The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 198 Invitation to Talk

However, Pei Ye didn't listen to what the woman was saying. He turned around and saw that Qijiao Baizhu had also taken his seat. Different from Cuiyu's hidden sadness and laughter, the low air pressure on Qijiao's side is almost visible to the naked eye, and the expression of worry, confusion, ferocity, and daze cannot be hidden at all.

On the other hand, Baizhu's side was the most normal. Some disciples looked at Cuiyu and Qijiao and speculated and discussed in low voices - they didn't know that their sect was also involved in what happened that day.

Looking over to the scribe, Fang Jidao had also taken a seat. Zhang Dingyun next to him seemed to have given up on persuading him and took a small sip of his cup of tea in annoyance.

Looking further forward, a familiar figure caught Pei Ye's eyes.

The black cloak was tied up in his arms. The man's body was as tall as a pine tree, and he was laughing and chatting calmly with several scribes. If you only look at this appearance, the words of "gentle temperament" sent by the Sword Xiu Academy are simply accurate.

Qijiao just lost five humerus, and now only one old and one young are left. Outside Bowang Garden, Cuiyu is fighting back with all his strength. While he is laughing and chatting here, everything Qijiao has mastered is like snow before the fire. Disappear quickly.

The true biography of Qijiaodong, the identity that supported him to travel among dignitaries and be highly praised, is now in jeopardy.

But nothing about this dangerous situation could be seen from the man's face, just like the ashen-faced Qijiao disciples below the scene had nothing to do with him.

The scribe in front of him didn't know what he said. Shang Huaitong smiled heartily, then his eyes wandered, casually passing by the field, and had a momentary contact with Pei Ye's eyes.

There was no expression in the gaze, and he quickly moved away carelessly, but Pei Ye still saw the courage he had seen before.

——As long as it is the road he will take, it will be smooth.

Pei Ye had no expression. While scanning around, he opened the book in his hand again. He lowered his head and continued reading.


Qi Zhaohua's opening was very brief. After completing the etiquette, he left the field and went to the scribes. No one in Guanlu Terrace did not recognize her, and since a long time ago, the woman had been trying to downplay her presence on various occasions. Even at the Luzhou Poetry Club, she would only compose a neither high nor low poem at the end. That’s all.

Many people have wanted to see Qi Cainv seriously compose a poem for a long time.

But Qi Zhaohua didn't seem to have this intention at least now. After she went down, the nursing teacher from Bowang Garden came up to offer advice.

Many warriors had already grasped their swords, and the scribes from the north also cast their gazes.

Speaking of which, the difference between civil and military forces is like mountains and rivers. One can only have some knowledge of the other side, but few people can understand them all.

The literati only read swordsmanship for fun, while the martial arts read many poems and could only read them smoothly, not to mention some who were not very literate and found it difficult to read the whole poem.

Luzhou Poetry will bring people from both sides together and communicate, so it is inevitable to spend a lot of thought on the design.

The woman who hosted this meeting saw clearly that the reason why the cultivators were willing to sit here was definitely not interested in a few words, but in the repercussions of their own skills - how could those scholars who did not understand martial arts... What do you think of my move? What kind of praise can such and such a skill get?

When a martial arts practice is performed and a skill is performed, it must receive enough intuitive feedback to make everyone excited and eager to try it.

Of course, this can be felt intuitively from the cheers and applause, but even if it is out of politeness, no one will be left in the cold, so it is still necessary to have something a little more "professional" and something that can differentiate between others to arouse everyone's interest. .

This is why the "Flying Heron" exists.

Everyone at the martial arts field has a hanging belt at hand, which is connected to the hydrangea hanging above the viewing platform. Whoever is outstanding in art can just pull the hanging belt, and a long silk ribbon will hang from the hydrangea to the martial field; There were many caged egrets on the other side of the literary field. Thirteen people with high literary reputations were invited to sit in front of the cages with smiles. If they thought a poem was good, they would release an egret for it.

Therefore, in addition to looking at the beautiful patterns of the moves, scribes also like to look at the long silk hanging down on the field - what do the martial arts that I think are powerful or not powerful in the eyes of other experts?

What the warrior saw was not the copied poems, but the number of egrets out of the cage - oh! The song I just read was not easy to read, but I didn’t expect it to be quite lively when it flew!

In order to prevent the relaxed poetry meeting from turning into a competition, the women did not set any order or regulations. The warriors tried their swords and competed at will, and anyone with itchy hands could compete. The scribes were also free, and there was no need for a warrior to come up. Make one round.

