Pei Ye imprinted this record in his heart with [Quail Head], and went to Wannian County Office to check the case files of Pingkangfang, but there was nothing special. It was still a fight with weapons and thieves. In order to facilitate the arrest of the whole city, the case of thieves has been reported to Chang'an County passed the news, and the name of Zhidou was clear. Pei Ye looked for it, but did not see Zhang Piaoxu's name on it.

Then he realized that many fights were not reported, and there were twenty or thirty people in the police room, and it didn't look like they were inspecting the whole city. I'm afraid only those who were reported were considered cases.

There are more things that they cannot see, find out, or control. There is the Immortal Terrace, the Jinwu Guards, the Forbidden Army, and the Jingzhao Mansion. In a place like Shenjing, the two county police officers are indeed of low status and on the edge of their authority. officials, no wonder many of them don't even have any cultivation.

Pei Ye put down the case file, picked up his sword and headed towards Pingkangfang.

The second time I came here, it was already nightfall again.

This is also the busiest time for this place. It is still a bustling and romantic scene, with beautiful faces in red buildings, precious cars and beautiful clothes, and Kyoto Rangers who can be seen from time to time. This place does seem to be outside the order of the divine capital, but in some way To a certain extent, its existence is also a microcosm of the temperament of the Tang Dynasty.

Countless people are wandering here, the lights are like daylight, everything is bright. What did Ding Yukang touch?

He went out at the beginning of Youshi and died on the East Street at 2:00 am. Pei Ye sketched his route in his mind and walked along the East Street as if he had recovered.

This is a street that is not very "Pingkangfang". Although it is also bustling with lights and shadows, the powdery and romantic atmosphere is much lighter. Many daily shops are opened here, providing all kinds of clothing, food and housing - the young heroes also have to wear Girls also need clothes, and they also need to eat. If the saddle is broken, the horse is sick, the piano is broken, there must be a place to repair it.

What is Ding Yukang doing here?

Pei Ye walked slowly. What he got was not the precise and orderly case records of Xianrentai, but the simple and rough case files of the county government. When many details had been lost to time, he could only work hard to get into the same situation as Ding Yukang. .

A person who stops drinking to stay awake, makes steamed buns and pickles when he is hungry, and sits back at the table to continue sketching when he is full.

A person who is nearly fifty years old, has no cultivation, and has entered the enjoyment stage of life.

Now he has a body that has been tempered for a long time, but he has to face some kind of behemoth again. The official uniform and waist knife cannot give him any support. For several days in a row, he pretends to be an ordinary passerby. Pei Ye follows his steps. He walked slowly and quickly, observing the scenery on both sides.

The steps suddenly stopped.

He turned his head and looked at the buildings on the street. A wall of about two feet surrounded a backyard. The picture in front of him suddenly overlapped with that in his mind. It was a page of lines drawn by Ding Yukang.

Remove all decorations and curves, and the long street and houses are arranged in the simplest line. Not just this angle, not just the high wall in front of you, the surrounding buildings are all outlined by Ding Yukang, and then connected by a line. rise.

Pei Ye frowned and thought about the extremely serious sketch. Looking at the street scene in front of him, he almost imagined how Ding Yukang had used several different angles to outline the layout of the house. But what was the meaning of this? The layout is clearly laid out here and nothing will change. What is there to think about in this picture?

Until Pei Ye suddenly realized that he couldn't climb this high wall.

Ding Yukang's figure was almost clear in front of him. He was standing under the eaves with him that day, but he had no vitality and no young and vigorous body. Pei Ye thought hard, making his body heavy and dull. If he wanted to How can he get out of this wall?

Climbing eaves, taking detours, going from one roof to another. Gradually, a line exactly like the one on the sketch appeared in his mind.

"Excuse me, what kind of courtyard is this?" Pei Ye stopped a passerby and raised the wild goose sign in his hand before he frowned.

"You, this is the warehouse of Liang's rice shop." The man stopped and said, "I heard that there was a thief a few days ago, but you said that this rice can still be carried out in two bags. Sure enough, the last check was something None of it was lost, but the thief slipped and broke the flower pot. "

Rice shop.

Pei Ye instantly understood what the old detective was investigating.

I didn't brag to Xu Liu. He was indeed engaged in foreign affairs when he was young, and he must be one of the best.

The apprentices he brings later will definitely be able to work in Jingzhao Mansion.

This attentiveness and caution must have been honed in the murder case - he was looking through the account books of all the rice and noodle shops in Pingkangfangsu, so as to understand the food consumption of each brothel.

A building with one hundred people would never be able to eat two thousand kilograms of rice in ten days.

Pei Ye found an extremely conspicuous row of data in the full sheet of paper in an instant.

Its full picture is: "Carp Hall, about a hundred people. On September 9th, a total of two thousand kilograms of rice and noodles were purchased; on September 20th, another two thousand kilograms were purchased; on October 1st, another two thousand kilograms were purchased."

The carp hall is not difficult to find. It is located in the southeast corner of Pingkang. For a hundred people, it occupies a somewhat large area. It is planted with vegetation, pines and cypresses, and there are no overly high pavilions. It is more like a garden. appearance, so in terms of the overall temperament of Pingkangfang, it is a bit quiet.

"The Liguan is called 'Pingkang's No. 1 Hotel', but its reputation is far greater than the number of people. Because of its extravagant expenses and the selection of guests, it is difficult for ordinary people to get close." Shortly after Pei Ye asked, Xu Chuo's voice came.

"I heard that brothels in Pingkang are controlled by gangs. What gang is behind this one, so high-profile?"

Xu Chuo's side was quiet for a while. Pei Ye knew that she was waiting for information. Sure enough, the voice sounded again after a while. Xu Chuo seemed to be silent for a while and said: "Taiping Cao Gang."

"Taiping Cao Gang?"

"So this is their tentacles below," Xu Chuo muttered to himself, and then answered, "-Taiping Cao, the largest gang in Shenjing City, mainly controls the canal transportation, and there are countless other industries such as brothels, gambling houses, and fighting venues. Going deeper, there are probably drug trafficking, human trafficking, house raiding and assassination. This gang has always been closely connected with the upper class, and no one has been able to shake its foundation for a long time, but I lack the power of the lower class and don't know them deeply."

Pei Ye nodded slowly.

Facing such a behemoth, Ding Yukang had already used all his caution and caution, but the moment he showed his weakness, he was beaten to death in the street with three punches by the oncoming people.

This is not even an assassination, it is almost blatant.

Pei Ye still doesn't know why Ding Yukang suddenly abandoned his original life to investigate them, but that is not the focus.

For him, he already knew why the barbarians killed the constable, and he also knew where the tentacles that stretched out to him in prison came from.

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