The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1373 Ghost Baby

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After returning to Great Qin for another seven days, the aura world was basically digested by Great Qin, and other preparations were completed. Now we can attack the Shroud World, so we gathered a large army. The official attack on the Shroud World begins.

This time, Great Qin still sent 10 billion troops, plus many ferocious beasts and monsters. The remaining troops stayed in Great Qin to guard against prying eyes from other worlds, especially the Demon Horn Empire, which was likely to intervene.

The soldiers of the Qin Dynasty gathered in front of the heavenly barrier like a torrent, and their momentum was like a vast ocean, shaking all directions. The creatures here felt this terrifying momentum, and they were so frightened that they fled to nowhere, and the surrounding area fell into silence.

Mosak and Yuling had already stepped forward and used their abilities. They saw a field expand and light waves spread out.


There was a shocking loud noise, and countless cracks opened in the enchantment of the sky, and then pieces fell down, making a roaring sound, smashing into many possible objects, and the smoke filled the sky, blocking everyone's sight.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, everyone was a little surprised to see that there was no one in the Shroud World in front of them. What was going on? It was impossible for the Shroud World not to know that Great Qin would come to attack them, but not only was there no one here, there was no defensive measure at all.

Zhao Fu sensed a hint of satisfaction and immediately sent the vanguard forward to check the situation. A group of several hundred soldiers were ordered to step forward to investigate.


However, screams rang out from the hundreds of soldiers who came up to check. Stepping into the world of shrouds, gray auras invaded their bodies, and their bodies seemed to be eaten by some invisible creature.

In just a few blows, those soldiers were already dead. Their bodies were covered in blood and flesh, and there were small teeth marks in many places. Their death was so miserable that the people around them took a breath.

Zhao Fu frowned because he didn't understand what was going on just now, but since he couldn't walk on the ground, he could still choose the sky.

This time Zhao Fu ordered a few people to fly into the sky and asked them to be careful. He also put up a defensive shield to guard against all possible dangers and immediately retreated when he sensed something was wrong.

But before they entered the world of shrouds, they still let out screams after a few seconds, fell from mid-air and died, just like those people, their bodies seemed to be eaten by countless people.

Just when Zhao Fu was wondering what was going on, an old Taoist priest with gray hair in Taoist robes stepped forward and reported, "Your Majesty! This is a very powerful curse. As long as you step into it, you will be affected by that kind of curse." curse."

Zhao Fu was startled and said, "Then is there any way to resolve it?"

Hearing that it was a curse, Zhao Fu also understood. No wonder it was so weird. The few people who originally flew into the sky couldn't resist it with their defensive shields, because the curse was something that could not be blocked by ordinary means.

"I'm a poor Taoist! You still need to step forward to see what kind of curse it is before you can figure out a way to deal with it." The old Taoist replied with his hands in hand.

Zhao Fu nodded, "Then go ahead and do it! If you need anything, just tell me."

The old Taoist leader obeyed the order and led a dozen Taoist priests to the edge of the shroud world to check. Then they took out a few talismans and threw them into the shroud world. The talismans spontaneously ignited without fire, and an invisible force spread out.

at once!

The shroud world ahead turned into a different look. The gray aura spread everywhere, covering the heaven and earth. The surroundings were filled with a cold and strange aura. What was frightening was that there were countless babies with fangs among them.

These babies are like ghost babies, playing happily in the sky and on the ground. They look extremely evil and they are so densely packed that it is hard to count them. At a glance, they are all ghost babies.

When everyone saw this scene, they couldn't help but be shocked. When they heard the evil laughter from those ghost babies, they felt a creepy feeling, and they couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Ghost babies are not entities, but an illusory existence and a curse. Not only can they not be attacked, they are also indefensible because they can easily invade the body. The bite marks on the soldiers should be caused by these ghost babies.

After a while, the old Taoist priest came back with a serious face and reported, "Your Majesty! This kind of curse is extremely terrifying. Tens of millions of babies may be used as materials, and the curse cast is extremely difficult to resolve."

This group of shrouds were really so willing and ruthless to sacrifice so many babies to defend against Qin's attack.

But now that he figured out what the curse was, it was not impossible for Zhao Fu to solve it. Soon Zhao Fu ordered the God of Light to come to the battlefield. Seeing so many babies being cursed, the God of Light Ruixi also became very angry.

"Ms. sir! I will help you remove the curse. You must punish those bad guys."

Zhao Fu smiled and agreed, feeling calm in his heart. He did not react to the use of millions of babies as a curse. Even if he knew that each of these babies was buried alive in the ground in front of him, he did not feel anything or feel angry.

But he can somewhat understand that the Shroud World wants to resist Da Qin, and Zhao Fu himself is not a kind person.

The God of Light emitted extremely strong light, like a dazzling white sun in the sky. Those rays of light shone into the shroud world, and countless ghost babies let out shrill screams, and their faces became very painful.

With such a large area as the Cursed Land, the power of the God of Light is somewhat weak. Zhao Fu also ordered people to summon the saints from the aura world. They also have the ability to purify this land.

I saw the summoned saint, with his hands spread out, his hands clasped, and chanting sacred scriptures in his mouth, and golden lines were

The light also emanated, shining into the terrifying and strange world of shrouds,

The effect is obvious. The gray aura is receding, the ghost babies are screaming and disappearing, and the ground is returning to normal.

However, judging from the current speed, it will take a lot of time to break this cursed land and truly attack the shroud world.

On the side of the shroud world, the faces were solemn. They spent such a high price to cast the infant ghost curse. Although it had a not weak effect and blocked Da Qin from outside, with Da Qin's purification speed, Da Qin would still attack. Come.

"Do you need to use the next method?" A short, bald man looked at Shisaki and asked.

Among the seven of them, Shisaki is stronger than the six of them in terms of strength and influence. At this dangerous moment, they naturally take the lead with Shisaki.

Before Shisaki could answer, another slender woman with a pale face and a cold temperament said, "We have to think clearly about this. Once we use that method, we will have no other means and can only fight with him." When Da Qin goes head-to-head, it’s either you who will die or I will live, and we won’t have the slightest advantage.”


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