The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1359 Elder

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Zhao Fu recalled that Yu Qingshui had helped her suppress the demonic aura of six desires, but her body was still affected by the demonic aura of six desires. It seemed that Ling Feixue was also the same, and she was now trying her best to suppress herself.

"It's better to use less of the Six Desire Demonic Qi from now on, because it doesn't seem to be completely under my control." Zhao Fu thought in his mind.

"Ms. sir! Do you want to have sex with our sect master's wife? She has been waiting for a long time! Are you coming?"

Lin Yaner saw Zhao Fu's eyes falling on Ling Feixue, and coquettishly pulled Zhao Fu in front of Ling Feixue. Ling Feixue blushed and turned her head away, a little afraid to face Zhao Fu, although her body was extremely strong. She wanted to, but she still tried her best to restrain herself.

However, if Zhao Fu really wanted to do something to her, she would definitely not resist, but she would definitely not take the initiative.

But Lin Yan'er's last words defeated her last persistence, "Sister Feixue! Think about the Ancient Sword Sect! In fact, we are a good husband, but you must also perform well."

"For the Ancient Sword Sect!"

Ling Feixue's heart skipped a beat, and she looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of beautiful eyes filled with soft water, and then began to serve Zhao Fu. Lin Yan'er happily also served Zhao Fu.

After that, Zhao Fu started galloping over the two of them, focusing on enjoying the body of the Ancient Sword Sect's wife. He had the reason to take revenge on the Ancient Sword Sect.

Afterwards, Ling Feixue collapsed in Zhao Fu's arms, suppressed for a long time, which made her very crazy just now.

Zhao Fu also told Lin Yaner the purpose of his visit this time. Lin Yaner, with a flushed face, happily agreed because she would have the opportunity to be alone with Zhao Fu.

"Your Majesty! I don't expect you to let all the people of the Ancient Sword Sect go, but can you please forgive some of them? I will be yours from now on, and I will serve you well." Ling Feixue's voice was a little weak, but her eyes were hopeful. He looked at Zhao Fu nervously.

Now that Ling Feixue is staying in Great Qin, we can see the speed of development of Great Qin and various powerful methods. Although the ancient sword sect is powerful, Great Qin will destroy the ancient sword sect sooner or later. This is already in Ling Feixue's heart. Be sure to come down.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hand to lift Ling Feixue's white chin and said teasingly, "Don't worry! I will let some people from the Ancient Sword Sect go, but now I want to hear you call your husband."

Ling Feixue looked shy, feeling a little sorry for the leader of the Ancient Sword Sect, but for the sake of the Ancient Sword Sect and for herself, she needed Zhao Fu. Now that she was with Zhao Fu, she didn't want to endure the hardships before. Ling Feixue was still ashamed. He shouted, "Ms. sir!"

As a force that has existed for a relatively long time, the Ancient Sword Sect has a population of at least 400 billion in the ten worlds. Thinking about how Zhao Fu could kill them all with a population of 400 billion, he would definitely kill some of the higher-ups and conquer the others.

Zhao Fu began to ask Lin Yaner about some of the forces in the Ancient Sword Sect. Now the Emperor Sword Realm can transform higher-level monks. Although the qualification requirements are now lower, it can improve the cultivation of those who are transformed.

A second-level cultivator can defeat six or seven first-level soldiers, a third-level cultivator can defeat thirty-six first-level soldiers, a fourth-level monk can defeat 216 first-level soldiers, and a fifth-level cultivator can defeat 216 first-level soldiers. There are more than 600 first-level enemy soldiers...

Now, with the power of the Emperor Sword Realm, it is possible to transform people with sixth-level cultivations. However, it is a bit troublesome for people with high-level cultivations, because they can resist with their own powerful cultivations.

Zhao Fu plans to capture 10,000 sixth-level swordsmen from the Ancient Sword Sect. With the strength of the Ancient Sword Sect, 10,000 sixth-level swordsmen are not considered to be many.

For such a huge force, the number of people at the first level may reach tens of thousands, and the number of people at the fifth and sixth levels will be even greater. If these ten thousand and sixth level swordsmen can be obtained, the combat power they can exert can reach millions. First-order soldiers are so strong.

The second and third levels are at the lower level in the Guti Inner Domain, the fourth and fifth levels are at the middle level, and the sixth and seventh level can be regarded as the upper middle level, so their status in the Ancient Sword Sect is not ordinary.

Zhao Fu asked Lin Yan'er for news about them and learned that Level 6 was also considered a manager and it would be troublesome to gather them together.

However, Zhao Fu learned that the Ancient Sword Sect has a law enforcement team. These law enforcement swordsmen are not only powerful in swordsmanship, but also have sixth-level cultivation, and their number has reached more than 80,000. If he can figure out a way to attract a team, then he can Reach the goal.

Zhao Fu quickly took Lin Yan'er into action. He originally wanted to take Ling Feixue with him. As the wife of the sect, she should know better, but she didn't want to see how Zhao Fu harmed the Ancient Sword Sect. people, so they didn’t come.

In fact, Zhao Fu also thought of a way. There are several elders in charge of the law enforcement team. He only needs to capture one and obtain his token to mobilize and gather 10,000 law enforcement officers.

The only difficulty is that those elders are powerful in the Heaven and Earth Realm and have the power to mobilize a world. With Zhao Fu's current Saint Realm cultivation and other powers, he may still have the ability to barely fight.

But Zhao Fu did not intend to rely on his own cultivation, because Zhao Fu had a weapon to suppress the country, and the weapon to suppress the country could mobilize the power of the four worlds and could easily suppress the elder.

Arriving outside the Ancient Sword Sect, due to what happened before, the defense here has been strengthened a lot, and there are also strong restrictions put in place, making it difficult for Zhao Fu to enter. It is a pity that he did not bring the fish spirit and Mosak, otherwise it would be easy to enter.

"Mr. Sir! Why don't we design a plan to lure that elder out, and then intercept and kill that elder! I heard that he has a disciple whom he loves very much. If we catch him, that elder will definitely show up without hesitation." Lin Yan Er thought for a while and suggested.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu responded and asked, "Do you know where that disciple is?"

Lin Yaner chuckled lightly, "Ms. sir! In fact, my identity is still

It has not been exposed. That disciple’s name is Liu Nan. He once pursued me crazily, saying that I was the only person he loved in his life, and he also did many stupid things. It’s just that I don’t like him. He only needs me to pass on a message to him. , then he will definitely come out to see me. "

A smile appeared on Zhao Fu's face and he agreed, "Then let's do it according to your distribution!"

"Then my husband's matter is successful, I want you to pamper me." Lin Yan'er hugged Zhao Fu's arm and said coquettishly.

Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, taking off her clothes.

After a while, a green sword light fell on a flat ground. It was an ordinary-looking young man in a robe. He looked at Lin Yan'er in front of him with wide eyes and said in surprise, "Yan'er! I really don't have it." To think that you are still alive."

Lin Yaner's face was flushed, exuding a seductive aura, and she replied softly, "Junior brother! Of course I am alive, but I miss you a little now, so I asked you out."

Liu Nan looked stunned. He didn't expect Lin Yan'er to say that he missed her. His heart beat violently and he showed an expression of ecstasy because he loved Lin Yan'er very much and had pursued her crazily.


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