The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1360 Ghost Lord (please subscribe)

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After not seeing Lin Yan'er for so long, and now they just met, Liu Nan felt like she was in a dream when she heard her say that she missed her. She asked in disbelief, "Is this true? Yan'er, you really miss me." ?”

Lin Yan'er looked weak, "Junior brother! Of course I miss you, why don't you believe me?"

"No! I...I believe you." Liu Nan said hurriedly, unable to speak clearly because she was afraid that Lin Yan'er in front of her would misunderstand her.

"Junior brother, can you do me a little favor? He wants to see your master. Can you call him over? If you help me do this well, he will agree to whatever you want!"

With a hint of charm and a pair of beautiful eyes, Lin Yaner said to Liu Nan seductively.

Liu Nan felt that his heart was about to jump out, his blood was flowing rapidly, and his head seemed to have lost the ability to think. He directly agreed, "Okay! I'll call the master over right away."

While talking, Liu Nan excitedly took out a sword talisman and fired it.

"Senior Sister Yan'er, now that I'm helping you, can I really do anything? Now I want to hug you, and if possible, I want to kiss you." Liu Nan looked at the charming Lin Yan'er nervously with a look of anticipation on her face. said.

But Lin Yan'er's expression changed in an instant, with contempt and a hint of ridicule, "Junior brother! Do you think you want to touch me just because of you? Stop dreaming! This family belongs to my husband only."

Liu Nan's face was stunned, and he saw Lin Yan'er's attitude changed drastically, but he still hadn't reacted, "Yan'er... when did you have a husband-in-law? Is it Senior Brother Xiao? By the way, he disappeared with you in the Ancient Sword Sect. "

Lin Yan'er said disdainfully, "He is not qualified either. Now my husband will scare you if he says it. He is the mysterious emperor's son that Gudiyu has been looking for."

at once!

Liu Nan felt as if he had fallen into the icy water, feeling a biting chill, his body was trembling instinctively, and he felt a sense of fear, because the name of the mysterious emperor was so scary, and the mysterious emperor was the same as the ancient sword. The clan has a grudge.

Thinking of what Lin Yan'er had just asked him to do, Liu Nan turned around and ran away without any hesitation, wanting to tell his master not to come.


A sharp sword penetrated his chest from behind. Liu Nan turned his head with difficulty and looked at the woman he loved most behind him. There was no hatred or anger, just some sadness.

Lin Yan'er smiled and whispered in Liu Nan's ear, "Junior brother! You have such a good master, but you are still so weak. Look, my cultivation has improved very quickly. Now I am also a saint. Good cultivation, thanks to my husband."

"Actually, I was a little touched by what you did before. Although your status is good, your qualifications are too poor. You are not as good as Xiao Changfeng, let alone my husband-in-law. Although I am only an unimportant one among his countless women. One, but I will continue to work hard.”

"If you do this well, your husband will pamper me well later and use various postures to kiss me. That feeling has made me addicted. Now you should be happy for me. I am living a good life now, or... Thank you for your help, I will remember you!”

Blood continued to flow out of Liu Nan's mouth, and her breath continued to weaken. She looked at Lin Yan'er with longing eyes, "!"

Lin Yaner nodded gently with a moving smile, and withdrew the sword that penetrated Liu Nan's chest. Liu Nan's body fell to the ground weakly, turning into a corpse.

With a wave of her hand at any time, she put away Liu Nan's body and covered up the blood stains. Lin Yan'er smiled and flew into the sky and came to Zhao Fu, "Ms. sir! That elder hasn't come yet? Why don't I serve you for a while first? !”

Zhao Fu didn't want to and refused, "That's a powerful person in the Heaven and Earth Realm, so you can't be careless!"

Lin Yan'er hugged Zhao Fu's arm, smelled Zhao Fu's scent, and responded clearly, looking into the distance, waiting for the elder to arrive.


A powerful stream of light flew over, carrying a huge momentum, and it was a middle-aged man who looked a little ugly.

When he arrived here, the middle-aged man took a glance and did not find where Liu Nan was. He was a little confused, but then he felt a bad premonition. When he was about to make any move, it was already too late.


A hundred-meter-tall bronze giant appeared behind him, holding up a bronze sword with both hands. With a monstrous killing aura, he slashed out with a sword, destructive power erupted, and green light burst out, covering everything.


But the elder was not dead yet. He coughed up a large mouthful of blood, as if he was seriously injured. He didn't know what method to use. However, Zhao Fu had unleashed the full power of the country-suppressing weapon and even added a sneak attack, but he hadn't killed him yet. Elder, it seems that the powerful people in the heaven and earth realm are indeed extraordinary.

However, the elder was seriously injured after suffering this blow. Zhao Fu did not hesitate and continued to summon the bronze soldiers, killing the elder after a few moves.

Put away his body first. This is a real strong man in the heaven and earth realm, and his body is also a very precious material.

After getting the elder's token, Zhao Fu directly used it to convey the order for the arrival of 10,000 law enforcement sword cultivators. Because he did not want to attract too much attention, Zhao Fu did not dare to shout too much.

The law enforcement sword cultivators arrived one by one according to the orders given by Zhao Fu. Some of them were men and women, some were slightly older, and their auras were also very powerful.

Because it was an order belonging to an elder at the Heaven and Earth realm, no one had any doubts about it, because there were only a dozen strong men at the Heaven and Earth realm among the ancient swordsmen.

Each has great rights. , His status is astonishingly noble.

When 10,000 law enforcement sword cultivators gathered here, Zhao Fu also walked out with a smile on his face.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the sudden appearance of strangers, everyone felt a little bad. Some people even quietly retreated, planning to escape from here immediately.

Zhao Fu smiled and did not answer their words. He had already spoken to a group of dead people, which was meaningless. He took out the Emperor's Killing Sword, and an evil aura surged out, causing countless people to freeze up and feel a wave of energy deep in their souls. fear.


Most people had figured out that it was a trap, one person shouted.


At this moment, Zhao Fu just thrust his sword into the ground, and a terrifying black-blood energy shield spread out quickly, wrapping the 10,000 law enforcement sword cultivators in it.

"Ghost Lord!"

Zhao Fu let out a soft drink, and a cold aura spread, making the surrounding temperature become ice-cold. Ghost figures wearing white robes, with ferocious eyes and claw-like hands, appeared behind countless people.

After these ghosts appeared, they let out evil laughter, hugged each law enforcement sword cultivator with their hands, and disappeared directly, as if pulling those people into the void.

Some people couldn't resist at all, because with their power, the ghost couldn't attack at all. It was like a phantom and couldn't cause any harm.

Zhao Fu was also a little surprised. It was the first time he used the Emperor Sword, which had become the weapon of kings. Its power was very unusual. It was both powerful and strange, and it had various abilities that had not yet been developed.


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