The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 214 Comparing before

Sui Zaihua followed the girl and walked out together.

"Farewell." The old man looked at the sunset in the west and said with a soft smile, "I wish you both all the best. See you again during the martial arts competition."

After saying that, he gathered up his clothes and went outside the Yamen.

"What did you say?" After the two of them bowed and sent the old man off, Pei Ye turned his head and asked the girl.

Li Pingqing sighed: "Compared to Shang Huaitong, it turns out that I am the one who stands on the threshold of the Sword Academy."

"It's already very impressive, but you're still much younger."

"Yeah but you're not the same age as me?"

"You can't compare with me." Pei Ye smiled.

Li Mingqing rolled her eyes at him and walked out of the office: "But Mr. Sui still prefers me. It's just that I have some problems."


"Because I am Cuiyu's successor."

"You can let go of Cuiyu's affairs for a while. Wouldn't it be better to study for two or three years?" Pei Ye looked at the girl, "The situation has settled down soon. You are still young and can move to higher places. "

"It's not just about affairs." The two of them left the yamen and stood on the street. Li Mingqing looked at the sunset flying to the west. "This is a matter of regulation. My status in the world is too important, so things are a little bit involved." ."

"Oh." Pei Ye then remembered that Dao Qihui was an organization established by the Thirty-Three Sword Sects and the Tang Dynasty. Those who could join were disciples of the Thirty-three Sword Sects and clean citizens of the Tang Dynasty.

Pei Ye, who has no family or sect, can enter, but if you add the identity of a Jianghu sect, you will have a certain degree of independence. At this time, if you want to enter the Taoist meeting, there will be two obstacles - firstly, your sect is no longer there In the Dao Qi Society, why would the Thirty-Three Sword Sect allow you to learn their swordsmanship? Wouldn't that be considered stealing from their master? Secondly, since you are inevitably ahead of the people of the Tang Dynasty as a disciple of the sect, then the imperial court's efforts to train you are also unavoidable. Just had doubts.

This was naturally the Tang Dynasty's way of weakening the world and gathering swordsmen, but for a young girl who was dedicated to her sect, she had to lose this opportunity in her decision.

"Is there no room for accommodation in this matter?" Pei Ye frowned, "Can't Shang Huaitong enter?"

"Of course there is. Especially for a small sect with no reputation like ours, the Thirty-Three Swordsmen and the imperial court don't really care." Li Mingqing jumped onto the car at the door. Pei Ye didn't enter the car and sat on her beside.

The girl flicked her whip lightly, and the carriage sped along.

"Master Sui said there are three ways. One is the special recruitment of the Sword Academy, that is, no matter what your status is, the Sword Academy wants you. There are still places this year, but I do not have such qualifications; the other is the recommendation of the imperial court, that is, He said that the imperial court believes that you will be of benefit to the Tang Dynasty and does not mind your Jianghu status, so it has opened this path for you. I think this path can be tried, because the relationship between Cuiyu and the state government has always been good."

"Where's three?"

"The third is to find one of the thirty-three sword sects for recommendation. Didn't Qijiao find Kongtong?" Li Mingqing sighed softly, "But Cuiyu doesn't know any sect in Dao Qihui, and he can't offer much money. ."

"Oh." Pei Ye nodded slowly and said thoughtfully, "I'll ask you about this when the time comes."

"Ask? That friend of yours?"


"Then if there is a way, remember to ask me to talk. Don't owe yourself too many favors."

"Let's talk about this later." The carriage and horses had traveled some distance at this time. Pei Ye looked at the restaurants on the street and suddenly said, "Wait a minute, today is September 2nd. I have to book some accommodation."

"Huh? What?"

"I invited Feng Huai's relatives and friends to come see Wu Bi." Pei Ye said, "They should arrive in two days."

"Ah, but if you order now, the price is already very high." Li Mingqing tightened the reins of his horse, "How much money do you have left?"

"Fourteen taels, more than 700 Wen."

"Are there many people coming?"

"There are not many adults, mainly about twenty children."

Li Mingqing looked at him in surprise.

"They are from our Fenghuai Martial Arts School." Pei Ye said, "The children have been in the mountains. I want them to go to the city to see the world."

"Oh, then just live in Cuiyu's house." The girl said.

Pei Ye hesitated: "It's too troublesome, they are all country kids, very naughty."

"Then what's there? We also want to buy "Cicada Sword" from your shop. Of course we have to have a good relationship."

Pei Ye smiled: "Okay then."

As the carriage moved by, Pei Ye was no longer a stranger to everything when he first arrived in Bowang. The structure of the city had gradually taken shape in his mind, and many buildings had an impression on him. At this time, after passing a four-story building, Pei Ye immediately smiled and said, "Isn't the venue for the martial arts competition ahead?"

