The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1320 Tian Ye

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

In the grand and quaint Sword Sect Hall, a young man dressed in white, with a stern appearance and exuding a strong sword force, asked with a cold face, "January! Are you really making a big move for a man and others?"

The youth is the suzerain of Jianzong. Although he looks young, he has lived for many years. After all, he is still Jian Yiyue's father, named Jian Tianye.

Jian Yiyue nodded calmly, admitting without any explanation or hesitation.

This caused the other people in the hall to be stunned. When the news reached their ears, with their familiarity with Jian Yiyue, Jian Yiyue would definitely not do this for a man, and just wanted to hear how Jian Yiyue refuted these ridiculous people. Rumors, but Jian Yiyue dared to admit it directly.

Jian Tianye was expressionless, staring at Jian Yiyue with a pair of eyes. He didn't feel that Jian Yiyue had any liking for that person, so he asked, "Is that person important to you?"

Jian Yiyue responded lightly and said, "That person has an extremely terrifying ultimate sword intent, and its level may be higher than the sword intent I comprehend."

"It's impossible!"

Hearing this, everyone was surprised, because Jianzong is the strongest swordsmanship in the human realm, and the sword intent itself is an ultimate sword intent, even if it is extremely famous in the heavenly realm, it is also the highest Grade Sword Intent.

Now listening to what Jian Yiyue said, there is a sword intent higher than their sect, how could they imagine this.

In the face of everyone's doubts, Jian Yiyue didn't say anything, but took out a light ball the size of an egg, in which there was a blood-colored sword energy that kept scurrying.

This was a wisp of sword intent that Jian Yiyue had captured from Zhao Fu before. I saw her lightly throw it, the ball of light flew into the air, the ball of light dissipated, and that ray of blood-colored sword energy flew out.

at once!

Everyone felt an extremely crazy, extremely slaughtering, extremely twisted sword intent, which stabbed people's soul like the tip of a needle. Although this wisp of sword energy was small, the danger to people was very huge, which made people feel a little bit. fear.

Jian Tianye looked at the wisp of sword energy with solemn eyes, and immediately said loudly, "You all go out first!"

The people around were stunned for a moment, and then they understood what happened next. They probably didn't know it. This matter might be extremely important. Although they were curious, everyone still obeyed and left.

Jian Yiyue's eyes flashed a bright light, with a hint of joy, and asked, "Father! Do you know what sword intent this is?"

Jian Tianye didn't answer Jian Yiyue, looked at the blood-colored sword qi running around in the air, stretched out his hand a little, and a ray of green sword qi flew out, attacking the blood-colored sword qi.

That ray of blood-colored sword qi perceives the green sword qi, not only is not afraid, but rushes towards it frantically, quickly eroding and swallowing this green sword qi, and that wisp of green sword qi is quickly devoured and transformed.

Jian Tianye decided in his heart, and said in shock, "How could that person have this kind of sword intent? This is the legendary killing sword intent."

Jian Yiyue also showed a surprised expression when she heard this. As a Jianxiu, he had naturally heard of the meaning of killing the sword. Sword Intent, rumored to have the power to kill immortals, caused a catastrophe countless years ago.

"Father, this is impossible! I don't think that person was affected by the intention of killing the sword at all. He maintained his rationality and did not look like a crazy twisted killing." Jian Yiyue thought for a while and said.

Jian Tianye carefully observed the wisp of sword qi, and explained, "The sword and killing intent of this sword killing intent, as well as his own stubbornness, have all been greatly reduced. It should be the method that the person used, It is perfectly integrated with the meaning of killing the sword, so it will not be affected."

Feeling the blood-colored sword energy in the air, Jian Tianye said with a hint of amazement, "It's good enough to kill the immortal sword, weakening so much, and having such a terrifying power, that person is also a strange person. , that such a terrifying sword intent can be merged."

"Father! Right now, the Renfeng Empire is looking for that person by any means. I'm afraid that person has other secrets. I want to use the power of Jianzong to find that person's whereabouts."

When Jian Yiyue heard Jian Tianye's words, she wanted to comprehend that kind of sword intent even more, and asked Jian Tianye for instructions.

Jian Tianye nodded in agreement, and said, "This kind of character may be unusual, you have to deal with it carefully, I think he is quite suitable to be your husband, you can also think about it, then you can tie him to Jianzong. superior."

Jian Yiyue coldly refused, "Father! I only have Jian Xiu now, and I don't have any other ideas."

Seeing this, Jian Tianye did not insist.

Later, Jianzong also searched for Zhao Fu's whereabouts, which caused a lot of sensation. Now there are two major forces in the human domain, both of which are looking for that man, and who is the holy man? It can actually make two huge forces do this.

The third major force soon joined in. It was naturally the force of Young Master Ziyun, named Ziyun Immortal Pavilion. I began to hear that Young Master Ziyun, in order to find a man he liked, had to use the power of the force and directly is a refusal.

However, Young Master Ziyun used the excuse that the other two major forces were looking for that person, and that that person was specially recruited by the Emperor Dao Academy, and bragged about Zhao Fu, so that he could mobilize the power of the forces to find Zhao Fu's whereabouts.

The great power of Emperor Dao College also told all parties about Xie Mo Yuanhua, which caused Emperor Dao College to attach great importance to Zhao Fu. He felt that Zhao Fu was very unusual, and he also tried to find Zhao Fu's whereabouts.

The most terrifying of Tedo Academy

The old dean, an order was conveyed, so that anyone should not interfere.

This surprised many great masters, because they hadn't seen the old dean for a long time and didn't receive anything, but he actually issued an order for this matter, which shows that he attached great importance to this matter.

However, many great experts thought that the ban was placed by the old dean, and the old dean was naturally the most aware of the matter of the evil spirits. I am afraid that the old dean was planning something.

Many great masters thought of this, and they were a little frightened and did not want to intervene, but there was one great master who knew this matter and frowned slightly.

The search of the three major forces, as well as the various things that happened in the Emperor Dao Academy, soon spread to the ears of some major forces, and all the forces were also very surprised. The appearance of such a terrifying character is also very important to Zhao Fu's identity. curious.

This is also the first time that Zhao Fu has officially appeared in the eyes of the great powers of Tianyu. It is no longer the same as before. It is just that he knows there is someone, but he does not know what that person is like, and it is not clear whether he is a man or a woman.

Of course, no one has imagined that Zhao Fu is the owner of the four emperor stars. If he knew, then Zhao Fu's name would have already caused a sensation in the heavens, and countless arrogances had bowed down.


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