The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1336 God

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Zhao Fu's face was expressionless. The alliance's 10 billion troops, which belonged to the outside world, were naturally stronger than those in the aura world in terms of cultivation and equipment, and were not that easy to deal with.

After a while, Zhao Fu made a decision, and countless generals who received the order began to withdraw their troops to the border of Da Qin.

"We won!"

Countless cheering voices rang out. The Lingguang God Clan saw that the Great Qin Empire had withdrawn its troops, so they would win this battle without having to fight.

Facing the menacing attack of the Great Qin, the Lingguang God Clan was also quite afraid, but it was so easy to defeat the Great Qin without losing a single soldier. It was really unexpected, and I couldn't help but feel excited and excited.

But their smiles quickly stiffened, because Da Qin only withdrew some of its soldiers, and many soldiers remained in place without moving at all.

The order issued by Zhao Fu was to mobilize 3 billion troops to defend the border of Qin, leaving 7 billion troops to continue attacking the world of aura. It's not that the entire army evacuated.


With Zhao Fu's order, the Qin army launched a formal attack. Powerful arrows flew out one after another. The air seemed to explode, and a dangerous aura made people's hair stand on end.

Although there are no rune arrows due to the lack of rune stones, the arrows of Great Qin's crossbows and second-level archers can carry huge destructive power, and the black arrows are like raindrops shooting at the Lingguang God Clan.

The Lingguang God Clan has also been preparing to defend Da Qin, and they must have made very strong preparations. Countless arrows were shot, and a huge defensive shield emerged, blocking the countless arrows.

Carmen and many other inheritors did not come out to fight Zhao Fu at all. Although Carmen also mastered the weapon of the life clan, it was only the power of the weapon of the life clan. It did not even have the power of one world. How could it be possible to withstand the power of three worlds? Zhao Fu's strength.

The Lingguang God Clan knew this very well. They did not expect to defeat the Great Qin, they only hoped to be able to withstand the Great Qin, so they set up countless defensive formations and restrictions.

The arrows fired did not have any impact on the defensive shield.

Ho ho ho…

Each ferocious beast let out a huge roar, rushed forward with terrifying momentum, and began to attack the defensive shield with force, making dull sounds one after another.

Countless soldiers also rushed forward, bursting out their own strength to attack the defensive shield. Countless swords and sword shadows struck the defensive shield. Coupled with the impact of those ferocious beasts, the strong defensive shield could not withstand so many attacks.

The defensive shield soon began to tremble, and it should be broken after a while.

It was impossible for the Lingguang God Clan to just watch and let Da Qin break the defensive barrier, so they also launched an attack. Arrows flew out one after another, hitting the ferocious beasts and soldiers. The ferocious beasts and soldiers also resisted, but Many people were still hit by arrows.

Now Da Qin is relatively passive, because it cannot attack the Lingguang God Clan, but is being attacked by the Lingguang God Clan.

Zhao Fu couldn't stand it anymore, so he directly used the power of the weapon to control the country, a huge bloody sword light, with an extremely violent sword wind, the terrifying power seemed to be able to separate the heaven and the earth.


The sword light struck the defensive cover ferociously, making a loud sound. Coupled with the attacks of countless ferocious beasts and soldiers, the defensive cover trembled violently and soon a crack appeared.

This shocked countless Lingguang tribesmen. The defensive barrier they had prepared at countless costs was still broken so easily. They did not hesitate and immediately used the important means of preparation.

Boom boom boom...

Countless magic arrays were activated, and beams of light rushed into the sky with terrifying power, emitting a strong light, as if there were thousands of light beams standing between the sky and the earth, with a majestic and shocking momentum.

These magic formations are all auxiliary magic formations, mobilizing various forces to inject into the defense formation, causing the defensive shield that was originally shaking violently to gradually become stable again.

One by one, the spiritual light priests in white robes appeared barefoot on the city wall, closed their eyes, gently spread their hands, and began to chant, saying the words, like poetry, like scriptures, their bodies emitted a strong white light, Then disappeared in place.

The sky emits countless white lights that illuminate the earth, which is slightly dazzling and carries a strong coercion, making people feel a strong pressure.

Boom boom boom...

Huge white light pillars fell down one after another, countless powerful auras erupted, and figures hundreds of meters tall appeared in the light pillars.

These figures all look like men, hairless, tall, and red. Topless, with a solemn expression and a halo on his chest, he looked like the aura of the Gods magnified countless times, but the power he exuded was extremely powerful.

Their number reached tens of thousands, and they stretched out their hands one by one, facing the soldiers and ferocious beasts of Da Qin. A circle of light lit up in their palms, and countless beams of light suddenly shot towards them with the power of light.

Puff puff……

Those beams easily penetrated the bodies of the ferocious beasts and soldiers, and screams were heard. Countless blood spattered, and many ferocious beasts and soldiers died directly.

Da Qin's side used Legion Condensation to summon behemoths that were thousands of meters in size and attacked the summoned auras. Other ferocious beasts and soldiers continued to attack the defensive shield crazily, and various other generals also used various techniques to attack the summoned auras. means.

In particular, generals with general weapons directly summoned the power of general stars, and star pillars blasted towards the defensive cover, causing the defensive cover to tremble again.


Those Lingguang God Clan soldiers generally attacked the Qin soldiers and made a sound

He shouted loudly and burst out waves of breath, rushing towards the magic circle that appeared in the sky. He didn't know what he was summoning or condensing.

The auras of more than 10 billion people were absorbed by the giant array. The power was extremely terrifying just thinking about it. A destructive force spread out, and countless white arcs burst out around the array.

Zhao Fu did not hesitate, and used the ultimate trump card against the Lingguang God Clan, and came to the ground. Zhao Fu pressed one hand on the ground, the golden pupil of his left eye turned rapidly, and an invisible wave spread.


A shocking loud noise erupted, and a huge black light shot out from the ground, rushing into the sky with terrifying power, causing the sky to shake and the situation to change suddenly.

The ground shook violently, countless violent cracks appeared, and an extremely terrifying breath came out from the cracks, making all the Aura Gods look shocked and their bodies trembling automatically.

The soil bulged, and a huge creature slowly rose from the ground, with a huge head first, and a body behind it. Finally, it was all displayed in front of everyone. An overwhelming aura of terror surged to all directions, causing silence in the world.

He is 100,000 meters tall and has dark skin. He has long black hair that looks like iron wire, a cold and handsome face, a pair of eyes with three black pupils, two teeth, and slender and even muscles. The hands are like claws.


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