The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 202 The Role of the Drama (6,000 words, extra updates for the leader of the alliance, Boss Y

Their faces turned pale, they picked up their swords and left in silence.

This is not any competition, but the shot is clean and neat, showing unquestionable crushing. What it brings to the audience is not exclamation or excitement, but a sigh of relief.

Thanks to Mr. Shang.

But when everyone turned to look at the man, he had already returned the sword to its sheath, turned around and returned to the writing field.

If the boy's eight-game winning streak just now was pure visual beauty and power, this time Mr. Shang's sword-fighting was emotional tension and relief.

Just now, the identity of the two people gradually spread on the stage. It turned out that they were old enemies. Although I don't know how the poetry meeting made such an omission, fortunately they have been calmed down.

This thrilling episode was so impressive that the impressions brought by the previous competitions were diluted for a while - just like playing cards, your card skills are the best in the audience, everyone praises you, and you should be the champion tonight. But if someone suddenly bursts in and overturns the table to cause trouble, everyone is helpless. If a person who is sitting silently in the audience suddenly gets up and punches him to the ground, then the person who takes the limelight will obviously be replaced. Who will care about the card table? That little thing?

It was precisely because of this sincere tension and thrill that the scribes did not even have the intention of writing poems. They only talked to each other about the accident just now, so in the moment of silence, a poem came out.

This is really a piece of work that inspires others. Without this poem, no one would be able to write poems at this time. As soon as this poem came out, everyone could recall the figure of the man brushing off his clothes.

It's really because this song is really poorly written, both in terms of words and sentences and meaning. It makes everyone unable to help but search for ink and pen. Originally I heard that it was Fang Jidao's first poem in this poetry meeting, and everyone passed it around to read it. However, after reading it and comparing it with the scene just now, they all frowned - it can't be written like this, it should be written like that!

In the end, four egrets flew up in this poem, and the poem reached the martial arts field. Pei Ye couldn't help laughing when he heard someone next to him: "There are many snakes and leeches in the lake and the sea, but you are the dragon fish!"

"Who wrote it?"

"My name is Fang Jidao, have you heard of it?"


Even though Pei Ye didn't know how to write poetry, he could tell that this was indeed boring and offending flattery. He looked over at the literary field and saw that the taciturn scholar was not in his seat. When he looked again, he had already left. Watching the heron platform, and under the tree further away, the woman was standing quietly waiting for him.

At this time, poems were being passed on one after another, and the scribes were laughing and talking about them. Egrets kept flying on the field, more than when Pei Ye had just finished playing. The scene was really beautiful.

Originally, everyone had inquired before attending the meeting that the winner of this martial arts competition was Young Master Shang Huaitong, but after dozens of games, no one has made a move, especially after the young man became a blockbuster just now, people couldn't help but mutter—— Is this Mr. Shang not worthy of his reputation, and is he afraid that his secret will be exposed?

There seems to be some vague rumors about his bad reputation?

Now, of course, the silence is over - Mr. Shang is no worse than anyone else, but he is not keen on this kind of competition. Now that the crisis is approaching, who can say that this skill is not unparalleled on the field?

It lasted about half a quarter of an hour before the egrets flying one after another showed a gap, but it was not that there was no more poetry. In fact, there are nearly ten songs waiting for review, but they are piled on the table and no one cares about them. There is a strange silence and silence in the writing field.

More than a dozen scribes gathered together in a ball, and some people kept trying to squeeze in. Those who couldn't squeeze in were pulled out and asked eagerly. Some people on the edge who noticed it also came over blankly.

And just four words made these people rush in that direction immediately.

"Poems of laymen."

It has been a long time since the layman wrote poetry, and many people have also wanted to see Qi CaiNv seriously compose a poem for a long time.

This has squeezed the expectations of many poetry festivals, but it was suddenly released today, and its quality has clearly met people's expectations. The celebrities who herded herons gathered in the inner circle, solemn, admiring, discussing, and stroking their beards. This combination of silence and commotion lasted for a full quarter of an hour before stopping, and this poem had spread throughout the literary world.

