"You are young, but you can see clearly." Sui Zaihua smiled, "Yes, no matter how sharp you are, someone must give you room to stretch. Otherwise, you will either be too strong and you will be broken, or you will compromise and lose your sharpness - then you go Shenjing, do you have a backer?"


"Hmm" Sui Zaihua looked him up and down in surprise, "Which one is it?"

Pei Ye was silent for a moment: "I don't know."


Pei Ye also felt a little hot: "I haven't met him before. I have to visit a place first before I can recognize him."

"Then this isn't really a support, it's just a place to stay."

Grandpa Yue said he was a patron, and Pei Ye believed him, but he had never met him at this time, so there was nothing to argue with.

"Let's do the two-move sword show." Sui Zaihua didn't hesitate much. He changed the topic and extended his hand.


"Just to have a look," Sui Zaihua said, "I didn't become a jailer to recruit students, so I like to watch people practice swordsmanship. It's because I love to see talented young people wield swords that I established this jail."

"And since I learned that swords are like people, I like to look at different people's swords even more." There seemed to be some naughty fun in the old man's smile.

Pei Ye saluted with his sword, took two steps back, started with [Breaking Earth], and used a cicada from beginning to end. The indoor space was already small, just enough to stretch, but when the young man used it, the shadow of the sword expanded. It is as if the surrounding walls, bookshelves, tables, chairs and other debris do not exist. After using a set of sword skills, it is true that not a single bit of sword light touches these debris.

Sui Zaihua had already taken out a small book, looked at the young man's sword shadow, and put it on his lap to write down something.

Pei Ye stopped the light of his sword, stepped forward and took a look, and recognized the two beautiful words "Pei Ye" at first glance.

"This is."

"Keep it in mind." Sui Zaihua raised his eyes to look at him and flipped the book forward for him. "Here, they are all heroes from all over Shaolong."

Only then did Pei Ye realize that this small book was actually quite old. The paper was quite good and still pliable and white. However, the traces of time were still reflected in many different places, especially the pages that had been used previously. Even if they were properly kept, they were still intact. It’s hard to conceal the dim antiquity.

It is indeed the old man's record for many years, and there are new strokes at the back of many pages.

"It's not enough to just write it down." Sui Zaihua explained, "As long as I know about any achievements later, I will record them on it - it's not about official status, fame and wealth, but about the realm of swordsmanship."

Pei Ye nodded slowly. The further the book was turned, the older the paper became and the more ink characters there were. It was obviously the traces left by the young talent who had grown into a towering tree.

Moreover, the format was not as neat as the later ones. Pei Ye's eyes were fixed and he saw that the old man used a blank space as a draft of the memo. It was a line of words written on dry ink paper, as if it was in my mind at the time and I jotted it down.

The old man was still turning the pages, but Pei Ye had already read out: "How can the sword's intention be condensed but not released?"

Sui Zaihua was startled, turned back to the page just now, and saw this question.

"." Sui Zaihua was silent for a while, stroking his beard, then smiled softly and sighed, "A small problem I wrote down in the early years."

The old man was about to close the small book, but Pei Ye suddenly said: "Yi Ning must be mindful."

"." Sui Zaihua paused and looked up at the young man. After a while, he looked seriously and asked, "How do you maintain your mind?"

"." Pei Ye was silent again. He frowned and scratched his head, not knowing what to say, "Just hold it in."

Sui Zaihua lowered his head and opened the notebook, looked at this sentence, and murmured: "In the category of sword, it means the meaning of 'love'."

Pei Ye nodded. He didn't have much knowledge, but fortunately he had an excellent memory: "Yes. Meaning, the state of affection."

"And 'love' is caused by what happens when a person is walking." Sui Zaihua said slowly, seeming to have regained his thoughts from the past, "But the love of sword-fighting is not like that. Right?"

Pei Ye nodded affirmatively: "Yes, the emotion when using Yi Sword does not come from the outside world, but comes from the heart."

This is of course the truth. Crying when parents die is a feeling triggered by the outside world. However, every time Pei Ye flies in front of the geese on a snowy night, he does not have to always have his muscles broken and his hands broken, putting himself in the "fear of losing a feather". , the emotion this sword relies on comes from the heart.

"The intention comes from the heart and comes from the sword, so how can it be condensed without being released?" Sui Zaihua frowned and looked at Pei Ye, "The emotions caused by external objects can be evoked by recalling relevant scenes, so we can also Temporarily suppressing it by controlling the scene and suppressing memories. It relies on real external objects, and we can control its outbreak through external objects. The feelings in the heart are invisible and have nothing to rely on. How to control it?"

