The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1321 Seven Colleges (Subscription)

[End of the God Station] Remind book lovers to remember: the website website: Remember for a second and never lose it!

Zhao Fu's body returned to Daqin, but he was stunned. He still didn't understand what happened. It seemed that his body was forcibly recalled, the projection failed, and Zhao Fu's body came back.

"How is this going?"

Zhao Fu couldn't understand, because once the 100% projection has passed, it is extremely difficult to withdraw from the projection state. Usually, Zhao Fu returns to the original place of the projection, which is the wasteland, before it can be undone. Now it is forced to stop with a force. projection.

After checking for a while, Zhao Fu found that the projection orb on his chest was penetrated by other powers, and this power was very powerful.

There was also something that surprised Zhao Fu. The goddess of Agriculture Goddess, which he obtained from Linda Peng before, was brought back. To know the projection state, he couldn't bring anything back.

Zhao Fu pondered, thinking about the power of helping him many times in the Emperor Dao Academy, and the power of the projection orb, what Zhao Fu thought in his heart, went to the Tianling Monument,

Sure enough, I received a lot of news about the great power. Just as Zhao Fu imagined, the great power who has been talking to Zhao Fu should be the teacher of the Emperor Dao Academy.

There is also this great power who helped Zhao Fu to forcibly stop the projection, so that Zhao Fu escaped, because the aura left by the projection orb was the same as the power that had helped Zhao Fu before.

"You kid really makes this deity look up to you. You have caused so many things as soon as you arrive at the Emperor Dao Academy. This deity is a little regretful now and introduced you to the Emperor Dao Academy."

Zhao Fu looked embarrassed when he looked at the information sent by Da Neng. He did cause a lot of trouble in the Emperor Dao Academy, but this was against Zhao Fu's original intention. Who knew that Emperor Dao Academy was so dangerous, and anyone he met could be crushed. Own.

At the same time, there is no second chance that a strong man standing at the peak of the Apocalypse World could say such a thing.

Zhao Fu also naturally knew that he would cause trouble to this great master, so he said apologetically, "I'm sorry! I'll trouble you."

The almighty has also been waiting for Zhao Fu's reply, looking at his apology, the anger in his heart has subsided a little, and he reminded, "Now you know how terrifying the power of Tianyu's top talent, right? You There is still one year left, and I must improve my strength as soon as possible, and strive to enter the Emperor Dao Academy with the highest ranking."

Zhao Fu saw this and asked, "That! Senior, do you want me to continue to join the Emperor Dao Academy?"

Now, Zhao Fu actually doesn't want to enter the Emperor Dao Academy, because there are so many things that have happened there. If Zhao Fu dares to continue to go, he might be caught by Feng Qianghua again.

He might even be caught by Young Master Ziyun. At that time, Zhao Fu really didn't have a chance to escape. If he couldn't escape somewhere in Zhao Fu, he might not be safe, so Zhao Fu really didn't want to go to the Emperor Dao Academy all at once.

Because with one's own strength, there is really no place that one can go to unless they gain greater power.

The great expert looked at Zhao Fu's words and guessed what Zhao Fu was thinking, "Well! If you come to Emperor Dao Academy, at least the deity can take care of one or two, and you have already entered the eyes of many top powers, if you have no power Asylum, once they do something to you, there will be no resistance there."

"For example, there are many curse methods similar to the Emperor's Curse in the world, and the Emperor's Curse has not been removed from your body. If you add a few more, do you think it is possible for you to survive?"

This remark made Zhao Fu feel a chill in his heart. The shadow of the Emperor's Sorrow Curse has always enveloped Zhao Fu, and even made Zhao Fu give up resistance and wait to die.

The power of death of the Emperor's Sorrow Curse was eliminated by different methods. If it was in the middle and upper levels, Zhao Fu really had no hope of surviving. Zhao Fu really needed a huge force to back it up.

Naturally, this huge force cannot be Daqin. With Daqin's current strength, it is difficult for him to protect himself in the face of those really big forces, and he can't keep Zhao Fu at all, so Zhao Fu can only rely on other forces.

Although there are seven colleges in this world, in addition to the Emperor Dao College, there are six colleges of the same level, but the distance is too far, and he entered as a human race, there is no one who can shelter him, the degree of danger is higher than the Emperor Dao. College ten times higher.

Now there is only one choice for Emperor Dao Academy, and the previous great master said that he can directly enter Emperor Dao Academy without continuing the test.

Now as long as Zhao Fu promises him, isn't Zhao Fu already a student of Emperor Dao Academy?

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu smiled, and he didn't have to wait for a year to be so troublesome, and a big worry was solved.

But the great master immediately poured a basin of cold water, which made Zhao Fu feel cold, "The old dean of Emperor Dao College has paid attention to you and said that you should not interfere in anything, and the promise made by that teacher to you in the past will be voided. "

The old dean of Emperor Dao College, who was a half-immortal powerhouse. Hearing him paying attention to him, Zhao Fu's body was like falling into ice water, goose bumps appeared all over his body, and he felt a pair of eyes staring at him .

In the face of such an existence, Zhao Fu really did not dare to have the slightest idea of ​​resistance, not even the powerhouses of the Emperor Heaven Realm. That existence already has the power to defy the sky.

"How did you get the attention of that kind of existence?"

Zhao Fu was extremely shocked. He didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. He thought that it might be the cause of Xie Mo Yuanhua.

"What do you think about me, Senior Dean?" Zhao Fu asked the Great Master carefully.

That great master could see Zhao Fu's thoughts at a glance, and chuckled, "Don't worry! That's an opportunity, and if the old dean is going to do something to you, do you think there is any resistance now?

room? "

Hearing this, Zhao Fu also felt relieved, thinking about it, that kind of existence really wants to do something to him, and there is no resistance at all.

"You have to go to the Demon Realm in the future, and then you will know the true effect of Evil Demon Abyss Flower."

Zhao Fu looked at the almighty reminder again, and couldn't help but think of the words of the four guardian beasts and the president of the Wanlong Chamber of Commerce, and he wanted to go to the Demon Realm by himself.

Write down this reminder, Zhao Fu once thanked the almighty.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu and Daneng chatted a few more words to end the conversation.

After that, Zhao Fu ordered people to build a temple for the goddess of agriculture, and used the divine spirit to summon a simple and generous beautiful woman. Now it's just a phantom, and her mind is a little unclear, and her expression is a little dull.

Zhao Fu ordered people to carve a god statue according to her appearance, and then integrated the godhead into it. As long as she absorbs a lot of faith, the goddess of agriculture will restore her sanity and strength.

This is of great help to Daqin. In the future, Daqin's agriculture will mainly rely on this goddess of agriculture. With her protection, Daqin's agriculture will have some security, so that there will be a large amount of food.


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