"Yes." The girl responded crisply.

Sure enough, as soon as we passed the willow shade, we saw the huge square that we saw when we first entered the city. At this time, all kinds of stalls and hawkers had been cleared to the outermost edge, and five huge shelves had been erected in the middle, with many people walking through it. Busy.

"When the stones and wood are filled in, there will be five arenas." Li Mingqing said.

"It's so big." Pei Ye sighed. Such a huge stage, the surrounding houses looked like toys in front of it, and it was actually not the same thing as the "contest" in his impression.

"This is just a separate stage. In the end, the combined stage will be bigger." Li Mingqing stopped the carriage, tilted his head and smiled with the young man.


"Yeah. There are four days of martial arts competition. On the first day, one hundred and twenty-eight will advance to sixty-four. In this way, four stages will be completed with sixteen games each. On the second day, sixty-four will advance to thirty-two. Then the four arenas were combined two by two, and there were also sixteen games in these two large arenas. On the third day, thirty-two entered sixteen, and this was the real meat of the show. The winner would get the Iron Fish Talisman. Many people came to see it only on this day. On this day, the arenas will not be combined, there will still be two, but there will be one more round, that is, the top sixteen will be determined, and the top eight will be determined; on the fourth day, The two arenas merged again, and the eight people fought together to determine the leader on the only and largest arena."

Pei Ye's eyes slowly swept across this huge square, which could accommodate tens of thousands of people. The terrain it is located in is also very convenient. It is a dropped ground. It is very suitable to stand on the roof of the street next to it or even sit in a restaurant to watch the field.

"Then what is the purpose of this extra arena?" Pei Ye pointed, and the other four arenas on the field were together, and the fifth one was separated from them by some distance.

"Oh, this is the side stage." Li Mingqing said, "It is a second chance for those who have lost a round. This arena has never been dismantled. Even during the martial arts competition, the competition above has not been broken down. It will stop - because the loser's competition is very long and there is only one arena."

"Is there still a chance if I lose?"

"Of course, although the state government will try its best to stagger the famous masters in the early stage, it cannot take care of many good but nameless people." Li Mingqing said, "For example, what if a student in the Longmen class is ranked first? When I meet you in a round, I have no way to complain."

".So that's the case, then how are we going to fight this loser?"

"It's quite simple. To put it bluntly, it's 'double defeat'. The sixty-four people who were defeated in the first round will compete in another round to determine the 'Thirty-two' and 'Thirty-two'." If you go down to thirty-two, you will be completely eliminated, and the result of this round is finalized - without winning in one round. Then, if you go to thirty-two, you will be qualified - to play a round with the thirty-two people eliminated by the winner in the next round. . The 'Xia Thirty Two' decided in this round are also completely eliminated, and the victory in the previous round does not count, and the result is still no victory in one round." Li Mingqing said, "And the victors The top thirty-two, together with the top thirty-two in the winner group, will form the real top sixty-four in this martial arts competition, and will receive the reward of "win a round". After that, these thirty-two people will decide on their own again. The 'upper and lower sixteen' are selected, and the upper sixteen will compete with the eliminated sixteen, and so on."

Pei Ye nodded slowly: "I understand, that is to say, even if you unfortunately lose a round, you can still work hard to stand out among the losers, and then you can have a chance to snatch someone else's ranking."


"As for the winners of the first round, if they lose among the sixty-four and thirty-two, there is actually no guarantee that they will be among the top sixty-four. They will have to face the challenge of the losers again. If they lose, Then return one hundred and twenty-eight, and if you win, you can keep sixty-four."

"Yes, yes." Li Mingqing smiled and nodded, "You are much smarter than Senior Brother Chu Nian. The last time I told him, I was almost pissed to death. However, the loser's challenge is only to the second place. That’s it.”

"Can't we no longer compete for the leadership?"

"Of course not. If you think about this rule, actually only the defeated person needs to accept the challenge of someone who has also lost one round. The leader has won all the victories, so there is no danger." Li Mingqing said, "And The leader should be the number one in this session. Since he has lost, no matter who he loses to, how can he be said to be the strongest?"

".That's the truth. As long as you lose once, you are naturally not worthy of being the leader."

Li Mingqing looked at this vast venue and suddenly sighed: "The competition is shoulder to shoulder, and the sea of ​​people is thunderous. No wonder many people, even if they have no intention of official career and no chance, still rush to compete in a martial arts competition - can this be achieved?" The roar of Bowang City is worth all the hard work."

Pei Ye also watched quietly from a distance, as if he had already seen the arena taking shape and tens of thousands of people sitting around and staring.

He has never been in this state.

It wasn't until the carriage started to move that Pei Ye came back to his senses, and the girl next to him smiled and said, "I almost forgot something!"


