first warrior to participate. I wish the young hero good results in the next two days!"

Pei Ye smiled. This kind of ceremony was a bit new to him. He cupped his hands and asked, "What's your name, brother?"

"Oh! I'm sorry, sorry." The scholar slapped his forehead again, held down his crown and hat, and said with his face in front of his hands, "I'll continue below, I'm a native of Bowang, I wasted twenty and one years old, I met you for the first time, and I look forward to the future. Thank you for your teachings."

Pei Ye also raised his hand, opened his mouth and remained silent for a while before saying, "Hello."


He left Fang Jidao and walked forward. As he walked, he found that the clothes of pedestrians gradually became more and more sophisticated. There was less kudzu and more silk and satin. The colors were no longer just gray, white and brown, but became brighter, and the tailoring became more sophisticated. All kinds of novel and beautiful styles that Pei Ye has never seen before.

The houses on the street are becoming more spacious and unique, and there are beautiful single-family courtyards from time to time. Even the stone pavement underfoot seems to be smoother.

Going further, the houses on both sides began to turn into various shops. Pei Ye looked at it and suddenly saw a shop moving out a portrait painting and posting it in front of the door.

He looked curiously and saw a full-length portrait of a man standing upright with a knife.

The man in the painting has thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a firm face. He is wearing a well-tailored military uniform. On the front of the uniform, there are four big characters "Ding Yun Trading Company" written on it.

Pei Ye looked up and saw that this was a grain and oil shop. The same four words were written vertically on the right side of the plaque.

His eyes returned to the portrait, and next to it there were a few bold calligraphy words: "On the seventh day of the ninth lunar month, let's see if the fortune of the tripod is often greater than the enemy."

"." Pei Ye looked away and continued walking forward.

Then there were fewer small shops, and buildings began to appear one after another. There were seven buildings with only four or five floors.

Some are restaurants, some are teahouses, some are built near the lake and open on all sides, some are very elegant in appearance and have no apparent use, and some are built in small gardens, as if they are privately owned.

Pei Ye's steps became slower and slower, and he began to realize a problem in a simple way - there might indeed be an inn ahead, but it seemed that he couldn't afford it.

Just as he was about to turn around and return, before he stopped, a high cornice appeared in the sky behind the building next to him. This caught Pei Ye's attention. He walked to the middle of the street to free up his field of vision. Then he opened his eyes, paused in his steps, and raised his head slightly.

——Five, Six, Seven, Eight A nine-story building!

Pei Ye raised his head and walked over. This building was not adjacent to any building. It had its own huge courtyard, with several two- and three-story buildings and pavilions scattered throughout the courtyard.

At this time, the sky was just getting dark, and the entire building and the courtyard were already lit up with lights, which were decorated on the bracketed eaves and glazed green tiles, making it look majestic and elegant.

To the north of this building is a huge garden, and to the south is the moon-catching lake in the city. It stands in the wind and catches the moon in the clouds.

It was the first time that Pei Ye saw such a large and beautiful building connected together. He stood silently for a few breaths under the pavilions, and finally murmured: "It's so high."

He looked away and saw people coming in and out at the courtyard gate. Pei Ye keenly caught their horses and packages.

Is this also an inn?

What kind of scenery will you see when you climb such a tall building?

There was some impulse in Pei Ye's heart, so he took the horse and walked slowly towards the tall courtyard gate.

There was a man in Tsing Yi standing at the door. Pei Ye stood on the street for a while with his eyes raised. Then he stepped forward and clasped his fists and asked the man in Tsing Yi: "Brother, may I ask where this place is?"

The man took a step forward, bent down with a smile and said, "This is Bowang Garden. Sir, do you want to have a meal or rest?"

Pei Ye was stunned for a while, and it wasn't until the man tried to reach out to take the horse rein in his hand that he realized - this man whose clothes were many times more expensive than his own, turned out to be the waiter.

His hand holding the reins subconsciously hid: "How much does it cost to stay here for one night?"

The man glanced at it and quoted the lowest price in good faith: "One tael of silver, sir."

"." Pei Ye looked up at the highest level and felt that it was not unacceptable.

I still have thirteen taels of silver!

If you run out of money, you can borrow it again. There are not many opportunities to climb a nine-story building.