However, the first nursing teacher who came up still got the response from both sides. There were more than 80 warriors in total, and nearly fifty ribbons were hanging down on the field. It was so beautiful in the wind and the sun. The scribes also had poems written and read out. After three songs, three, four, and six egrets flew out one after another.

As the laughter started, a disciple of Baizhu Pavilion jumped up to ask for advice, and the civil and military meeting continued lively.

Under the tree on Cuiyu's side.

The emotions of many disciples have also been aroused. They hold their swords and look straight at the sword shadow on the field. They feel a little itchy listening to the shouts from both sides. However, Qijiao was standing by, so they were not allowed to act rashly for the time being.

Several people glanced at Li Mingqing with hopeful eyes, but the girl just sat upright and laughed and chatted with Shen Yao and Chunian on her left and right. She really had the demeanor of an immovable leader.

Pei Ye was still immersed in the book. He didn't raise his head until the girl finished talking and moved over. He glanced at the girl, smiled and said, "Want to watch it together?"

"Is that okay?" The girl tilted her head.

Pei Ye was really stunned for a moment and looked at the book in his hand: "It should be okay."

Miss Ming shouldn't care about this, and it's not a precious secret book. He plans to leave a copy in the martial arts hall.

"It's just that it might be a little difficult to read." Pei Ye hesitated and spread the book between the two of them.

This enlightenment book on swordsmanship, which both Ming and Zhu praised, has not been spread to all Jianghu sects, and it is not that the big sects have a monopoly. This book is not unique to any company, nor does it have any martial arts secrets. As long as you are willing to print it, you can have as many copies as you want.

The reason why many people haven't heard of it is simply because it really hasn't spread.

In fact, the goal is too high.

No one reads it.

Of course, people like Ming and Zhu regard it as the best enlightenment. After reading it, they can establish an understanding of the entire mountain of swordsmanship, know where the sword in their hands is, how it evolved and differentiated, and what the sword on their head is. What, what is the sword under my feet, etc.

But for most ordinary practitioners, after reading it in a daze and then looking down at the sword in their hands, they really don't know what they are doing.

Before learning the sword, you must first tell me about the advantages and disadvantages of the Dongting Sword, and then talk about the brilliance of the Yunlang Sword. After finally learning it, I lowered my head and saw that the sword technique in my hand is called "Fuliu Sword". It is already a martial arts school The best one, and with my qualifications, I would be thankful to have mastered it in five years.

I'm really grateful for it, but next time I'll tell you a story.

Therefore, only a very small number of people who have the opportunity to climb the upper half of Kendo Mountain can actually regard it as an enlightenment book.

In some circles of high-ranking young swordsmanship geniuses, if you say that your first sword theory book is "Introduction to the Sword Art of the Six Dynasties", you will immediately be looked at differently.

Pei Ye didn't know that the book that Miss Ming called "an enlightenment first" had such a status, but as the reading progressed, he did notice that it was "not down to earth", so he hesitated whether it was appropriate for the girl to read it.

But Li Mingqing had already lowered her head and saw that the book was about a third of the way through, and she didn't ask to start from the beginning. Contrary to the boy, she knew every word and the meaning of the sentence was clear - not to mention it was annotated in detail in a chic font - but the meaning left her confused for a moment.

But she was not completely at a loss. After reading half a page, the girl's eyebrows furrowed unconsciously, she stopped with a solemn expression, and went back to read this paragraph again.

This was by no means an off-the-beaten-path item that she had guessed she could find on a street stall. The girl clearly felt that something profound and sublime was revealing itself to her, but it would be very difficult for her to touch it.

Pei Ye didn't expect that she would be entranced all of a sudden, but it was good. The young man smiled and lowered his head. The two of them read quietly together, with the girl's fragrance right at their noses. To be honest, this feeling is better than studying hard alone. If you have any ideas, you can tell the people next to you at any time.

But this "pretty good" thing disappeared when Pei Ye was about to turn the page.

The boy who had finished reading this article turned his head and saw that the girl was still reading the first paragraph, frowning and mumbling.

So slow.

Pei Ye weighed the number of pages to be read and wanted to take the book back.

Seeing the girl thinking hard, he finally couldn't help but pointed: "This is the 'Intention' sword."

Li Mingqing raised her eyebrows and looked up at him without speaking, as if she understood but didn't understand.

"Alas, only the sword of mind can influence love, so love can affect the sword in turn. Once you control the sword with love, cultivating love will naturally be considered as practicing swordsmanship. This is the way we are talking about here!"

Li Minqing's mouth formed a circle with "Oh". Although his face was still blank, the "understood" on it really outweighed the "don't understand".

