Li Mingqing opened the cover and took a look, but it was the sword theory book that the young man threw in casually. At this time, under her kneading, the paper note that had just been sent was crumpled.

The girl opened her mouth apologetically, took out both of them, smoothed the small paper carefully, and carefully inserted it into the book pages. And during this process, something slipped at the mouth of the small bag on his lap, and a piece of folded paper was taken out and fell to the ground.

The girl turned her head and glanced. She closed the pages of the book and put it back into the bag. Then she lowered her head to pick it up and unfold it to see what it was.

It was halfway through before suddenly stopping.

The material and color of this paper are exactly the same as the small note just now.

The girl looked down and saw that the ink stains on the back of it were faintly visible. Different from the short note just now, this piece of paper was not one or two lines, but a rather long paragraph.

This is no longer a note, this is really a letter.

After realizing this, Li Mingqing subconsciously folded it back, but paused again halfway, hooking his two fingers together and slowly twisting them twice. Then the girl secretly glanced at the young man on the field and unfolded the paper again, this time much more gently.

Sure enough, it was the clear handwriting again.

"Thank you for your letter. I am already in Tianshan."

It turned out to be a reply.

"This is the last place. The Tianshan sword is unique in the world and has a long tradition. I will stay here for a while, and then I will go to the sword gate mentioned by my seniors and linger for a while before heading back east. "

"Liulilao, you took care of it. I can sense its condition. Thank you for your non-stop treatment day and night, but there is no need to let it come over. It was originally kept for your protection - the fight last night should be okay? Is there anything? Injured? If you need anything, you can use this little sword to help me."

"You don't have to accommodate me about the date. If you have any arrangements, just go ahead and I can find you."

"Congratulations on your achievements in the martial arts gym, and congratulations in advance on your stunning success in the martial arts competition. As for what you said about how difficult it is to win the first place, you really don't need to pay too much attention to it. No matter whether you are first, second, fourth or eighth, even in one round you can win. Even if you fail, you are still Shaolong's leading genius. On the day when the carp lurks in the dark and the dragon has not yet flown, ups and downs and losses are inevitable. There is no need to always look at the gains and losses to the left and right. It is better to look ahead in the distance. "

"My sword inquiry went very smoothly. There are many talents from various sects, and I have learned a lot. We can discuss it together at that time, but the premise is that you must lay a good foundation in sword theory."

After reading this, Li Mingqing seemed to understand. It was not until the last sentence below that she felt as if she was frozen, and her body stagnated for a moment.

——"How did you read "Introduction to the Sword Art of the Six Dynasties"?"


It turns out to be here.

The girl slowly rubbed the letter paper. She could almost imagine the boy taking a sharp breath when he saw this sentence, and couldn't help laughing.

Then the smile quickly faded.

That night he must have read for a long time with an oil lamp lit. The next day when I taught him how to draw eyebrows, he was distracted and thinking about this unfinished task.

No wonder she suddenly couldn't put the book down. She originally thought that the boy was too self-disciplined and that even if the tasks assigned to her were delayed, they must be completed on time, but it turned out that someone was checking.

The girl became deeply curious about the person opposite the letter. Pei Ye said he was a "friend", but this kind of gentle explanation, casual supervision, and his unattainable status made the boy "treasure and value". He looks more like a strict teacher anyway.

The girl's eyes moved downwards, and there was only one small word left in the letter, which should be the signature, saying: "Ming".

What does it mean? What's the meaning?

In fact, there are some small details about this kind of single word. Although it is not conclusive, generally speaking, leaving a word is respectful and more correct; leaving a single word as a name means a more intimate and casual relationship. Generally speaking, siblings and lovers are common. Or a close friend; leaving a last name is somewhere in between, probably still casual but not intimate.

Thoughts flashed through Li Mingqing's mind, feeling a little strange, but she didn't think about it again. In fact, she felt a little depressed.

In his own eyes, Gein was always a calm and stable young man, and he did not flinch in fear when facing Qisheng. He seemed to be omnipotent and never at a loss, but in fact he also had moments of confusion.

He would also feel depressed because he might not be able to win the title, and even doubt himself, so he mentioned it to this friend in the book, and this friend also keenly captured this emotion and responded with gentle and powerful encouragement.

And a word of urging made him feel like he was facing a formidable enemy.

