The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1219 Iron Tower

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A huge roar resounded through more than a dozen domains, and purple light penetrated countless worlds. A huge purple ball of light appeared in the sky, and the sky was gradually dyed purple.

The Taixu Token in Zhao Fu's hand also erupted with intense purple light, as did the Taixu Token in Lin Yan'er's hand. The purple light gradually enveloped the bodies of the two of them, and then a powerful force pulled them towards the sky, like streaks of light. The streamers of light are like flying into the sky.

Fortunately, as long as you have the Taixu Order, you can be teleported directly to the Taixu ruins without having to go to a designated special resistance. This is much more convenient and reduces a lot of trouble.

There are streams of light flying into the sky in more than a dozen domains and countless worlds. This scene is also very spectacular and amazing.

When Zhao Fu opened his eyes, he had already appeared in a forest. The trees in this forest were very tall and thick, and the giant trees that were over a thousand meters were ordinary. Different from ordinary forests, the trees here were all silvery white. .

Not only the trees, flowers and plants, but also the ground have a silvery white color. This is the tenth level of the Silver Forest of Taixu Ruins.

"Your Majesty! You have to protect me!" Lin Yan'er next to her hugged Zhao Fu like a baby and rubbed her big breasts against Zhao Fu's arm.

Zhao Fu glanced at her, took out his hand and said, "This is the ruins of Taixu. Be careful and don't be too careless."

"oh oh."

Lin Yaner pouted and responded dissatisfied.

However, she also understood that this trip to the Taixu Ruins mainly relied on Zhao Fu. The Taixu Ruins were so dangerous and Zhao Fu was so cautious, which was also a good thing for her. Her safety was guaranteed.

Zhao Fu was walking in front, and Lin Yaner followed Zhao Fu. At this time, she also became serious and observed her surroundings.


From the dense grass on one side, several rat-like creatures sprang out and attacked Zhao Fu and the others.

Several mice were more than one meter long, with silver-white eyes and fur. They were very fast and attacked like several white shadows.


Before Zhao Fu could take action, there was a sword cry nearby, and a red sword light slashed past, cutting the rats that were attacking in half. The rats that were cut in half turned into countless silvery white spots of light. Floating into Lin Yaner's body.

He glanced at Lin Yan'er with some surprise. Judging from her reaction and strength, Lin Yan'er was also very strong. Zhao Fu almost ignored her strength.

Lin Yan'er ranks in the tenth dozen in the Ancient Sword Sect, and for a sect as big as the Ancient Sword Sect, ranking in the tenth dozen is enough to show that her strength is not weak.

Those silver-white beasts are the void beasts in the Taixu ruins, and the light spots floating into Lin Yaner's body are the points.

Lin Yan'er stretched out a hand, with a token pattern on the palm, a beam of light emitted from it, and another page appeared.

No. 129,332, gender unknown, points awarded, 32

No. 129,333, whose sexual name is Lin Yaner, received 30 points

No. 129334, sex name Hongjin, points obtained, 30

This is the list mentioned before. Each page displays the names of ten people. You can display your own name or hide your own name. You can also turn the page to view the top rankings.

In each major sect outside, there is also a stone tablet that emits light and displays a page. This is the ranking list in the Taixu Ruins. The stone tablet is called the Taixu Tablet. It is made of a kind of ore in the Taixu Ruins and can display the ranking. .

Because that kind of ore is abundant and the Taixu Monument is easy to make, basically every sect country will have its own Taixu Monument so that they can see the performance of their disciples.

"Your Majesty! I am only ranked 129,333rd." Lin Yaner muttered unhappily as she looked at her ranking.

Finding that Lin Yan'er was quite cute, Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "We just came in, so naturally we won't get many points. We won't get many points by killing these low-level void beasts, so let's move on!"

Lin Yaner noticed Zhao Fu's attitude towards her and nodded happily.

Afterwards, the two of them continued to move forward and encountered some void beasts that were too weak. Zhao Fu did not take action and left them all to Lin Yan'er. Zhao Fu did not value the points of these low-level void beasts at all.


There was a roar, and a leopard more than two meters long rushed out from the side and pounced on Lin Yan'er, while Lin Yan'er was about to kill another void beast.

At this moment, Zhao Fu struck out with a sword light, sending the leopard flying and hitting a big tree. The tree shook, and the leopard fell to the ground and died, turning into countless silver-white light spots and entering Zhao Fu's body. Inside, a reminder appeared in my mind.

"Tip! You kill the Void Leopard and get 80 points."

Lin Yaner ran over with a charming smile, hugged Zhao Fu and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Fu responded casually. Even if he didn't take action, Lin Yan'er would be able to figure it out. However, the void beast on the tenth level was too weak. Not only did he get very few points after killing it, but there was also no reward.

It would be better to concentrate on searching for some relics, so as to obtain a large number of items. After thinking about it, Zhao Fu focused entirely on finding the relics, leaving all the void beasts in the way to Lin Yan'er to deal with.

A few hours later, Zhao Fu finally discovered a ruins, which was an abandoned courtyard. It was very dilapidated and very large. Zhao Fu was a little surprised and took Lin Yaner into it.

But not long after, Zhao Fu came out with a disappointed look on his face. This ruins had already been explored by others, and all the valuable things had been looted, leaving nothing behind.

Two hours later, Zhao Fu found a ruins again. It was a tall iron building, more than a thousand meters high, with a thick metallic aura.

Zhao Fu took Lin Yaner into it and didn't encounter any restrictions. Then he walked upstairs, but still didn't encounter anything.

Finally, when I got to the top of the building, I found that this was another ruin that had been explored by others. All valuable things had been looted and nothing was left.

For thousands of years, the tenth level has been the safest area. Countless people have been here long ago. Most of the ruins have probably been explored by those people, and nothing will be left, except for some extremely hidden ruins.

However, the scenery on the iron tower started to be good. At first glance, there was a silvery white patch, corresponding to the blue sky and white clouds above, a vast and magnificent scenery.

"Your Majesty! Are you feeling a little happier?" Lin Yan'er had knelt down to serve Zhao Fu, looking at Zhao Fu with her charming eyes and said vaguely.

Zhao Fu smiled helplessly, "Can you stop being like this?"

Lin Yaner smiled charmingly and replied, "I like this. I hope to serve His Majesty like this every day. Don't you also want it, Your Majesty? You see that your body likes it."


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