The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1337 Ghost Spear (please subscribe)

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This is the refined ancestor statue. It originally took hundreds of years to refine it, but with the massive blood provided by Daqin, it took Daqin several years to finally successfully refine the ancestor statue.

In the previous blood pool, Zhao Fu went to see the ancestor statue. Because the ancestor statue was too large and almost nothing could fit in it, Zhao Fu put it in the sealed space, and he could be summoned at any time when he was needed.

Countless Lingguang Gods looked at the ancestor statue in horror, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley, their blood was also in fear, and their physical strength was disappearing rapidly in front of it.

This is the greatest function of the ancestor statue, which can weaken the power of all Lingguang Gods, and has various effects, which is extremely restraining to the Lingguang Gods.

"Quick! Concentrate all your strength and inject it into the magic circle of the spiritual light realm."

Carmen, as a defender of the truth, looked extremely ugly and shouted loudly to the people around him. Others also reacted and burst out all their strength and injected it into the magic circle in the sky. That was their last hope.

Zhao Fu sneered and sat on the head of the 100,000-meter-tall statue of the ancestor. He controlled him to grab the void, and a huge sword energy burst out, setting off a huge storm, and a blood-red long sword appeared.

This blood-red long sword is naturally huge, with black grass patterns on the sword body. At the interface between the sword body and the hilt, there is a big snake carving, as if biting the sword body, and there are snake scales on the hilt.

This sword exudes a huge cold breath, like a big snake, which makes people feel scared. This sword is the grass sword, one of the three sacred artifacts of Japan after refining, also known as the Ame-no-Kume-no-Kume.

The statue of the ancestor grabbed the grass sword, injected huge power into it, and the grass sword emitted a faint sword light and swung it hard.


A sword sound tore through the sky, and the world seemed to be cut open by a sword, like a wound turned outward, revealing the dark area in the middle, and a trace of blood flew out from it. The wound continued to extend until it hit the magic circle.


A shocking explosion sounded, and the huge magic circle was cut and exploded by a sword, emitting a dazzling light, covering the world, and directly a huge shock wave spread, like a super storm, countless trees were uprooted, and countless people were blown into the sky.

This scene shocked everyone in the audience, because it was too terrifying and too shocking. The ancestor statue only had one sword, and it felt like the world was going to be destroyed.

The Lingguang God Clan also fell into despair, because the magic circle was their last hope. Now that the magic circle was destroyed, they had no last hope.

Zhao Fu looked at the desperate Lingguang God Clan without any mercy. His eyes were cold. He controlled the ancestor statue to raise the grass sword in his hand, and continued to inject huge power into it. The grass sword emitted a strong blood light, dyeing the sky bloody, and a more terrible breath of destruction spread out than before.


The ancestor statue slashed down with a sword, and the sky and the earth seemed to explode. A huge blood-red crescent, with the power to destroy the world, slashed out in an instant, and instantly cut open the defense shield of the Lingguang God Clan. The sword energy it brought even cut countless Lingguang Clan members on the city wall into meat paste.

The defense shield was finally broken, and the beasts and soldiers who had been waiting for a long time rushed to the city wall like a beehive.

Countless huge birds pounced on the city wall and killed them wantonly, using their sharp claws to cut open the bodies of the Lingguang people, opening their big mouths to swallow the soldiers, or using their huge bodies to directly knock countless soldiers out.

The flying dragon continued to fiercely spray flames and cold currents, burning the Lingguang God Clan members into charcoal, or freezing them.

The huge corpse soul guards rushed to the front, some of them hit the city wall hard, and some held heavy weapons and smashed the city wall crazily, smashing people to death one by one, and also destroying the city wall itself. Soon, cracks appeared in the city wall.

The spiders were the most suitable for attacking the city. They climbed up the tall city walls as if walking on flat ground. Their sharp feet, like blades, swept past and cut the bodies of countless Lingguang Protoss, with limbs and internal organs everywhere.

The soldiers of the Qin Dynasty also easily attacked the city walls and began to kill the Lingguang Protoss wantonly. One soldier pierced the head of the Lingguang Protoss with a spear, one soldier directly split the Lingguang Protoss in half with an axe, and one soldier tore the body of the Lingguang Protoss.

Now with the statue of the ancestor, the power of the Lingguang Protoss was greatly reduced. Even in normal times, they might not be able to stop so many fierce beasts and soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, let alone now.

Under the crazy and fierce attack of the Qin Dynasty, countless Lingguang Protoss have begun to retreat, with fear on their faces, and dared not stay here, because if they stayed, they would definitely be killed by the Qin soldiers. If they were defeated, the Lingguang Protoss would also be finished.

Seeing this, the leaders of all parties sighed, and also understood that the general situation was over and they were powerless to turn the tide, and began to evacuate.

Carmen looked grim, looked at Zhao Fu with hatred, then turned around and fled to the side. Perhaps ordinary people could not escape from the spiritual world, but he had something to leave the spiritual world.

Zhao Fu looked at Carmen's back with a cold expression, and stood up from the top of the ancestor statue. The six gray dots on his right eye quickly rotated, and he shouted, "Call the ghost!"

A huge ghost aura spread, and a thousand-meter-tall ghost appeared behind Zhao Fu with a huge pressure, and the surrounding atmosphere became cold.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand and grabbed, and shouted again, "Ghost Soldier!"

The huge ghost behind him turned into countless streams of light that condensed in Zhao Fu's hands, eventually forming a gray stick engraved with countless ghost patterns.

The ghost spear gave off a gloomy feeling.

Zhao Fu held this ghost spear, and the huge six-path reincarnation power was injected into it, making the ghost spear seem to have countless ghosts emerging.


Zhao Fu threw the spear with all his strength, and the ghost spear flew out with terrifying power. With the sound of countless ghosts crying and wolves howling, it passed through the air and darkened the world.


But the next moment, the ghost spear penetrated Carmen's body, and the huge force directly nailed him to the ground. Carmen's face was gray, his body was eroded by the huge ghost energy, he was dead, and he looked stunned. He didn't expect that Carmen , the defender of the spiritual world died like this.

After killing Carmen, Zhao Fu glanced at the other heirs. Those heirs who had originally planned to escape felt cold in their hearts and looked frightened. They immediately stopped and knelt on the ground. Their proud heads on the ground expressed their willingness to surrender.

Zhao Fu snorted coldly and did not take action. He controlled the statue of the ancestor and split the defensive wall with one sword. Da Qin broke through all the defenses of the aura world and poured into it fiercely and terrifyingly like a black flood, beginning to wreak havoc on the aura world.


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