The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1218 Abyss (fourth update, please recommend monthly subscription)

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Zhao Fu was ordering people to collect information about countless Taixu relics. Before his subordinates had finished collecting, they heard a message and came to Lin Yan'er's room. He found that Ling Feixue was also here, but she didn't have the cold temperament before. A hint of charm.

Zhao Fu didn't pay attention to these, looked at Lin Yan'er and said, "Do you have detailed information about the Taixu ruins?"

Lin Yaner smiled charmingly, "Yes, Your Majesty, I have collected a lot of information about the Taixu Ruins, and also prepared a Taixu Token to prepare to enter the Taixu Ruins next year. I didn't expect that the Taixu Ruins would be opened in advance, and I didn't expect that the Taixu Ruins would be opened in advance. I can get to know His Majesty."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu curled his lips slightly, looked at Lin Yan'er and said, "Then tell me the information you collected about the Taixu ruins."

Lin Yan'er said softly, "Then does your majesty have any reward? Sister Feixue has entered the Taixu ruins once. She should know more about the things in the Taixu ruins. She only knows a general information."

Zhao Fu looked at Ling Feixue standing aside, and then asked Lin Yan'er, "What reward do you want? I will try my best to satisfy you. I will listen to the general information first, and then some detailed information."

Lin Yan'er jumped into Zhao Fu's arms in surprise, hugged Zhao Fu and persuaded him, "There is only one reward I want, and that is for your majesty to have sex with me."

Zhao Fu pushed her away unhappily, "This one doesn't work, let's get another one."

After Lin Yan'er was pushed away by Zhao Fu, her eyes shone with tears, and she said sadly, "Your Majesty! Do you dislike this person's body? She has only been touched by one man before, because she has not met Your Majesty yet. If When I meet His Majesty, I will definitely give you the first place. Now I really want to be His Majesty’s woman and serve His Majesty wholeheartedly.”

Ling Feixue couldn't help but said, "Your Majesty! You can't do this to Yan'er."

Zhao Fu tilted his head slightly, rolled his eyes, and said, "Okay! You actually have the Taixu Order. When the Taixu Ruins are opened, you can follow me into the Taixu Ruins! And hurry up and talk about the Taixu Ruins. .”

Lin Yan'er put on a smile and happily introduced the Taixu Ruins to Zhao Fu, "For thousands of years, countless people have not fully understood how big the Taixu Ruins are. They only know that it is divided into ten layers."

"The tenth level is the outermost level, and the first level is the deepest. Each level is very large. There are not only various treasures, but also many dangers, and many heritage relics. This is also the most attractive."

"Each level also has checkpoints. You need to obtain a clearance token to enter the next level, and in it, neither the city master's seal nor the town weapon can be used."

"There is also a points system in the Taixu Ruins. You can get a lot of points by killing certain monsters or clearing certain levels. When the time comes, a scoreboard will appear. This scoreboard will not only be displayed inside the Taixu Ruins. , people outside also saw it.”

"Your Majesty, please be careful not to let others know that you are the son of the Emperor of Qin, otherwise those enemies will find you, but I believe that your Majesty, you will definitely surpass them."

"Points can also be added up one level at a time. At the last level, people with very high points can undergo special trials. Only a few people have passed this special trial for thousands of years. I don't know exactly how."

Zhao Fu listened carefully, nodded seriously, and said, "Is there any more information? Keep talking."

Lin Yan'er smiled and said, "Your Majesty! You've been standing for so long, aren't you tired? You'd better sit down and talk!"

Hearing this, Zhao Fu sat on the chair next to the table. Lin Yan'er and Ling Feixue also sat down. Then Lin Yan'er continued to talk about the information about the Taixu ruins. Zhao Fu listened carefully while thinking about what to prepare. .

After a while, Lin Yan'er said, "Your Majesty! This is all I know. Let Sister Feixue speak next! She has entered the Taixu ruins and should know better."

Zhao Fu also looked at Ling Feixue.

Ling Feixue said nervously, "Your Majesty! If I am willing to provide you with this information, I can also serve Great Qin in the future. Can you let the Ancient Sword Sect go, even if you reduce the number of killings?"

Hearing Ling Feixue talk about the Ancient Sword Sect again, Zhao Fu stared at Ling Feixue with slightly cold eyes, "Are you negotiating terms with me? Do you think I will agree to you?"

Ling Feixue's face was pale. She really didn't want to see everyone in the Ancient Sword Sect die at the hands of Zhao Fu. She had deep feelings for the Ancient Sword Sect, the place where she had been since she was born, so she always wanted Zhao Fu to be able to Let the Ancient Sword Sect go for once.

However, the hatred they formed at the beginning was too deep and the two sides could no longer reconcile. Ling Feixue could not just watch the Ancient Sword Sect perish. She could only try every means to save the Ancient Sword Sect. Even if Zhao Fu was more tolerant in the future, that would be great.

"Sister Feixue! Only if you listen to His Majesty carefully now can you change His Majesty, and Your Majesty doesn't like you to do this."

Lin Yan'er said vaguely, taking advantage of Zhao Fu's attention on Ling Feixue, she was already half-kneeling on the ground, serving Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu helplessly stretched out a finger, pressed it against her fair forehead, and pushed her away, "We are talking about business now, don't be careless."

Lin Yan'er stood up happily and thought to herself, "That's not the case when it's time to do business."

Ling Feixue blushed and turned her head away. She instinctively licked her lips again and began to introduce Zhao Fu to the events in the Taixu ruins.

"Although there are countless treasures and inheritances in the Taixu ruins, they are also very dangerous. Otherwise, it would not be possible to explore them all for thousands of years. There are some dangerous places in them. Even if a strong person in the world of heaven and earth enters, he will die."

"For example, the tenth floor

There is an abyss, which you must not approach. For thousands of years, no one has entered it and come out alive. It is an extremely dangerous place, and it is also very barren, with almost no spiritual energy and no treasures. "

"The tenth level is just the outermost level. There are such dangerous places. The closer you get to the inside, the more dangerous places there will be. According to the former master of the Ancient Sword Sect, the first level belongs to the ultimate killing place, the Emperor Heaven Realm. A strong person may fall even if he enters.”

When Zhao Fu heard this, he couldn't help but feel shocked. The danger of the Taixu ruins was simply beyond his imagination. A strong man in the Heaven and Earth Realm could torture him until he was unable to fight back, and his cultivation in the Emperor Heaven Realm was the second highest. The existence with the highest level of cultivation.

It seems that this trip to the Taixu ruins still requires extreme caution. In addition, since the suppressor cannot be used, the strongest life-saving means is not available, so everything needs to be relied on on one's own.

Once again, he looked at Ling Feixue and asked her to continue.

At this time, the purple light emitted by the Taixu Order was getting stronger and stronger, which showed that the time was getting shorter and shorter, and all parties had stepped up their preparations.

ps; there are four updates in four days, and there are very few people who can support it.


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