The four of them got off the carriage. The students from the Longmen class were actually still behind, but they were with Cuiyu, and Cuiyu's disciples were already waiting on the other side, so they were led to the lake by their attendants.

On the shore of Zhuoyue Lake, a row of small boats were tied to the shore. Four people shared one, bathing in the wind and breaking the waves. The small island in the center of the lake gradually grew up in the field of vision.

After a while, scattered figures on the island were visible.

"We arrived relatively late. In about half an hour, people will start to gather on the Guanlu Platform, and the poetry meeting will begin." Li Mingqing pointed to the edge of a building exposed on the island. Jiao, "When the time comes for practitioners to test swords, literati and poems will all be in the same place, and there will be communication between the two sides. Therefore, for us, if you do well in the sword test, there will naturally be a lot of people singing your praises. If you can Publish one or two good poems, and that reputation will be over.”

Then she glanced around, Zhang Junxue looked at her seriously and silently, Yang Yan reached out of the boat and played in the lake, while Pei Ye leaned on the stern of the boat, holding a book and frowning, everyone looked at fame and fortune like dirt.

Li Pingqing poked the boy: "Did you hear that? This is the first time Bowang City has heard the name 'Pei Ye'. When the time comes, I will come and fight you. Just beat me."

"Ah? It's the most important time to stay away." Pei Ye put down the book and glanced at her briefly, then picked it up again to cover his frown, "Besides, I don't have time to do this."

The girl rested her elbow on her chin: "Then what do you do when you have time?"

Pei Ye raised his eyes again: "I must have time for the most critical thing, which is after the poetry meeting, when the master of Shaolong Mansion comes. Let's work hard to prevent Shang Huaitong from getting what he wants."

This is indeed the real deal this time.

Just as Li Mingqing's desperate courage gave Cuiyu a new life, Luo Defeng's sudden behavior was actually full of bloody gangsterism.

Never willing to linger under the encroachment of Tianshan Cuiyu, he abandoned the mountain gate and placed heavy treasures on Shang Huaitong in order to give Qijiao a longer-term future.

For Cuiyu, this is naturally a gap in the originally stable victory. But on the other hand, Cuiyu and White Bamboo are eroding the Qijiao at a crazy speed in the past two days. If Shang can be defeated, Huai Tong's attempt here is also dead, which is equivalent to saving three or two years of time to destroy this behemoth - within a few months, the master of Bowang Wulin will change.

The key point is that Li Mingqing has explained to the young man in detail that the Luzhou Poetry Club is the first place of confrontation.

"Is this book that good?" the girl continued to ask, cupping her chin.

Two days ago, Cuiyu's disciples arrived, and she went out to stay one night with her classmates. When she came back, she found that the boy had an inexplicable trait of loving reading.

"Yeah, it's a very good book." Pei Ye buried his head in the paper and raised his head while turning pages, "Would you like to read it together?"

"Okay." Li Mingqing said, "But we have to wait a while."

She looked forward and saw that the embankment had already filled her field of vision. After a while, the small islet with yellow reeds and white herons was at her feet.

As soon as I set foot on the ground and took a quick look, among the white sand and yellow reeds, a piece of green green caught the eyes of several people. They were sixteen men in green clothes and swords, sitting or standing in a pavilion, looking over here.

It is really a tree where birds live. There is an ancient legend in Bowang, which tells that there is a group of hermits with wings living deep in Yilan Mountain. Their spirits will turn into good birds after death.

No one has ever seen this legendary image, but if you are looking for an approximation, it is probably the people in front of you. Even though Cuiyu is declining day by day, this ancient clear and melodious temperament is still unique and fascinating.

Now the girl waved to them, and more than a dozen people immediately stood up to greet the junior sister, like a kingfisher standing up to poke its head in the tree.

Even in the past, girls responded to every call at the door, let alone now.

Pei Ye was about to follow the girl, but when he turned his head, he saw two other acquaintances first - one fat and one thin, standing and sitting, it was Zhang Dingyun and Fang Jidao.

The little fat man had already looked over, but the scholar was leaning under the stone, staring at the piece of paper in a daze.

Pei Ye waved his hand, said a few words to Li Suiqing, and walked towards the two of them. Zhang Dingyun got up early to greet him and rushed to Pei Ye in small steps.

"Brother Zhang."

Zhang Dingyun gave him an arm: "You are now a member of Cuiyu."

However, this time he did not admonish Pei Ye for his unwise choice like last time, but looked at him hesitantly.

"What's wrong?" Pei Ye smiled.