Not because young people have such a side, but because

Li Mingqing clearly understood this emotion, and then bit her lip in confusion.


On the field.

No one came up to discuss the matter, so Pei Ye put away his sword and saluted in all directions.

On the other side of the literary field, a tall man in black witnessed all this, his bright eyes fell on the young man, and he took a step forward.

He pressed the sword with one hand, but his other arm was tightly held by Qi Zhaohua. The woman frowned and said, "Don't go, let's just follow the plan."

Shang Huaitong was silent, his hand lingering on the hilt of the sword. After being silent for a long time, until he saw the young man leaving the stage after the ceremony, he sighed softly, turned around and said with a smile: "Okay, since you have arranged it, I will naturally listen to you."

Qi Zhaohua let go of his arm and smiled: "Since Cuiyu dares to let him come on stage, he must be sure of defeating you. Since we can win without a fight, there is no need to take this risk."

"You want to win me with four lives?" Shang Huaitong smiled disapprovingly, "Even if there is a real possibility of defeating me, I will not avoid this kind of challenge."

He put his hand down from the hilt of the sword and smiled lowly: "On the sword, I can fight anyone openly to win or lose."

Qi Zhaohua didn't know what he thought of. He smiled and looked at the man who was showing his true side more and more in front of him: "Anyway, we can wait for the opportunity of martial arts competition."

"Not bad." Shang Huaitong nodded and murmured slowly, "Pei Ye."

Then the reading of poems in the literary field was completed, and almost one-fifth of the scribes participated in composing poems. Therefore, it was not until the young man finished eight rounds that the review was completed and the egrets began to be herded.

There are also scribes who are still arguing: "Why am I doing this wrong?"

"My next sentence is 'yilanshan', and the pronunciation is wanshan. What are you right about?"


On the other side, several celebrities opened the cage with a smile, and immediately a group of herons ascended to the sky. They stretched out their fingers and counted them. There was no need to mention any number below seven. Eight or nine had five songs, and the most eye-catching ones were the last three waves. , a total of thirty-one egrets flew up, almost emptying the cage.

There are two poems about ten herons and one poem about eleven herons. According to the experience of previous years, this is a stable work and can be recorded in Hange's "Luzhou Poetry Collection".

In this poetry gathering before the Golden Autumn Competition, many people recognized "Pei Ye" for the first time as an absolute dark horse. Before tonight, his name would be in the top three places in the gambling house.

On the other side, Pei Ye walked off the stage with his sword in hand, sat back next to the girl with a smile, and said with great satisfaction, "How was it?"

"Amazing." Li Mingqing gave a thumbs up, "He is indeed Shaolong's leading genius."

"Haha, of course, I -" Pei Ye stopped talking and blinked at the girl.

Then he looked down at the girl's lap, and sure enough, a familiar letter was spread out there.

"Hey!" He raised his voice, "How did you—"

"It fell out on its own." Li Mingqing said innocently.

".It just fell into your lap."


"The puppy opened it."

"." The girl looked at him angrily, "You are so annoying. I was the one who peeked at you. Come on."

Pei Ye chuckled: "Why don't you apologize to me quickly?"

The girl rolled her eyes at him, folded the paper on her lap and put it back into the bag. What she had not asked before, she now found a more suitable expression: "Is this friend of yours a very important person to you? "

". Very important." Pei Ye was stunned for a moment and said, "He is my savior."

"Ah." Li Mingqing was really surprised.

She was about to ask again, but when she turned around, Kuang Rong was at her side again.

"Young Master, the news just now is that the man has boarded Luzhou."

Li Mingqing was suddenly startled, stopped talking, and immediately turned his head to look at the way he came.

But of course there is no figure yet.

Pei Ye also subconsciously looked along. He knew who they were talking about. The news Bai Sibing gave today said that he was an old man with gray hair.

He is now undoubtedly the most distinguished person in the entire Bowang City. He has been in charge of Shaolong Dao Sword Xiuyuan for nearly ten years, and holds an important position in the government office. The fact that he has no real power is even more shocking. Dazzling, Shaolong Mansion specially sent a letter to warn the state government about the big shots being received.

Even in Shaolong Mansion City, where the powerful hedgehogs gathered, this gentleman could not count the number on his fingers, and he was definitely not trying to count them.

