The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1374 Tyrant

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But without using this method, Da Qin will still attack after purifying the land. At this time, using the Cursed Land and adding that method, we may be able to repel it, and then we will use this time to prepare other things.

This suggestion made many people nod in support, and then everyone's eyes turned to Shisaki to see what she decided.

Shisaki sighed slightly, that man's proposal was the best choice, so he was about to nod his head and agree, otherwise they would have no choice in the face of the terrifying Great Qin.

At this time, a soldier suddenly broke in and shouted with surprise, "Your Majesty! Da Qin withdraws its troops, we are victorious."

Everyone was surprised when they heard this. Why did Great Qin suddenly withdraw its troops? They hurriedly asked the soldier, "What is going on? Please explain it in detail."

Afterwards, everyone's faces were filled with joy, and their tense and solemn expressions relaxed. Da Qin had indeed withdrawn its troops, and they had successfully defended the Shroud World.

This was thanks to the Demonic Horn Empire outside, because it was the Demonic Horn Empire that divided its armies into three groups and frantically attacked the continents occupied by Great Qin in the three green worlds. The war situation in the three continents was in critical condition, and Great Qin could only temporarily withdraw its troops.

This time Yao Ming was purely seeking revenge, because every time the Yaojiao Empire did something, Great Qin would intervene, and he would always ruin good things and take advantage of him. Yao Ming always remembered this.

When he learned that the Great Qin Empire was attacking the Shroud World, Yao Ming knew that the opportunity for revenge had come, so he ordered people to attack Great Qin crazily.

The Demon Horn Empire is not just pretending to be an alliance army. It is really a ferocious attack. If Great Qin insists on conquering the Shroud World, then the Demon Horn Empire can gain three worlds at the same time. By then, the Demon Horn Empire will have Six worlds.

However, Great Qin still transferred its troops back. After hearing the news, Yao Ming also immediately ordered a retreat. Now that Da Qin has withdrawn to defend, Yao Ming naturally understands that with the current power of the Demon Horn Empire, it is impossible to break through Da Qin's defense and can only retreat.

But Yaoming showed a triumphant smile. This time he finally took revenge and vented his anger. Otherwise, it would be too frustrating to be suppressed by Da Qin all the time.

Zhao Fu looked at the retreating demon horn army and could only temporarily stop attacking the shroud world and prepare a way to quickly break the cursed land.

The imperial examination is about to take place. Recently, everything has been focused on the war. I have not been managing internal affairs for some days, but I can use this time to manage internal affairs.

The imperial examination is undoubtedly the most important thing for countless celebrities and talents, from the king to the common people, because this is an opportunity to rise to the sky in one step and become a successful person. No one wants to miss it, which makes the Qin Dynasty even more lively than usual.

There was talk about the imperial examination everywhere, and all kinds of celebrities and talented people gathered in the Imperial City of Qin, preparing to take part in the imperial examination to gain fame.

Now the population of the Qin Dynasty has reached hundreds of billions, and there are countless talented and learned people. There are even some people who are talented and have a very high reputation. There are also many talented men and women among the people.

At least one-third of them come from the Qin Shi Academy. Nowadays, the Qin Dynasty has a vast territory and there are tens of thousands of academies. However, the Qin Shi Academy that Zhao Fu single-handedly founded has become an existence unmatched by many academies.

It is a holy place for many students, gathering countless geniuses from all over the world, which is incomparable to ordinary academies.

There are also several good private academies, such as the Academy of Calligraphy and Poetry founded by Confucianism, the most famous Academy of Demonic Immortals in the Demonic Mysterious World, the Tianshen Academy of the Lingguang God Clan, and the Forest Academy of the Elf Clan.

As Da Qin's territory continues to expand, the demand for people is also increasing. However, with so many colleges and many students, the competition between them is not small at all, so everyone wants to be among the best.

Maybe you can even be summoned by the Emperor of Qin, which is a supreme honor for ordinary people.

This time the imperial examination was the same as before. On the flat ground outside the main hall, Zhao Fu was wearing a black dragon robe and a black dragon crown on his head. He looked majestic and led the civil and military officials out of the side.

"See my emperor! May my emperor live forever."

Students from all directions immediately knelt down and shouted in unison. The sound was like thunder, shaking the sky, making the world seem to be filled with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Zhao Fu sat on the dragon throne with satisfaction and gave the order to start the imperial examination.

One by one, the students returned to their seats, holding brushes in hand, and began to write furiously, working on the questions seriously, writing down their own thoughts, ambitions, and the future direction and future of Da Qin.

The ministers around Zhao Fu also talked about the promising students.

Here is the imperial examination, which is basically for civil servants. On the other side, the military officials are taking the military examination. The person in charge of the military examination this time is Wang Jian. Bai Qi is responsible for guarding the three continents outside. Zhao Fu will also go to see it in person later.

Nowadays, most of the civil servants in the Qin Dynasty are men. Li Si and Shang Yang are very important figures among the civil servants. They are also one of the two people who control the most power in the Qin Dynasty. They are unknown to many people.

The only female officials are Li Muqing, Shangguan Wan'er, Lu Lingxuan, and the last imperial examination champion, Li Xiaoling, a talented Confucian girl.

Although Zhao Fu insisted on equality between men and women, in fact, the power in the court was still in the hands of men, and there were some cases of suppressing female officials several times. Women were rarely in positions of power in the court.

If it weren't for Li Muqing, Shangguan Wan'er, and Lu Lingxuan who supported her so hard and were reused by Zhao Fu, no woman would be able to control the internal affairs of the court.

Zhao Fu also knew about this, mainly because his thoughts had not changed, because those famous historical ministers

, and the current Apocalypse world is similar to that in ancient times. Many people still believe that women cannot be officials and that men's power is challenged.

Although Zhao Fu insists on equality between men and women, it has only been more than eight years, and most of his thoughts have not changed. Li Si and Shang Yang both have a hint of suppressing female officials, and other ministers are more obvious. Female officials are very passive on the one hand, and are also subject to them everywhere. Suppress.

Zhao Fu also knew everything, but Zhao Fu did not interfere because this matter could not be rushed and needed to be changed slowly.

Factional struggles in the DPRK are unavoidable, but because of Zhao Fu's suppression, all the officials did not dare to go too far. Otherwise, Li Muqing might have been sentenced to death or beheaded, because Li Muqing's reputation is now too great, especially among women. , almost taking her as an example.

Not only is she extremely beautiful, but she is also extremely talented. She is kind to the people and safeguards women's rights at all times. The people call her the most talented woman in the Qin Dynasty.

Her family was very opposed to it at first, because after becoming Li Qingzhao, how could she submit to a tyrant?

Now it has been proven that Li Muqing's foresight was not only to unite China, but also to unite the world and even begin to conquer other worlds.


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