But she came back to her senses, quickly frowned, and tilted her head to stare at him: "Why are you so fierce? I have never understood Yi Jian."

"I-" Pei Ye stared.

The girl lowered her head again, focusing on the second paragraph, and then pointed in surprise: "Ah! Yunlang Mountain!"


Li Mingqing smiled happily, frowned and read this paragraph again. After pondering for a while, he simply stopped thinking about it. He held the book in front of the young man and pointed: "Tell me quickly, what does this paragraph say about Yunlang Mountain?" Nice words?"

Pei Ye was silent for a moment, then suddenly took the book back: "Don't read it."

Li Mingqing looked at him in shock.

"Because I read this in a hurry." Pei Ye explained, "You read too slowly and I don't have time to wait for you. I will answer your questions after I finish reading."

"...You asked me to watch it together!"

"Stop barking now."

The girl took a deep breath to maintain her image and slapped him on the shoulder: "You are so annoying!"

Pei Ye hugged the book and didn't look back anyway - what's annoying is not annoying, if I can't finish reading this, I will be a mortal in front of Tian Tiao.

Unfortunately, the time he gained by offending the girl did not last long. After turning two pages of the book, a slim figure stood in front of him. When Pei Ye raised his head, Qi Zhaohua's smiling face came into view.

"What is Shaoxia Pei reading?" She looked at the book in Pei Ye's hand curiously.

"Swordsmanship book." Pei Ye smiled and showed the cover to the woman, "What's the matter, Miss Qi?"

"Oh, I don't understand that." Qi Zhaohua turned his head and said with a smile, "Pei Shaoxia, please take a step and ask me some questions, can you?"

"Oh okay."

Pei Ye nodded, and Qi Zhaohua turned around first. When Pei Ye stood up, his sleeve was pulled. When he turned around, he saw the girl's solemn expression and whispered: "She is very close to Shang Huaitong these days."

Pei Ye was startled: "I saved it."

He took two steps back to catch up, and walked side by side to the outside of Guanlu Terrace with the woman. Pei Ye said first: "I heard from my friends that Zhuyue Lake won't be able to start work this year?"

"..." Qi Zhaohua shook his head and laughed, "I ask about it every time we meet, but the young hero is thinking about this matter clearly."

Pei Ye smiled. The woman stood on the railing that day, cutting the lake in half with her arms, and described the grand picture of "taking this as the boundary, going to the south and staying in the north" in a calm voice, which indeed left a deep impression on him.

"I hope Miss Qi hasn't forgotten it either." The young man said with a smile.

Qi Zhaohua sighed softly: "There is indeed little hope for this year."

"Not much hope?" Pei Ye looked at the woman, rolled his eyes, and suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at, young hero?"

"In the eyes of outsiders, this is no longer possible this year."

"That's right. This matter does involve too much and it is too difficult to advance."

"Isn't the biggest difficulty because it blocks Qijiao's financial path?" Pei Ye said directly.


"That day I heard someone say at Zhuoyue Tower that the Wuhu Gang's livelihood comes from Zhuoyue Lake, and these five gangs are the backbone of Qijiaobaishuidong." Pei Ye looked at the woman quietly.

"." Qi Zhaohua smiled helplessly, "Why did Young Master Cheng force you to question me?"

"Miss Qi can't always take advantage of me." Pei Ye said with a smile, "We are now considered to be at odds with each other, so we can draw clearer conclusions."

Qi Zhaohua raised his eyebrows: "Young Master Pei is now working for the young master?"

"Miss Qi didn't speak well today." Pei Ye smiled, "It's not strange for friends to be at each other's throats."

"Oh, then Mr. Pei only recognizes friends named Li, but not friends named Qi?"

“It’s normal for friends to have close friends and distant friends.”

"So it's Li Mingqing who has the young hero all over him."

"Stop sowing discord." Pei Ye warned with a smile, "But to put it this way, Miss Qi did fail more and failed to charm Shang Huaitong."

".Where did this come from?"

"Otherwise, why wouldn't Qijiao refuse to facilitate the capture of Yuehu?" Pei Ye looked at her, "For someone like Shang Huaitong, Miss Qi can't just do whatever she wants him to do, right?"


These words must have revealed something.

Because the woman was silent for a long time, until she raised her head and looked at Pei Ye. There was genuine pain buried in her autumn-like eyes, and two things were twisted in them.

"I'm in a dilemma, Pei Shaoxia." She whispered, "I always thought that I could make a decisive choice between 'love' and 'matter'."

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