"He is indeed a layman, and his talent is still the same as before."

"It is true that the workmanship is extremely neat, and it is natural and smooth, without any carving."

"However, it is so good that it seems to have been carved over many days."

"Nonsense, how can I compose a poem in advance for such an unexpected event?"

"Naturally, naturally, I'm just talking about the completeness of this poem."

"But when it comes to shortcomings, I do have a vague feeling - the sentences are good and well written, but it seems to lack some emotion."


"Brother Shiyou's words do seem to have some meaning."

"Why bother worrying so much? In any case, this poem should be the first one in the past three years and should be recorded in the first three pages of the Collected Poems."

"There is no doubt about it."

The discussion among the celebrities gradually came to an agreement. The younger ones helped the older ones and walked side by side to their heron cages.

On the martial arts field side, people looked back at the outside of Guanlu Terrace and stood up one after another.

At the end of the road, a group of people in brocade clothes were slowly approaching.

A thin figure in black clothes and white hair walked in the front. Next to him, half a step behind, was Zhao Zhang, the governor of Bowang.

The identity of this person is about to come out.

The old man seems to be nearly seventy years old, but his figure is still as tall as a pine tree and his steps are steady. It is obvious that he has profound cultivation. Unlike the literati's hair crown, his pale white hair was only tied up with a belt at the back of his head, like a pile of dry snow.

Governor Zhao kept laughing and pointing around. The old man occasionally glanced at him as he introduced him. There was no change in his face, and he did not open or close his mouth. He seemed to be very high-spirited.

But if you get closer, you can see that it is not arrogant and majestic indifference, but a kind of stable silence and calmness. There are two temperaments in the old man at the same time - the immovable nature brought by the high position and the academic gentleman. Soothing and moisturizing.

"Master Sui, please look. The Heron Tower in front of you is where this poetry meeting will be held. We young people from both civil and military circles in Bowang are on it. The egrets we see flying in the front mean that someone has completed the poem." Zhao Zhang Zhi smiled and said, "Generally speaking, eight is good, ten is the best, and the maximum is thirteen, but they are rare. I only saw them once five years ago."

The old man nodded and looked over, seeming to be somewhat interested in this statement. At this moment, a row of egrets suddenly flew up from the stage and flew high into the sky.

The old man glanced around, smiled, and said his first words in half an hour: "Then it seems that I am lucky."

On the top of the tall tree, thirteen egrets were flying, and the excited screams from the egret viewing platform could be faintly heard.


This is the climax of the entire Luzhou Poetry Society. Although there are warriors participating, the warriors are just invited guests after all. The Luzhou Poetry Society is ultimately a gathering of literati. Its name is written with "Heron" and "Poetry", and Not "sash" and "sword".

The final result of the poetry meeting that was left and circulated was not which cultivator won the first place in the competition - this was not a competition in the first place, just a game and performance - but the poems that were left behind in this afternoon.

Dozens or hundreds of poems, regardless of their quality, will be arranged in a collection according to the number of flying egrets, and people will be asked to copy them. Everyone who attends the meeting will receive a copy before leaving tomorrow.

Poems written by more than ten Lu will also be recorded in Hange's "Luzhou Poetry Collection" as a trace of this poetry meeting.

And now, the highest peak of the entire poetry association has appeared, and it is a unique one, occupying the peak - in this collection, there will be only one poem for the eleventh, the twelve herons will be blank, and then jump directly to the thirteenth heron. , still only this one is listed.

Of course, this blockbuster poem will be sung everywhere, and it will definitely be handed to Master Sui who saw the egret. Naturally, this poem is sung to Master Shang Huaitong, who just rescued the crisis.

The woman has designed every aspect very well, and the Luzhou Poetry Club has always been under her complete control. Although Qi Jushi does not seem to be able to do this kind of thing, in Bowang, whoever she wants to be famous, Even if that person lies awake day and night, he will be praised by the whole city.

What is even more rare is that the reputation of layman Qi is not only high, but also as pure as jade. This is the place where Qijiao, or Shang Huaitong, rushes to the spring when he is thirsty.

