The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1226 Sky Lantern (fourth update, please subscribe for monthly tickets)

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This thing is undoubtedly the best for saving lives. When in danger, you can teleport directly. However, the teleportation ability of this cloak can only be used three times a day, which reduces the value, but it feels good.

After packing up the trophies, Zhao Fu took the three of Molafei and left this dangerous place, planning to go to the eighth floor.

Of course, you need a clearance token in advance. The clearance token for the ninth level is no longer about killing the void beast leader, but depends on luck. The token appears randomly in various places, and you need to look for it yourself.

Zhao Fu felt that it was quite troublesome, but he heard from Ling Feixue that when the token appeared, light would flash for ten miles around, making it easier for everyone to find it.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu led a few people to search, and met several pairs of people during the process. Although Zhao Fu only had four people in total, they were too afraid of Zhao Fu's strength and did not dare to do anything to Zhao Fu and his group, so they could only stay away from him. Open Zhao Fu.

Ho ho ho…

Countless roars sounded, and countless void beasts attacked a group of people. Among the group of people was a young man and seven beautiful women. They were a group of Longyang people.

Now they all have some injuries on their bodies, and they are constantly attacking the void beasts. Their faces are very ugly. Facing the constantly attacking void beasts, they may still die here.

Ouch, ouch, ouch...

Long Yang roared and burst into intense golden light. He pushed hard with both palms, and eight huge golden divine dragons flew out with terrifying power, smashing each void beast into a pulp and creating a path of blood.

"You guys leave quickly!"

Long Yang looked at the seven beloved women and shouted loudly. He unleashed all his strength just for their safety and did not want anyone to be injured.

The seven women were moved to tears when they saw Long Yang desperately protecting them. Some of them even said, "I am willing to stay and spend life and death with my husband."

Long Yang looked at the seven beloved women in front of him, and his heart was wrapped in warm love, but he still made up his mind and drove the seven women away. Not only would they die if they stayed here, but they would also be dragging him down.

In the end, the seven women fled here reluctantly. Long Yang also used all his methods to attack the void beasts crazily, and the void beasts kept coming.

Zhao Fu took Melaphi and others flying in the sky, looking for the pass token for the ninth level.

At this time, he also saw seven women running away in a somewhat embarrassed manner. Zhao Fu had some impressions of them and knew that they were women from Long Yang who had ridiculed him several times before.

There was also Long Yang, who had once insulted Le Yuyu, but now in the Taixu ruins, he didn't have any scruples. Zhao Fu flew down with his men and stopped seven beautiful women.

One is dressed in red and has bright red lips. She is very beautiful, but has a barbaric temperament. She is Princess Huoyan. A woman with extremely beautiful appearance and an enchanting temperament is named Princess Qiu Mei.

Next to him was a woman with a hot figure and very beautiful appearance. Her name was Princess Hannan. A tall, charming-looking woman with a cold and arrogant temperament was named Princess Hanshuang.

There is a woman with a soft temperament and a white dress named Princess Bairou, a sexy and cheerful girl named Princess Jiang'an, and a beautiful and generous girl wearing a green dress named Princess Wulin.

The seven of them were stopped by Zhao Fu. They felt the powerful aura of Zhao Fu and his group, and their faces were a little pale. They had just escaped from danger, and they did not expect to encounter such a group of powerful people.

"Where is Long Yang?"

Zhao Fu said in a calm tone, not taking Long Yang and the seven women seriously, it was just a small grudge that should be settled casually now.

Hearing Zhao Fu's voice, the seven women's hearts suddenly sank, and they instantly understood who the cloaked man in front of them was. This time, they met him unexpectedly.

They did not expect that he would actually come to Taixu Ruins. The seven women looked desperate because they knew that it was absolutely impossible to escape in his hands. Moreover, they had some grudges with Zhao Fu before, and they did not stop mocking and belittling Zhao Fu.

Now that they saw the real person, they were really scared, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

"You stinky women, what is our Majesty asking you? Do you think I will kill you all?" Mossak pointed at them with a huge steel fork and yelled fiercely.

Melafi stayed aside calmly, while Lin Yaner looked at the seven women with a faint smile.

This made the seven women come back to their senses and looked at each other pitifully. Princess Frost, the calmest among them, calmly said, "Emperor! I know that we have had problems with you, and we now formally apologize to you. And we are willing to dedicate an undiscovered ruins to you, hoping that you will not harm us and rescue our husband."

The other princesses looked at Zhao Fu with eyes full of hope. With Zhao Fu's power, they would definitely save their husband, so the ruins were not very important.

"Undiscovered ruins?"

Zhao Fu's expression paused, and when he faced the hopeful gazes of the seven women, he sneered, and with a wave of his hand, countless chains shot out and tied them up suddenly.

The seven women struggled in panic. Princess Frost turned pale and said, "Emperor, what are you doing?"

They have a grudge against Zhao Fu. It would be good if Zhao Fu didn't kill them. How could he save them? Since they have a grudge, Zhao Fu won't be polite and directly ask for the whereabouts of the ruins. It's so simple and direct. It won't be like that. trouble.

"Tell me! Where are the ruins? You'd better hurry up. Maybe I can give you a pleasure." Zhao Fu sneered and came to the seven beautiful women.


The women stared at Zhao Fu with anger, coldness, hatred, or resentment, and they understood that Zhao Fu just let them go.

Princess Frost said coldly, "We won't tell you. Even if you kill us, you won't get the relic. It's a very big relic. I'm afraid it won't be with the Emperor."

Faced with this tough attitude, Zhao Fu snorted coldly and injected the Six Desire Demonic Qi into their bodies, causing them to blush with shame and twist their bodies while yelling at Zhao Fu as a bastard, scum, and scum.

Zhao Fu asked again, and seeing that their attitude was still tough and firm, Zhao Fu deserved to inject more Six Desire Demonic Qi.

Finally, the cold and arrogant Princess Hanshuang half-knelt on the ground with a flushed face, serving Zhao Fu uncontrollably, and said vaguely, "Emperor! The ruins and my body can be given to you, but please let us go, and Go and save our husband."

Her mind continued to resist the erosion of the Six Desires Demonic Qi, because Zhao Fu wanted the location of the ruins, so they were not completely lost.

Zhao Fu snorted coldly and pulled over the hot Princess Hannan. While serving Zhao Fu, Princess Hannan stared angrily at Zhao Fu and said vaguely, "I will not give in to you!"

Pushing her away, Zhao Fu pulled Princess Qiu Mei over. Princess Qiu Mei looked at Zhao Fu with charming eyes, served Zhao Fu with all her strength, and said vaguely, "Your Majesty! I will serve you well. Please let us go. Go and save our husband."

Zhao Fu made a cold face and pulled another Princess Bairou over. After trying all seven, Zhao Fu suppressed the demonic energy of six desires in their bodies and said angrily, "If you can't get good things from the ruins, I will Pull off your skins and light the sky lanterns."


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