"Can I go up to this building if I live here?" Pei Ye pointed.

"The Xifeng Tower in the northeast corner is the place to sleep, and the Zhuoyue Tower is the place for elegant banquets." The man in Tsing Yi pointed to the pavilions in the courtyard and explained, "But after you stay, the young master can also go up to the Zhuoyue Tower to enjoy the scenery, but It has to stop at the fifth floor.”

"Fifth floor?"

"Yes, young master. Therefore, when the prime minister was appointed as the governor of this state, he climbed to the ninth floor and wrote the word 'Bo Wang' in calligraphy for my office. Since then, every governor who has taken office will go to the ninth floor first to read and leave the book. This The first floor is not open to the public at will. The seventh and eighth floors only receive banquet guests - it was the banquet hall of Master Shang Huaitong these two days. The sixth floor was originally accessible, but today there is another cultural gathering occupied. So unfortunately we can only go to the fifth floor.”

"Oh." Pei Ye was a little disappointed. He didn't think so much about the fifth floor. He thanked her with clasped fists and turned around to leave.

At this moment, a group of people wearing brocade robes and jade belts came laughing and chatting. They were dressed in Confucian and military uniforms, small skirts and light shirts. The men looked like pine breeze and the women looked like colorful orioles.

The leader was tall and thin, wearing a black brocade robe. When he approached, he threw away the riding crop in his hand. The man in green clothes in front of Pei Ye immediately bowed and caught it with both hands. Then the man strode forward with an aloof expression and an unswerving gaze. Stepping into the courtyard gate, the cloak flutters in the wind like wings.

The voices of those following behind also passed in front of Pei Ye, and Pei Ye heard one of them clearly laughing and shouting: "Let's just go to the eighth floor today. In twenty days, Senior Brother Shang will naturally go to the next level!"

As soon as he said this, Pei Ye saw several passers-by around him also paused and looked at him.

"Oh? Was that Shang Huaitong just now?" Pei Ye listened to the conversation between the two people next to him.

"That sounds good to me."

"I heard people say that no one seems to be his opponent in this martial arts competition. Is it true?"

"It's true. Don't you know about Mr. Shang?"

"I only know that he is the true successor of the Cave Master of Qijiao Cave."

"Exactly. Think about it, with his background and his cultivation being the top among the five in his life, wouldn't he be the first choice to win the title in the past?"


"But people say that these two are just 'equal to Kui', but this Young Master Shang is actually 'higher than Kui'."

"Oh? Why is it so high?"

"First of all, there are rumors that he has actually entered the realm of six lives."

"Hmm! Over the years, there have been six lifetimes participating, and there has always been a time when I have won the first prize, right?"

"Of course. But there are three leaders a year. Do you know why Mr. Shang is so admired by all the stars?"

“Isn’t this because of the momentum in recent years?”

"That's just the first one. Think about it, did Mr. Bishang not attend this spring?"

". It seems that based on his strength, Chunbi should be able to secure a spot."

"It is said that he was recommended by the Kongtong Sect and went to the Sword Xiu Academy in Shaolong Mansion."


"It is said that he almost passed in the end. In the past six months since he came back, his swordsmanship has improved again. If he goes again after this martial arts competition, he will definitely be sure of it."

"I see, this is really a step beyond Bowang Xiaozhou, and your horizons will be the entire Tang Dynasty in the future."

"And after this, Qijiao Cave is really important."

"Hahaha, stop talking."

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. We, Bowang, can also hope to create a big faction!"

Pei Lie stood aside and listened for a long time. When he arrived here, he was really interested by the words "Sword Xiuyuan". Finally he couldn't help but raised his hands and asked: "Brothers, may I ask what is 'Sword Xiuyuan'? "

The two of them turned their gazes to him with some surprise, and one of them said: "The Sword Xiuyuan is a place built by the imperial court specifically for Dao Qihui. It assists Dao Qihui in conducting assessments, training, liaisons and other tasks."

"What?" Pei Ye was even more confused.

The two looked at each other, and one of them smiled and said: "The Thirty-Three Sword Masters of the Tang Dynasty, Dao Qihui. I see that the little brother is also carrying a sword, haven't you heard about it?"

"Um, I'm here from Fenghuai."


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