The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1358 Wind Spirit World

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That mysterious world is also a world of spirits and a world of wind spirits. The creatures living in it are born with the power of wind attributes. The wind spirits among them are also a relatively powerful race.

The Wind Spirit World has five continents. The four continents are still in a period of chaos, but the central continent has been unified, and its power is the strongest force in the Wind Spirit World.

The leader of the force is the Defender. I heard that he is also known as the Son of the Wind God. It is rumored that he has the pure blood of the Wind God and has the ability to control huge storms. His power is extremely terrifying.

And the name of his force is Wind God Kingdom, which is only one word different from Wind God Empire. It is not known what the relationship between the two parties is.

In the situation of the Wind Spirit World, the Son of the Wind God unified the continent and became the strongest force. The other continents united to fight against each other. The war was relatively stalemate. The four continents together were unable to destroy the Wind God Kingdom, and the Wind God Kingdom could not do anything to the four continents.

This was the information that the Mosak Fish Spirit had inquired about, and Zhao Fu had already expected that that mysterious world must have a major connection with the Wind God Empire.

However, now Zhao Fu is not sure about the relationship between them. If it is a hostile relationship, the Wind God Empire is waiting in the outside world with a huge force like a tide, and the purpose must be to kill the Wind Spirit World.

This is the best. Only one world will suffer. After the Wind Spirit World is destroyed, the Wind God Empire will leave and everyone else will be safe.

It is estimated that many people hope so. Anyway, this world of Wind Spirit has nothing to do with everyone. His demise will not cause any loss to others. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. As long as the terrible existence of the Wind God Empire disappears.

But there is another possibility, that is, the Son of the Wind God has a friendly relationship with the Wind God Empire. If this is the case, it would be really dangerous.

Because of the friendly relationship, the Fengshen Empire will definitely not attack the Wind Spirit World. So what is the purpose of bringing such a huge force here?

It is very likely that the Wind God Empire will help the Wind Spirit World attack other countries and help the Wind Spirit World become a kingdom. If this is the case, the surrounding world will be very dangerous and will be under attack from the Wind God Empire.

Da Qin is also among them, because it is only one world away from the Wind Spirit World, while the Demon Horn Empire is relatively safe, only two worlds away, but it may also be the target of the Wind God Empire.


Now that he knew the information about the Wind Spirit World, Zhao Fu sighed heavily and felt tremendous pressure when he thought about the consequences.

If it's the second type, people in the surrounding world basically have no backhand power, and Guti Inner Territory probably won't care, because they have nothing to lose, and the opponent is still a kingdom in the Inner Territory, so they are somewhat invincible.

Zhao Fu summoned many ministers to discuss, and they had to be prepared, otherwise everything would be too late when the Wind God Empire called.

With the current power of Great Qin, there is definitely no way to resist it, because ordinary kingdoms can't resist it, let alone the kingdoms in the inner domain. So we can only think of other ways, and the kingdoms in the Guti Inner Domain can't count on it either.

We can only focus on the inner domain. As a country as powerful as the Fengshen Empire, there will definitely be opponents or enemies in the inner domain. If this news reaches their ears, they will definitely intervene.

Zhao Fu also ordered people to immediately investigate all the information about the Fengshen Empire, and sure enough he discovered that the Fengshen Empire had a sworn enemy in the inner domain, called the Moyun Empire.

Without much hesitation, Zhao Fu ordered someone to reveal the news to the Moyun Empire, and then waited and observed to see how the Moyun Empire would act.

After learning about the actions of the Fengshen Empire, the Moyun Empire seemed to have sent people to confirm, and troops were also being mobilized, but they had no intention of sending troops to stop them yet.

However, Zhao Fu breathed a sigh of relief. The Demon Cloud Empire would definitely intervene and would never let the Wind God Empire achieve its goal so easily. Then the pressure that Da Qin would face in the future would not be so great.

And Da Qin must also improve its strength as soon as possible, because everything needs strength to be guaranteed, and the order can be quickly digested to capture the aura world and attack the shroud world.

Now when the barrier of the Wind Spirit World disappears, we will know what the result will be, and what is the relationship between the Wind God Empire and the Son of the Wind God.

In order to ensure the safety of the Qin Dynasty, Zhao Fu also plans to send envoys to some countries in the Inner Territory. On the one hand, he will secretly spread the news about the Fengshen Empire, and on the other hand, he may be able to gain support from some kingdoms in the Inner Territory.

Because of the emergence of the Fengshen Empire, there are now fewer wars around. The Demon Horn Empire, the Great Qin Empire, and the Alliance World have all become cautious.

Since there is no war, Zhao Fu focuses on other things. For example, the Imperial Sword Realm has been upgraded and can transform 10,000 sword-wielding people into demons.

With the terrifying power of being possessed by a sword, ten thousand possessed by a sword are comparable to an army of millions. In other words, one possessed by a sword can kill hundreds of ordinary first-level soldiers.

With 10,000 sword-wielding demons, the power of the Emperor Sword Realm will also be greatly improved. If it enters the next stage, it will have 100,000 sword-wielding demons who can defeat tens of millions of soldiers, and one million sword-wielding demons can defeat countless soldiers. Billions of soldiers.

If there are 100 million sword-wielding demons, they can resist tens of billions of soldiers. It is scary to think about it. Moreover, high-level sword-wielding demons can be almost immortal.

The Imperial Sword Realm has a high value for cultivation, and Zhao Fu is naturally more concerned about it. Of these ten thousand sword-wielding demons, it is naturally best to be a sword cultivator, and they must be sword cultivators with good qualifications.

Zhao Fu also relaxed the conditions and no longer needed swordsmanship geniuses, because there couldn't be so many geniuses, so he could only add some with good qualifications.


As for the candidate, Zhao Fu must choose the Ancient Sword Sect, because as a Sword Sect, their disciples are all swordsmen, their number is even larger, and their qualifications are generally higher.

Although the Ancient Sword Sect provided some resources to Da Qin before, this could not eliminate Zhao Fu's hatred for the Ancient Sword Sect. Zhao Fu did not want a small part of the resources, but he had no choice but to accept them due to pressure.

Otherwise, with Zhao Fu's hatred for the Ancient Sword Sect, how could he ask for some resources from him, so Zhao Fu would still choose the Ancient Sword Sect to attack.

Later, Zhao Fu came to Lin Yan'er, because Lin Yan'er was a member of the Ancient Sword Sect, and she was also a top-ranked swordsman genius. She knew the Ancient Sword Sect very well, and with her help, Zhao Fu would have less trouble.

"Ms. sir! You're here."

When Lin Yaner saw Zhao Fu, she threw herself into Zhao Fu's arms with a charming smile, put her sweet lips on her, and then, impatiently, took off her clothes and wanted to have sex with Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu stopped her and discovered that Ling Feixue, the Ancient Sword Sect's wife, was also there.

At this time, Ling Feixue was sitting over there, her face flushed, her body tense, her head lowered, exuding a mature and attractive aura.


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