The Seven Dragons have already ascended to Bowang, and the further step they seek lies in Shang Huai Tong, and Shang Huai Tong's journey to heaven lies in Shaolong Sword Xiuyuan.

Luo Defeng had never doubted the man's aptitude and character, and the man did not disappoint him. Although his beloved disciple was gloomy for several days after he came back because he could not enter the record, for him, it was good news that he could get the next stable entry. It is extremely satisfying.

The only unsettling thing is the reputation of Qijiao and his beloved disciple these years.

Even if you try your best to clean it up, things that have happened will always leave traces. Of course there is no evidence, but there is no need for evidence. As long as some baseless rumors get into the ears of that adult, things will risk getting out of control.

When it comes to reputation, the best policy is never to get to the bottom of things, but to deal with it in the same way.

Qi Zhaohua's reputation is as good as jade. Standing together with a gentle and open-minded man, she is a perfect couple. All rumors that are not there will be self-defeating - could a person like Qi Zhaohua harbor a villain? Disciple?

Therefore, if you don't prove it, you will prove it. Qi Zhaohua stood like a bright pearl. Shang Huaitong leaned on it, and all the shadows on his body were driven away.

And this is just a passive benefit. The woman took the initiative to plan for him. She and the Luzhou Poetry Club built a high platform and held the man high, ensuring that when the prison came, the first thing they saw was Mu Xiuyu. Lin's him.

Of course she succeeded.

At this time, under the tree outside the stage, Qi Zhaohua looked at the egret flying in the sky and showed a relaxed smile. In front of her, the scholar was panting and trotting over.

The woman looked away and smiled: "Thank you for your hard work."

"No, me"

"I need to help you with one more thing." Qi Zhaohua said, "In the Shiyu Pavilion on the south side, in the second room on the left after entering the door, there is a cloth bag in the cabinet with several deeds in it. Go get it for me, hurry."

"It saves you from having to go back to the field again," the woman said.

Fang Jidao glanced at the woman gratefully. He had indeed received a lot of strange looks since the poem he just wrote.

"Good layman." The scholar seemed to have forgotten that the person in front of him had brought him this situation, "I will bring it over soon."

The woman nodded: "I don't worry about the waiter getting it. You have worked hard these past two days. We will talk about the reward later."

"No, I don't want any reward for the hard work!" This sentence seemed to give the scholar great strength. He blushed and said, "Businessman, I am willing to do these things for you, as long as you said that three years ago, we The first time we met, it was also at the Luzhou Poetry Festival - of course, layman, you must have forgotten it, but I always remember it. At that time, my family was poor and I didn’t know anyone at the poetry festival. You took the initiative to ask I was given a suitable title and I wrote a poem about Eight Herons, but what I wanted at that time was not actually fame."

"I remember." Qi Zhaohua looked at him and said with a smile, "But you go do your business first."

The woman's eyes were no longer on him. She looked over the scholar's shoulder at the visitor and showed a beautiful smile: "How do you feel?"

"Oh." Fang Jidao looked back and saw the tall man in black clothes coming towards him. The color was the same as the woman's cloak, which made his eyes hurt.

He lowered his head, turned around and left, quickly starting to jog.

"How else do you feel?" Shang Huaitong didn't even look at the man who left, with a helpless smile on his face, "How do you feel about being in a different place?"

Qi Zhaohua thought for a while and said with a smile: "I don't have the acting skills of Mr. Shang. I will be embarrassed to death halfway through."

Shang Huaitong sighed: "That's how I feel."

"But the result is good." Qi Zhaohua tilted his head and smiled, "In this way, Cui Yu can make you extraordinary without giving any chance, right?"

Shang Huaitong nodded slowly. He really had to admit that the effect of leaving the matter to the woman was far beyond his imagination.

Reputation should be the most valuable asset she has accumulated over the years in Bowang, and now she is using it as a pillar of light without hesitation. With such a woman helping her, if nothing happens to Qijiao, they will obviously have a lot to do.

But now.