It can be seen that the old man has indeed put considerable effort into this issue, and now there is a serious distress on his face again.

This expression made Pei Ye quite friendly. It was not irritation, but simply a confusion of wandering in a profound maze with no way out after being fully devoted. And it can't be completely ignorant, you must understand a little bit first, and then you can completely fall in. Before Zhu Gaoyang taught him "Introduction", Pei Ye would often enter this state as he stared at the long list of things to read without annotations and sentences.

Pei Ye was silent for a moment and thought: "Does your Excellency know how to use the sword?"


"How do you use your mind sword?"

".A moment of wonderful intuition, love and sword merge into one." Sui Zaihua slowly shook his head, "I was thinking about how to control this moment of spiritual light. In fact, I have a guess about this issue."


"Just as the Zhuojing can handle two twists and turns, if you want to operate 'Yi' as an entity, you must also have the 'Yi' state." Sui Zaihua said.

"Is the 'artistic' conception okay?"

"Of course the 'artistic' realm can be used." Sui Zaihua smiled, "Our discussion and thinking on this issue is limited to the two realms of clumsiness and spirit."

"Oh" Pei Ye was silent for a while, "but I don't think that's the case."


"Because actually, there is something to rely on when you pick up the sword."

The old man's face hardened, and he looked at him slightly confused.

"The reliance of the mind is the sword."

"What's the explanation?"

"This is my own feeling. But I think it is right. Although the intention comes from the chest, it actually does not come from a moment of inspiration, but from the sword style - it is not that people have to create a sword out of thin air. Only through affection can you use the 'Sword of Mind', and the sword style itself is also approaching people, it is it that affects the heart of the swordsman."

"..." Sui Zaihua listened carefully and was speechless, "Are you saying that you can adjust the sending and receiving of your thoughts by controlling the sword?"


"Is it just a simple sword move? Half the sword move, half the sword move?" The old man raised his hands.

"No, it's a feeling of oneness. You must first feel the pull of the sword in your hand to the affection, and then in a state of integration, you can control the sword's intention by adjusting the sword's posture."

The old man was silent: "But I didn't feel it."

"When you use the Yi Sword, can't you feel the pull of the sword in your hand on your heart? That feeling is very subtle and delicate, and you need to discover it carefully."

".No, I've definitely never felt it."


The old man once again showed his slightly troubled expression and rested his eyebrows with his elbows.

After a long time, he smiled slowly: "However, this is a problem of 'operation'. Xiaoyou Pei, thank you for providing me with a solution. I believe it can work."

"It just works."

"Okay." Sui Zaihua nodded and smiled. The temperament of an elderly student was buried again, and he regained the calmness of being in a high position. "This question is very narrow, because as long as you enter the 'artistic' realm, it will be a matter of course. Operation. Very few people will learn the intention sword in the realm of clumsy and spirit. Even if they learn it, there is no need to do anything to block the intention of the will. Therefore, after writing down this problem, it has been unresolved. Today, I did not intend to insert a willow. Instead, it’s solved.”

Pei Ye smiled: "I wouldn't have thought of this problem unless I saw your notes."

Sui Zaihua seemed to be in a good mood: "I will find someone to verify it later when I have time, and then write this solution into a sword theory and sign it with your name."

"Ah?" Pei Ye was caught off guard, "My name?"

"Yes, this is your idea." Sui Zaihua smiled, "However, I discovered the problem and I wrote the article, so I have to write it down later - it's just the two of us."

"." Pei Ye actually wanted to be humble, but a silly smile due to surprise had already leaked out, and he touched his head. "Ah, I. This."

It's hard to say what kind of mood this feels like, pure joy, even happier than getting the first place in any competition. Young Gein was already confident in the honor he could achieve with his sword, but he was always at the bottom of his game in this regard. He couldn't write or write, and even struggled to read and read.

Now, it is suddenly said that there is an article on sword theory signed with his name, recording Pei Ye's thoughts, collected in books, and circulated to others for learning. Like rushing from the mud ditch to the white misty clouds, a high-spirited spirit emerged from the young man's chest.

"Pei Ye, have you finished reading "Introduction"?"

"I haven't finished reading, Miss Ming. I've spent my time writing articles."

After Pei Ye finished laughing, he looked at the old man in front of him: "Master Sui, how many people can this sword theory be seen by?"

Sui Zaihua was startled and then laughed: "It depends on how many people want to read it. After this article is written, it will be left in the Shaolong Sword Xiu Academy for all the teachers and students in the academy to refer to. If the value is high enough, it is possible to enter the Dao Qihui, At that time, the entire Dao Qi Association and many people from the Thirty-three Sword Sects may see it - if you enter the Sword Xiu Academy, you can use this sword theory to exchange for many things."