"That's right. I've been here with him these two days, and I didn't go to the martial arts gym." Zhang Dingyun pointed to the scholar next to him, pinched his chin and said, "Then, is there something going on in the martial arts gym these two days? It feels like the city Something seems wrong.”

Pei Ye looked at him thoughtfully.

"I also have a bit of a strange feeling on the road to business." Zhang Dingyun looked at Pei Ye, "My father asked me to inquire. Of course, I know that someone has tried hard to hide this news. It's okay if it's not convenient to say it. Just pretend you don't know—— No, just pretend I didn’t ask at all.”

"I know."

"Oh?!" Zhang Dingyun straightened up suddenly. In fact, compared to the impact on his business, his own curiosity accounted for a greater proportion.

"Just reveal this little bit of news." He pinched Pei Ye in front of him with two fleshy fingers.

"I sincerely advise you." Pei Ye smiled, lowered his head and leaned over, imitating the serious tone of the little fat man that day, "These are words that offend people, but after all we have this friendship - leave as soon as possible before it's too early. Qijiao, stay away and fawn over us Cuiyu."

"Hiss——" Zhang Dingyun gasped. Although he vaguely noticed some signs, he really didn't dare to think about it, because normally, even if Cuiyu could suddenly defeat Qijiao in one move, it would only be under the pressure of Qijiao. Cover yourself up and give yourself some breathing space. How could everything be turned upside down in a few days?

Zhang Dingyun grabbed Pei Ye's sleeve and said, "Don't be joking. Are you telling the truth?"

Pei Ye smiled and said seriously this time: "Really."

"..." Zhang Dingyun was silent for a while, and then he breathed out for a long time, "Actually, it's okay. The main connection between our family and Qijiao is some business on the lake. There were rumors that Zhuoyue Lake will start shrinking the lake this year. , we have already begun to withdraw - of course, now that we see that this matter cannot be done, we are already preparing to re-enter, but thanks to your timely news."

Zhang Dingyun frowned and counted these things, while Pei Ye moved his eyes to another thin friend.

Fang Jidao was leaning on the stone, and he really didn't look like the same high-spirited scholar when they first met.

At that time, he had great hopes to enter the Luzhou Poetry Club, but today, he has not even changed into a new piece of clothing. The long gown was dirty and wrinkled, and his bun was a little messy. The most important thing was that his whole body looked droopy and sad, just like the old book in his hand that was wet with water.

"Brother Fang." Pei Ye remembered the situation he was in front of Qi Zhaohua that day. He didn't know where this appearance came from. The young man looked at the man sympathetically. He had never had such an experience and didn't know. How to comfort.

Fang Jidao raised his head when he heard this, his eyes looked like he hadn't slept well, and he managed to cheer up: "Ah, Brother Pei, I'm so sorry. I originally said that I would write a good poem for you at this poetry meeting, but it's really not No mind."

"No need." Pei Ye held his hand and said, "The poetry club is about to start. Let's go there together."

Fang Jidao smiled: "No rush, Brother Pei, you go ahead and I'll sit down for a while."

At this time, Zhang Dingyun came back to his senses, rolled his eyes and said: "I've been trying to persuade her for a long time - Fang Jidao, let me tell you the truth, it's just that you are frustrated, you don't really want to help her endorse that poem, do you?"

"I promised the layman."

"Bullshit layman!" Zhang Dingyun raised his chin and cursed, "You are really a turtle son of a bitch! You really agreed to her."


Zhang Dingyun glanced at Pei Ye: "Did you know that Qi Zhaohua clearly knew what this kid was thinking and asked him to write a eulogy for Shang Huaitong?"

Pei Ye nodded: "I saw this happen that day."

"That's fine, but it's disgusting. The most important thing is that this poem is just a stepping stone to be stepped on!"

"Xiao Fang participated in the Luzhou Poetry Society last year and is the most emerging young talent in poetry in the past year." Zhang Ding said luckily, "She took a fancy to this and found a good fit for Shang Huaitong. stones!—But what about Xiao Fang’s future?!”

Pei Ye had never heard of this and frowned at Fang Jidao.

"She and Shang Huaitong will do whatever she wants, but asking Xiao Fang to do such a thing, isn't it sheer nonsense?!" Zhang Dingyun rolled his eyes, "I was really blind before. If it weren't for Xiao Fang, this bullshit poem would have taught me Don’t even come!”

Then he pointed at the boat Pei Ye had just gotten off: "She won't be allowed to rent any of our boats!"

Fang Jidao kept his head down and said nothing. It was obvious that the little fat man had said these words in his ears countless times.

