The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1225 Void Cloak

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That figure suddenly appeared behind Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu felt it immediately, then slashed with his backhand, and a sharp sword light flew out, but the figure disappeared again.

The next second the figure appeared above Zhao Fu's head again. The dagger in his hand shot out a large amount of cold light and fell from the sky.


Zhao Fu reacted in time, raised the sword in his hand to block the falling dagger, and made a sound of steel intertwining. Sparks flew everywhere, but the figure disappeared again.

This kind of opponent is quite annoying. They can hide in the void at any time, and they can take action at any time. If they are not careful, they will be injured.


The figure appeared on the side of Zhao Fu's body again, and Zhao Fu slashed at the opponent with his sword again. This time, Zhao Fu's sword hit him, but it didn't feel like he was looking at the object.

The figure suddenly appeared behind Zhao Fu, and the dagger slashed towards Zhao Fu with an arc of light. Zhao Fu was startled and turned to the side, avoiding the fatal blow, but a wound was still opened on his shoulder. , blood is constantly flowing out.

Zhao Fu was furious, and the Death Sword in his hand erupted with a large amount of sword light. He turned around, bringing up a powerful storm of death energy, attacking in all directions, and some gravel in the valley was directly shattered.

This time the figure did not take action. He was forced to stay far away by the huge death energy storm, not daring to take a step closer to Zhao Fu.

But such a powerful and large-scale attack could not last long. As soon as Zhao Fu stopped, the figure attacked Zhao Fu again.

After a battle, the situation was somewhat unfavorable for Zhao Fu's side. The figure used the ability to travel through the void, making it impossible for Zhao Fu to attack him, and if Zhao Fu was not careful, he would be injured.

It definitely wouldn't work if it went on like this. Zhao Fu thought for a while and simply returned to the ground, thinking of a way.

That figure was also hidden in the void, waiting for an opportunity, ready to attack Zhao Fu at any time.

After Zhao Fu landed on the ground, he closed his eyes directly. Facing Zhao Fu's current appearance, the figure looked a little hesitant, hesitating whether he should take action or not.

Although Zhao Fu seemed to have put down all his defenses now, as if he was standing there with his eyes closed and waiting to die, that figure felt a lot of pressure.

Time came to a stalemate. After a while, the figure couldn't help but attack. The next second, its body appeared in front of Zhao Fu. The dagger in its hand emitted a lot of cold light. The figure wanted to kill Zhao Fu at once.

At this moment, Zhao Fu opened his terrifying eyes. In an instant, all his pupils began to rotate rapidly. A terrifying power erupted, spreading like a violent wind, and the ground collapsed in an instant.

Clang, clang, clang...

The sound of countless chains sounded, which startled the figure and hurriedly ran back, but the chains shot out from the void blocked his retreat. He could only escape towards Ling, but countless chains shot out from the void to stop him.

The entire valley was wrapped in chains, leaving only gaps. The number of chains reached hundreds of thousands, and the scene was still very shocking.

Because the iron chain can also be shot from the void, it has a restraining effect on that figure and can block space, so his ability to travel through the void will naturally be disabled.

Now that figure had been tied up by countless iron chains and was struggling. The next moment, Zhao Fu released countless arcs of electricity, hitting the figure and teaching him a painful lesson.

The figure received countless electric shocks and roared in pain. Countless chains spread out in the valley, and Lin Yaner and Mossak also walked in at this time.

Mossak looked at Zhao Fu torturing the cloaked man, and was secretly afraid. He thought to himself that it was a good thing he surrendered as soon as possible, otherwise he would have suffered the same torture.

After a while, Mosak walked to Zhao Fu and said, "Your Majesty should be ready. Let me help you ask him if he is willing to surrender to Your Majesty."

Zhao Fu also stopped and Mosak walked over and said something to the cloaked man. Perhaps because they were both creatures from the Taixu ruins, the cloaked man quite believed in Mosak and looked at Zhao with fear. At first glance, he expressed his willingness to surrender.

"Reminder! The void beast Melaphi is willing to surrender to you."

Of course Zhao Fu accepts it. There is no benefit in killing him. It is better to accept his surrender, and then Zhao Fu gets a prompt to get 140,000 points.

The current 140,000 points, plus the previous 75,000 points, bring Zhao Fu's points to 215,000 points, and the ranking of the leaderboard has changed.

The first place, whose name is unknown, received 320,000 points.

The second place, whose name is unknown, received 240,000 points.

The third place, Bai Shengjun, received 220,000 points.

The fourth place, unnamed, received 210,000 points.

The fifth place, Zang Mingyue, received 200,000 points.

This change couldn't help but be surprising for once. Although the name was not displayed, each ranking had a unique atmosphere. The person who jumped to the fourth place turned out to be the previous fifth place.

What on earth did that person do? He jumped from over 100 to fourth place, still missing a few thousand points to surpass Bai Shengjun.

Countless people became curious about this, because he increased his points so fast that they couldn't believe it.

And who is that person? In the past, it could be said that he was lucky for a while, but now twice, it is enough to prove that his strength is possible.

It is comparable to the previous few, but now everyone has no meaning to it.

Bai Haoran had been paying attention to this person. Seeing him jump to fourth place instantly, he was not surprised, but felt a greater and stronger pressure.

Zang Mingyue, who was originally ranked fourth, now dropped from fifth place. Her face turned red with anger. Now he was stepped on by four people. He pushed the princess beside him and Zang Mingyue started to gain points crazily.

The young man ranked first didn't seem to care about anything and walked forward leisurely.

The white-haired boy in second place only sees the opponent in the first place, and he doesn't pay attention to the others.

Looking back to the valley, Zhao Fu began to collect trophies after conquering Melaphi, and immediately came to the lair to check the information.

[The Lair of the Void Beast] Quality; Epic, Introduction; The Lair of the Void Beast can refresh twelve Void Beasts every day.

After Zhao Fu read this information, he moved the nest away. The void beast's ability to freely enter the void is still very strong, and it can play a very effective role.

Zhao Fu plans to integrate them into the City Lord's Seal and turn them into Great Qin ferocious beasts, which will make their power even stronger.

And Melaphi gave Zhao Fu a blueprint called the Cloak of Nothingness. There are three types of cloaks. The ordinary Cloak of Nothingness can teleport a hundred meters, the sophisticated Cloak of Nothingness can teleport a thousand meters, and the best Cloak of Nothingness can teleport to a thousand meters. Move ten thousand meters.


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