"Oh." Pei Ye really felt a little pity this time, and bowed seriously to thank the old man, "Thank you for taking care of me."

"I'll answer your questions, and you'll answer my questions. In the end, we'll share a piece of paper, so how can we take care of you?" Sui Zaihua smiled gently, "Besides, I liked you very much as soon as you came on the stage."


"Yes, compared to Shang Huaitong, you are my favorite young man today. Your temperament is like the smell of sun-baked earth. So I can't help but ask you to come and chat, and I also want to see your sword. What does it look like?”

".Thank you for your love."

Sui Zaihua nodded with a smile, and suddenly sighed softly: "'Put the right against the right, the right against the right, and the evil against the evil.' Shang Huaitong's answer is quite good, but unfortunately it seems a bit false - by the way, little friend Pei, What about you, are you also unscrupulous against your enemies?"

".Roughly the same."

"So...how do you define your enemy?"

"Me?" Pei Ye was so calm and almost natural, "Of course I am doing good and evil."

"." Such a completely upright answer is really rare. People with evil intentions would not dare to tell such lies that even they feel are false. Sui Zaihua was slightly startled, "What about Li?"

"I think since we are talking about good and evil, there is no need to talk about profit."

"Confucius said: Why call it profit." Sui Zaihua looked at him and sighed slowly, "But I think this is too naive and young."

Pei Ye looked at the old man.

"Although there are many simple good and evil, there are many more things. In fact, there is no distinction between good and evil. They are just conflicts of interest between different people." Sui Zaihua said, "So, if we want to talk about good and evil, we must still talk about profit. ."

".That's someone else's benefit."

"Aren't you among them?"

"I'm not here."

"Really?" Sui Zaihua raised his eyebrows, interested, "Can you ignore your own interests for the sake of 'righteousness'? Including money, fame, status, martial arts. Everything you have or will get, even life?"

".I can." Pei Ye was silent for a while this time, and he thought of the sword shadow in the book "The Broken Hero".

"I don't believe it." Sui Zaihua looked at him and said firmly, "I can see that you are a lover of life, with abundant enthusiasm, and you are by no means a stoic. Fame and fortune are of great sweetness to you—— It can be seen from your performance just now. You are swearing now just because you have never really obtained them."

"Maybe. Anyway, I can't prove it to you before it happens." Pei Ye smiled slightly, then was silent for a moment, and whispered, "But sooner or later you will believe it. Because... I will not lose it." His face."


"An old man, I asked him a similar question once." Pei Ye looked out the window and said, "He said that a man is good at what he does, and it doesn't matter how good he is."

"Then I hope you can stick to this intention." Sui Zaihua smiled faintly, "Okay, it's almost time. Let me see if you brought that girl over. Let her come in."

Pei Ye didn't expect him to take the initiative to mention this section, and bowed: "Thank you, sir."

"Go ahead."

Pei Ye hesitated for a moment: "Master Sui, Miss Li is injured. Today's sword performance is actually not at her level. Moreover, her talent is actually very good, but she has been distracted by worldly affairs. Moreover, she has a bright and tenacious mind. She has just performed this year. Seventeen——"

"Well, I know everything." Sui Zaihua interrupted with a smile, "She revived Cuiyu alone, didn't she? I like it very much."

Pei Ye smiled angrily: "Yes."

But Pei Ye still didn't go out immediately. He hesitated again, handed over his hand again, and said seriously this time: "Sir, I want to say some unpopular words to you that I didn't intend to say."


"Shang Huaitong is actually a poisonous snake covered in pus mist. Just because the sky has no eyes to give him a gift of swords, he has piety, almost fanaticism, and relies on it to be proud. If he recruits this person, he will actually be Sword Academy is unfortunate."

Sui Zaihua laughed: "Okay, I heard it. Then I will also say something to you that I didn't intend to say and that I don't like."


"I really want to recruit you to Shaolong Sword Training Academy. The so-called Shenjing backing is really unreliable. Even if you can trust it, in a place like Shenjing, no matter how hard the mountain is, it can be wiped out overnight. It's better to come to Shaolong. Mansion, the Sword Xiu Academy is enough to give you wings."

"I'll call Li Mingqing."

Sui Zaihua rolled his eyes slightly.

Pei Ye walked outside and called the girl who had been waiting for a long time over. When she walked to the door, she heard someone say from inside: "Just let her come in."

I had no choice but to give a few quick instructions and send the girl inside. She was very quick, and she came out in about one stick of incense.

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