The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 462 Before Death

Ding Yukang is very easy-going, no wonder he always mediates family feuds. With such a face, it is really easy to get in the comments.

The autopsy summary written by Wu was very brief: "Ding was forty-nine years old. Her body was four feet five inches long. There were five abrasions and three bruises. The fatal injury was on the temple and there were two punch wounds." 】

"Does Captain Ding have some cultivation?" Pei Ye untied the corpse clothes and looked at it carefully from the neck.

"Ah? I haven't replied to my lord, Uncle Ding has no cultivation level." Xu Liu responded with some restraint.

Zhao Yi himself did not want to come here for a reason. Autopsy was not only a dirty job, but also a tiring job. Xu Liu had been in the county government for two months, and this was the first time he had seen a murder corpse so close.

He didn't know where the adult next to him came from, but he was obviously too young. At this time, he looked calmly at the horrific death state with blood covering half of his face.

"Do you have a relationship with Captain Ding?" Pei Ye caught the title.

"Sir, I'm actually not too familiar with him. I worked with Zhou Baotou on foreign affairs. But sometimes when I met Uncle Ding, he took the initiative to chat with me." Xu Liudao, "He said that he also worked on foreign affairs for a long time in his early years. Let me .Get through it and you’ll be fine.”

"Oh." Pei Ye nodded. He had exposed the body completely and scanned it briefly. He found that the body was indeed basically intact and there were no injuries. "In your impression, is there anything different about Agent Ding recently?"

Pei Ye knew very well that the same thing looked different in the eyes of different people: "For example, have you gone somewhere or met anyone and thought about it carefully?"

Xu Liu really thought about it carefully. When he first entered the county government, he took every word of his superiors and colleagues seriously. At this time, he frowned for a long time and said: "No, I don't often look at Uncle Ding. Anyway, he still comes to the room on duty as usual, and goes to Pingkangfang for a walk in the evening. It seems that he has stopped drinking these days and doesn't talk to me much. "

"No more drinking?"

"Yes, he usually says he's a little drunk like a god," and after drinking two glasses of wine he wanders off to see the night view, but a few days ago there was no smell of alcohol in the Kaaba."

Pei Ye nodded, stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, help your feet down and turn over."

Xu Liu's body was slightly tensed, and he pursed his lips and stepped forward to hold his ankle. Just as he was hesitating how to exert force, the heavy body sank softly and steadily, and turned over lightly.

For a moment, he didn't understand the use of his support, but the next moment he remembered what the old man told him when he first entered the Yamen. Death is an important matter. Even if he has abundant energy, two people should carry it if possible. It is "not disturbing the remaining soul".

Pei Ye glanced at the back again. This was indeed a very simple and clear corpse. There were a few scratches on the hands and elbows, and a heavy bruise on the lower back. It didn't look like it had fallen to the ground, but like it had been knocked on some corner. . There were two bruises on his legs, and then there were three fatal punches.

Qisheng was able to wipe out a fifty-year-old mortal with no cultivation in this way.

Pei Ye recalled that when he first met in prison, the silent and uninhibited Huang Ren could indeed throw such three punches coldly. Of course, it was not because of a bump on the road. This was just the reason he chose to be imprisoned.

But Ding Yukang was not wearing arrest uniform at that time.

Pei Ye asked Xu Liu to turn over the body and tie the corpse clothes. The two of them washed their hands by the pool.

Pei Ye thought in his mind and decided to go back to his room and ask for the case files from the past two months.

Four knight-errant fights and seven robberies.

There were no lives, two single-on-one injuries and two group fights, all involving the usual groups of people.

Thieves are skilled in the world, and even though they have different types, they are basically impossible to detect. The gold disappeared from the locked cabinet, and while walking on the road, I suddenly found that my wallet was gone. Two gangsters were knocked down by a masked man and robbed of five taels of silver. There was also a message from Dongcheng Wannian County. , it was said that two rice shops in Pingkangfang were sneaked into, but no theft was found yet. Only the thief slipped and broke the flower pot.

Pei Ye read it one by one. The young man showed unimaginable patience in this matter. He knew what enemy he would face in the end, so he refused to let go of every detail.

But he really didn't see anything related to Ding Yukang. Pei Ye closed the case file, nodded goodbye to everyone in the county government, and went straight to Ding Yukang's residence.

Yonghefang, a very respectable small courtyard, has a seal on the door.

Pei Ye pushed open the door and walked in. He planted trees and grass in the courtyard, and was quite interesting in doing the things. As the county government officials said, this was a man who was already on the road to retirement.

But now that there is no water for days, it is already a little sluggish.

The furnishings everywhere are very simple, just like a person living alone, everything is just for his own convenience.

The west wing was locked. Pei Ye unlocked it and checked. There were piles of debris. There was a stove in the courtyard. Pei Ye took off the pot and looked. It was clean. There was also dust on the bottom of the stove. He paused. .

The east wing is the kitchen. People in the county government have mentioned that Lao Ding often makes wine and cuts meat after work. Even if he doesn't invite guests, he always has hot and cold food, meat and vegetables.

But this room is now clean and a bit lonely. It's not that no one has taken care of it after the owner died suddenly, but it's that there are no dishes prepared at all.

There was no wine in the pot, no meat left in the pot, the utensils were placed on the shelves, and the dishes were neatly stacked in the cabinets, completely unused. A better pair of drinking utensils were placed preciously high up, but even the ordinary set below was not placed in a commonly used place.

——Even on those days when the owner was here, he never ate here.

But the answer was soon revealed in the bedroom.

The bed was spread out in a mess, as if it had not been tidied for days. The dining area was moved here. A small broken square table was propped up on the ground, and a small plate was placed on it. The remaining pickled radish in it had already grown hairy. Next to it was a half-eaten steamed bun with moldy spots.

A strange smell emanated. Pei Ye opened the loose lid of the small jar next to it. A wooden spoon was dipped in the pickled sauerkraut, and it looked like it was being scooped out. Four packages of steamed buns wrapped in paper were piled on the table. Pei Ye counted them and found that there were still fifteen left, which was enough for a man to eat for two days.

In the days before his death, he did not drink again and ate steamed buns and pickled vegetables for several days in a row.

Pei Ye stood there for a while with a table and chairs next to him. Books and papers were placed on the table. Pei Ye walked over and there was still unburned oil solidified in the lamp. He picked up several pieces of paper in a row. They were all sketches that he could not understand. They looked like a place, a path, and some were numerical calculations.

Pei Ye seemed to have seen this scene before. It was Lao Xiangzi's bedroom.

But there was nothing supernatural or crazy here. Pei Ye only saw a kind of careful calmness. He flipped through these drafts one by one and finally found a clean and clear piece of paper, as if it was used to record the results of some efforts.

"Jiu Tao, about sixty. September 8, eight hundred catties; September 20, eight hundred catties; October 1, eight hundred catties.

Ling Fang, about seventy. September 1, one thousand two hundred catties; September 15, eight hundred catties; September 25, one thousand five hundred catties.


The whole paper was filled with such strange nouns and numbers, listed in more than ten lines, but no one knew what they indicated.

Pei Ye frowned and looked at it until his eyes paused, and suddenly saw a familiar noun mixed in it.

—— "Lian Zi Xiang, about eighty. September 11, one thousand catties; September 22, one thousand catties; October 3, one thousand catties."

Pei Ye remembered the three words "Lian Zi Xiang". When he went to Pingkangfang that night, the dancing girl on the lotus platform flew down from this building.

Are these brothels in Pingkangfang?

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