Shang Huaitong sighed silently and looked down at the woman: "When the time comes, how about you still come with me to Shaolong Mansion?"

This was the content of their conversation a few days ago. At that time, the woman proposed a plan to make him famous at the poetry meeting. He also asked the woman about her ambitions - after catching the moon lake, she wanted to go to Shenjing to take the exam and study for an official career.

However, Shenjing was an unfamiliar place. Although the woman had been there for a while a few years ago, who could she be close to? What use will it have after a few years? Without roots or foundation, the road is too rough and bumpy.

He then proposed to take the woman to Shaolong Mansion. Although it was also far away, she was still closely connected with Bowang. She could help each other and take care of Qijiao Bowang from a distance.

"I will introduce you to a few classmates from the Sword Xiu Academy. The relationship will be easily established. Then you will have a fulcrum for your work." He said at that time.

The woman naturally agreed, Rourou looked at him and nodded gently.

But now it was another scene. The Qijiao collapsed overnight, and the so-called foundation was already a candle in the wind. The Qijiao sought him to enter the Shaolong Sword Cultivation Academy, not for progress, but for survival. In this case, he has no backer and has to find a way out on his own.

The voices discussing the poems were still faintly heard from behind. Thanks to the woman's non-stop planning for several days, the name Shang Huai Tong was now displayed in front of the adult in a striking and white manner as she wished.

"Although things are difficult, I can still make it through this road." The man looked at the woman in front of him and whispered, "Give me two more years, I will definitely stand firm, and then I will find a job for you in Shaolong Mansion. A practical job with a future.”

Qi Zhaohua smiled: "You can shorten this time by half a year by taking me there."

Shang Huaitong smiled - of course, after today, he completely believed this matter. The woman is by no means the pretty vase he first thought, and she is also different from the stupid women he has experienced. She can really do things, and she can do them better than most people. This is what he is willing to talk about the future with her. reason.

He believed that women viewed him the same way.

She has the reputation and skills, he has the strength and talent. They have the same future and are well-matched. They are also wise, resolute, and have a clear path forward. They are both internal and external, and they use unscrupulous means.

It is very difficult to find someone who is so compatible that they can overcome many difficulties together.

"Do you know why Qijiao collapsed suddenly?" The man looked at the viewing platform and saw an old man with white hair and black clothes walking out from the shadow of the tree.

Qi Zhaohua shook her head. She had only heard from the man before that Qijiao had been hit hard by Cuiyu.

"We lost four elders overnight." Shang Huaitong still looked at the audience and smiled, but the smile was too light to be warm.

Qi Zhaohua looked at him with wide eyes.

"Behind Cuiyu is Tianshan Mountain." Shang Huaitong continued.

The woman's expression was stunned and she was a little speechless.

"It's the Tianshan you were thinking of." The man said calmly, "They want to help Cuiyu clean up Bowang, so Qijiao doesn't have any chance."

"I went to Shaolong Mansion to find a way to survive." Shang Huaitong turned around and looked down at the woman, "This is my enemy, I tell you clearly."


"So you can reconsider the above question." He turned back again and looked at the audience, "I will do all this sooner or later. If you are willing to believe it."

"." Qi Zhaohua looked at the man blankly, but the look in his eyes was not panic, but love and pity. She smiled gently, stepped forward and reached out to gently touch the man's face.

"When have I ever doubted you?" The woman opened her arms and hugged him gently.

Shang Huaitong bent his eyebrows, gently stroked her hair, and chuckled: "Then you have to let go of Zhuyue Lake. After the martial arts competition is over, we will set off immediately."

Qi Zhaohua let go of his arm, took a step back and said with a smile: "On the contrary, Mr. Shang wants to help me do this in advance."

Shang Huaitong raised his eyebrows slightly: "What do you mean?"

They once talked frankly that this is the strongest support of Qijiao and cannot be used to seek a name for a woman.

At this time, the woman suppressed her smile and looked at the man seriously: "It's just for the seven dragons."


"What I just found out from Cuiyu," the woman said, "Qijiao needs to react. I've sent someone to get the things."