"I need to measure two outfits for you!"


"When the time comes for your martial arts competition, will you wear this one?"

Pei Ye lowered his head and looked at it. This was one of the two clothes he brought out from Fenghuai. It had been washed and he was wearing it today to attend the Luzhou Poetry Recital. It is indeed a bit thin and whitish, the material is not good, and the style is old.

"Okay, how nice should you dress for a fight?"

"This is not just a fight, it's also an appearance." Li Mingqing drove the car and turned west into a street, "I'll take you to the house I often go to."

Pei Ye still resisted a little: "I didn't even change my clothes when I went to the Luzhou Poetry Club."

"That's because I didn't care about you."


After twisting and turning, we came to a facade, a bluestone alley, a wooden door with black eaves, and the surroundings were very quiet. Li Mingqing jumped off the carriage and gave the still hesitant boy a hand. With his other hand, he pushed the door open and said with a smile, "Sister Xu?"

The young woman wearing cloth in the courtyard stood up and looked at the girl at the door in surprise. She shook the water on her hands and said, "Ping Qing! It's been a long time since I came here to make new clothes."

"Well, it's not for me today." The girl smiled, "It's this young hero."

"Oh?" The woman surnamed Xu looked over, looked around the boy, turned her eyes back to the girl and smiled, "This must not be a new disciple."

Li Mingqing smiled and pushed her into the house: "Quick, go and show off. We'll be in a hurry for something later."

"Oh? Urgent." The woman smiled softly into the girl's ear, and Li Mingqing slapped her.

Pei Ye didn't know what they were joking about, so she just kept smiling and followed behind. As soon as she entered the room, she was startled by the dazzling array of flowers in her eyes. Red, yellow, green, blue, white, purple, cyan. Each primary color derives many secondary colors, which are different in length, thickness, hardness and softness, roughness and smoothness.

There are nearly a hundred kinds of Linlin, and this is just the fabric on the surface.

Fortunately, the girl didn't make it difficult for him to choose from them. The woman just kept taking out the clothes for him to change into. The girl looked at them and then nodded or shook her head, while the woman wrote them down on paper. After finally measuring his body carefully, the two of them gathered in front of the desk and whispered with rulers and pens, constantly changing the patterns on the paper.

Pei Ye, who was no longer being fiddled with, was strolling around the shop and saw many ready-made clothes mounted on the walls, which indeed showed the meticulous craftsmanship. After taking two steps, Pei Ye paused and saw a light yellow skirt coming into view, which was not far different from the girl's. He turned around and wanted to ask Li Mingqing to come and see, but he saw that the girl and the woman were discussing happily. Quite high.

Is making clothes that interesting?

Pei Ye walked forward and saw a familiar men's suit in the middle. This one made Pei Ye stop for a longer time because it was actually worn by Zhao Zhang at today's poetry meeting.

Pei Ye smiled. He was still wondering how this seemingly unpopular restaurant could sustain its business, but now his doubts were solved - it will only open in March.

Then he suddenly stirred and subconsciously covered his money bag.

With this worry in mind, Pei Ye slowly turned around, walked to the two women, and without saying a word, he looked over and saw that the patterns of the two long clothes on the paper were slowly taking shape.

It's really pretty.

Li Mingqing raised her head and smiled: "Do you like this look?"

"It looks good. What material should we use?" Pei Ye asked insinuatingly, thinking simply that the bulk of the money was still on the fabric.

The woman glanced at him and smiled: "Master, do you have any materials you like? I can make the clothes according to your instructions."


Li Minqing made a "pop" sound and saw through the young man's mind at a glance: "Don't worry about it, I'll pay for it."

"No, no, no, how can that be done?"

"Why not? From now on, Cuiyu will pay for all your expenses in Bowang City. It's settled."

Pei Ye didn't agree, but she couldn't get over this matter, so she smiled helplessly: "Okay."

After all the details were settled, it was already dark. Even though the woman refused, the girl still put down a deposit of one or two taels.

Pei Ye looked at the amount and was dumbfounded - a deposit of one tael, but the clothes cost two or three taels of silver.

He really felt that the clothes were just as long as he could wear them, and there was no need to spend so much money on them. Another thing that the boy couldn't understand was that the girl was very interested in dressing him up.

It’s not like you dress yourself – isn’t there a lot of fun in dressing other people up?

Until he heard a soft meow from the side, Pei Ye turned his head and saw a cat owned by a woman squatting on the table. What is different from ordinary cats is that this one is actually wearing a finely tailored dark green shirt, with a jade pendant hanging from his neck, and a small crown on his head. He is sitting still, really looking like a pine breeze and a crane. So cute.


Pei Ye tilted his head, his eyes bright.

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