He didn't know what he was doing, but he was passing by here and there, and the aftermath he caused was already the eye of the storm for Bowang Jianghu. It was just up to him to decide who would win this soaring opportunity.

This is also the highlight of all battles over reputation today. At this time, the "drapes" are just rags and the "flying herons" are just big hairy birds. Only a good reputation can be left in this gentleman's heart. Only then can we truly hold today’s “fame” in our hands.

It was at this time that two more people came up to compete.

They are not on any side of the three major sects, but they are not without reputation, but this reputation is a bit difficult to cope with - some people have long seen that one is the chief bodyguard of the state, and the other is the chief bodyguard of the neighboring state. There is a clear distinction between the two. There is discord!

However, most people still don't know these joints, and the two of them are both five-year-olds. Although Zhuyu is in front, which is a bit unsatisfactory, it is still a top-notch fight after all, and everyone is watching attentively.

However, as the fight continued, it seemed that one side had taken advantage, or the other party had made some underhanded moves, or there was nothing at all. In short, the anger between the two could no longer be suppressed, and their moves became more and more thrilling and vicious. They want to kill each other, and even their expressions cannot suppress the look of ferocious rage.

Now not only the warriors saw it, but also the scribes noticed something was wrong. Many of them looked confused and looked around. And the sword blades on the field are getting denser, as if the next sword will bring a burst of fatal blood.

Luzhou Poetry Club has not seen blood for a long time. How could such an accident happen before the prisoner was about to arrive?

But in such a close and thrilling fight between two five-year-olds, who dares to step in and break it up, and who can break it up?

People looked around repeatedly to find the master of seven lives who was invited from the state government to oversee the competition. However, the master who had just been invited by layman Qi to greet the coming master was nowhere to be found at this time.

On the field, one person has fallen into a disadvantage, and dangers are everywhere. Many people were already eagerly shouting for persuasion, but the dominant side saw that its opponent was weakened, and its attack became even more frenzied.

Some people went to look for the young man just now, but Pei Ye was distracted by the news that the adult was coming. At this time, he just turned his head blankly and noticed the scene.

But one step earlier, more people looked towards the edge of the writing field.

There is also a person on the field whose realm is higher than that of Wusheng. Although it is a rumor, this rumor is almost true.

The six-year-old man was just chatting and laughing gently with the woman next to him, and seemed to not pay attention to the situation on the field.

In fact, during the entire poetry meeting, he sat calmly like this, with no intention of showing off his skills. At this moment, when someone called him, he looked up blankly at the field. Then, with just one breath, the face suddenly condensed.

He left the table, raised his sword, and passed through the middle of the literary field. This movement was by no means graceful, but straight and powerful. The scribes felt a large black dragon suddenly roar past them.

On the field, the weaker Fang Zheng was kicked in the chest and fell to the ground. The standing man didn't hesitate at all, raised his sword and stabbed his throat hard.

The people on the ground also twisted around, and stabbed the visitor's mouth like a poisonous snake with sword light, which was obviously a desperate move.

In an instant, two lives were lost!

At this time, Shang Huaitong had just left the writing studio. Hundreds of people on the viewing platform exclaimed that this murder seemed to be irreversible.

Then a ray of silver light passed through the air, closing the distance between the man and the field.

The sword collided with the sword, the first one, which was literally shattering. The opponent's sword seemed to be made of tofu in front of the sword thrown by the man, breaking and shattering, with silver light and broken shadows flying.

Then the sword didn't deflect at all and collided with the second man's sword again. The unstoppable killing move in Wu Sheng's hand was still like a mantis trying to use a chariot in front of this sword. When the long sword was deflected, his whole body was hit. Deflection belt down.

The next moment, this arrogant black dragon was already standing on the field, between the two of them.

"You two want to see blood here?" the man said coldly, looking at the two of them from side to side, "After the poetry meeting, Shang asked you two to see what your blood looks like, how about it?"

The extremely cold tone made the audience feel chilly.

Mr. Shang was well-known for his open-mindedness. At this time, he was really angry, either because he was causing trouble at his friend's gathering, or because the coming adult would decide the man's future. But no matter what, this is the common reason why most people here don't want to see this scene, and this chill really calmed the two of them.

"Before noon tomorrow, if I don't see you two apologizing in front of Layman Qi's door, I'll ask you to see how hard your necks are."

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