On the viewing platform, the people who were the hardest to see in Bowangzhou Yamen were walking together. In front of them was the governor Zhao Zhang and a strange old man with an aura as high as a mountain.

Many people stood up and bowed their hands in salute, while the officials returned the salute seriously or casually while walking towards the east of the venue.

Earlier, the venue had been cleaned up. Long blankets, futons, tea tables, etc. were all set up. The adults sat down one after another. The relaxed and casual atmosphere in the venue suddenly changed, especially in the martial arts arena. Here, the atmosphere of anticipation, tension, and solemnity is revealed. Many people are waiting for the entrance examination.

Of course, it is impossible for him to enter the Sword Academy, but who doesn't want to leave an impression on such a big shot?

The adults came over from Zhou Yamen after dinner to enjoy the scenery, relax, watch a poetry show, and accompany Mr. Sui to meet Bowang's martial arts talents.

Mr. Sui is indeed "passing by" and will leave at sunset today. Before that, I would like to leave a general impression of the person I am comparing with.

"It's really a good poem." At this time, the old man picked up the poem paper and turned his head and handed it to Zhao Zhang. After Zhao Zhang got the paper, he immediately handed it to the person next to him without looking at it. elder.

"We haven't talked about martial arts yet, but let me discover a rare literary talent first." The old man smiled and pointed, "Bo Wang is indeed an outstanding person."

Zhao Zhang's eyes fell on the small note, and he nodded again and again: "She is our talented woman from Bowang. To be honest, Mr. Sui, I haven't seen such a good poem in a long time."

The old man took a sip of tea and said, "Mr. Zhao said before that most of these poems are about martial arts. But who is the chivalrous person written in this poem?"

Zhao Zhang had already asked the waiter: "It is the Shang Huaitong mentioned in your letter."

Then he pointed towards the writing field, and a man in mysterious clothes immediately stood up and gave a decent salute. Then he seemed to hesitate for a moment and then took a step towards this direction.

But the old man raised his hand and waved to him, indicating that he didn't need to come over.

Then he turned to Zhao Zhang and said softly: "Actually, I have never met the Shang Shaoxia mentioned in the Sword Xiu Academy. The teachers in Jixian Pavilion are very polite when writing letters, so they always like to express their praises and often give them to the selection committee. The work adds unnecessary costs. When I came here, I was still thinking that the Shang Shaoxia described in this letter was somewhat true."

When talking about students' affairs, the old man was obviously talkative: "From what I saw today, it does mean to be the best. The four words 'temperament and harmony' can be considered appropriate. As for whether it is 'art and theory excellent', it depends on I’ll watch it later.”

Then he paused for a while and said, "I came over as soon as I saw you. You wanted to take the opportunity to talk to me. You are a thoughtful person."

Zhao Zhang nodded quickly: "Shang Huaitong is the true successor of the local sect, and he has always been responsible for affairs."

The old man nodded casually: "It's not a bad thing."

Then he glanced around, taking in all the martial arts in the audience. Wherever his eyes passed, the atmosphere became solemn.

In the silence, the old man spoke slowly: "Fellow martial artists, I am Sui Zaihua, the supervisor of Shaolong Courtyard."

And this is all politeness.

Then the old man got straight to the point: "I'm here to find a good talent for Shaolong Academy."

And the next sentence is almost subversive: "The hospital said it was one person, but they have never been to Bowang. Therefore, I will confirm how many there are in the final selection."

The martial arts field was filled with exclamations that were immediately suppressed, and agitation suddenly arose.

The old man looked at everyone and smiled gently: "I am very willing to talk freely with you, but I am busy with things, so I can't sit still for a while. Before I came, I touched my body and there was something. It was a little boy who was taking the xinxing test in the courtyard. stuff.

The old man took it out from his body and said, "I'm just going to play a game with you. Everyone can give it a try and have fun - don't be nervous, we don't have to decide anything."

Who said I paid it back for one month or 33 updates? Um? Doesn’t this mean I still owe 32 updates?

Sooner or later it will be paid off!

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