It wasn't until the words stopped that he looked up at Pei Ye and said with a forced smile: "Ding Yun cares about me too much. In fact, she must have been forced to do some damage to my reputation, not to mention that I am so thin." The name was originally obtained from the poetry meeting, and it is also appropriate to give it to lay people. Brother Pei, you must not have any prejudice against lay people."

Pei Ye was speechless, but Zhang Dingyun immediately cursed a familiar word loudly: "Holy shit, you're fucking hopeless!"


Leaving the two people chatting by the lake, Pei Ye went inside to meet Cui Yu and his party.

Guanlu Terrace is close to the mountains and the lake, and can accommodate 500 people. Nowadays, the cultivators are in the south and the scholars are in the north, so the space is very abundant.

When Pei Ye came on stage, he saw the green color of Cuiyu. More than a dozen people were already sitting on a large blanket. Fruits and refreshments were all available, and some pen and ink books were also prepared.

It was the first time for Pei Ye to meet these Cuiyu disciples. They were half male and female, with lithe figures. Their swords were decorated with feathers of different colors and styles, and their wrists were all tied with white belts.

Most of them are in their twenties, and only four of them look young. One of them is particularly young, looking only twelve or thirteen years old. He should be the junior brother who Li Mingqing mentioned before "promoted to the third life that night."

Slightly different from the jubilant atmosphere around him, Cuiyu was surrounded by a sinking sharpness. Although they were also laughing, many people's faces were slightly pale, and several of them still had reddish eyes.

Li Mingqing had been talking and laughing as usual just now, but now there was a hint of sadness on his face, because sadness is more likely to flow out in front of people who can empathize.

However, the girl quickly straightened her expression, smiled and pushed the two people behind her in front of the disciples.

"This is Yang Yan. I have just made a friend. I also want to compare with him. He is young and promising, and he is a very powerful Wusheng."

For a moment, many eyes were focused on Yang Yan. The young man touched his head and tried to show a natural smile.

"Zhang Junxue, the descendant of the Xu Gu Zhang family's "Waist-cutting Sword", is a very good person and has very good sword skills. He is also a master of Wusheng."

When Pei Ye came over, Cuiyu's disciples had already greeted these two people, and all their eyes were on him.

Li Pingqing turned around and pulled Pei Ye forward: "This is Pei Ye."

Pei Ye held his sword, cupped his fists and saluted, and everyone in Cuiyu returned the bow with a deeper bow.

Then the girl walked to Cui Yu and stretched out the youngest one first: "Cui Xiaoyan, we all call him Xiao Yanzi."

Then she counted them one by one: "Senior Sister Shen Yao, Senior Brother Chu Nian - remember, I'll treat you to Zhuoyuelou after the martial arts competition, Senior Brother Kuang Rong."

Everyone met one by one, and the two sides became more familiar. Eighteen or nineteen people sat around.

Logically speaking, what follows should be a lively conversation, with too many topics to expand on, but Yang Yan and Zhang Junxue are not good at talking, and Pei Ye, who should be the focus of the conversation, said hello, then leaned aside and opened the book in his hand again. He continued reading the book without saying a word.

Cuiyu's disciples looked at the young man who couldn't let go of the scroll. They looked at each other and saw the same sigh in each other's eyes - this is the effort of a genius.

So even if there were thousands of things to say, it was not convenient to interrupt them at this time, so they started chatting among themselves.

Gradually everyone became familiar with each other, the atmosphere began to rise, and almost everyone was here on the viewing platform.

When Pei Ye, who was holding the book, heard the clear sound of turning pages, he realized that the field had become quiet. He raised his head and looked around, and saw that everyone in Cuiyu had closed their mouths and looked at the field, so he also looked over, his eyes couldn't help but One piece.

This woman always makes people shine.

Qi Zhaohua.

After growing up for seventeen years, the boy who came from the countryside really lacked imagination for the "exquisiteness" of women's dressing. Although he later opened up some horizons, either because of his personality or because of the environment, the few women he knew did not reveal it to him. This trait.

It wasn't until the last time we met by the lake that Qi Zhaohua's dress and complementary makeup made him see the world - it turns out that there can be so much thought in dressing up!

Unlike the flowers and green willows of the past, today's women tend to dress like scholars, but they put a lot more thought into it, like a touch of elegant clouds, whose cold fragrance can be smelled through the eyes.

The moment he saw the woman, Pei Ye resonated deeply with the fat man's words, "You're fucking hopeless." The woman looked so cool, and it was hard to tell that she was "forced" in any way.

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