The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1413 Eyesight

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"Sword Master!"

Zhao Fu saw his sword being blocked by the black ghost shield, and shouted loudly. The Emperor's Killing Sword burst out with an extremely strong sword intent, turning into a raging sword energy storm and bombarding the black ghost shield.


A crisp sound sounded, and the expression of the spirit beast changed. Under the bombardment of the sword energy storm, the released black ghost shield began to crack into small cracks. The sword energy poured into the cracks, causing the black ghost shield to explode. The cracks in the shield are getting bigger and bigger.


The soul-detached beast looked up to the sky and roared, and a black aura surged out, transforming into monsters three meters tall and with the same appearance as the soul-detached beast. Their eyes locked on Zhao Fu, and they turned into streams of light and rushed towards Zhao Fu.

Facing the numerous clones of the Soul-Bearing Beasts that were charging towards him, Zhao Fu immediately stepped back and slashed out with his sword, bringing countless black and blood-colored arcs to kill the charging Soul-Bending Beasts.

However, the black energy from the body of the soul beast kept pouring out, forming clones of the soul beast. The soul beasts continued to surge towards Zhao Fu, and as long as Zhao Fu was not careful, they would sneak into Zhao Fu's mind and attack him. Zhao Fu launched an attack.

Zhao Fu brought out a huge sword light with a sword and killed the spirit beasts he used, but a few of them still rushed into Zhao Fu's head from the side and attacked Zhao Fu's spirit, causing severe pain in Zhao Fu's head.

A wave of sword intent poured into his mind and killed several soul beasts. Zhao Fu was also very angry and shouted, "Immortal mode... turn on!"


A strong seven-color glow radiated out, shining in all directions. A terrifying aura blew in all directions like a strong wind. A seven-color magic circle emerged from the center of Zhao Fu's eyebrows, and a seven-color rune circle appeared around Zhao Fu.

Now the aura on Zhao Fu's body was extremely powerful, and the circle of colorful runes surrounding his body slowly rotated, making the void tremble, as if the whole world was terrified in front of Zhao Fu.

Immortal mode stimulates all the powers of Zhao Fu's body to the limit. Whether it is the holy blood or the power of the six paths of reincarnation, it is also increased to the limit, and the power of heaven and earth is constantly pouring into Zhao Fu's body.

The first time I used the immortal mode in battle, this power was as if I was really an immortal controlling the world.

The people in the cage in the distance looked at Zhao Fu with fear on their faces, standing in the sky covered in colorful rays of light, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

Black and White Wuchang had been familiar with Zhao Fu's power for a long time and was not too surprised. However, he was extremely shocked by the people who had just followed Zhao Fu. They did not know Zhao Fu's true identity until now.

The spirit beast also looked frightened, but it had nowhere to escape, otherwise it wanted to escape, and now it could only fight with all its strength.

Ho ho ho…

The soul-detached beast kept roaring alive, and countless black auras poured out in large quantities, like a tide, forming countless clones of the soul-detached beast, which rushed towards Zhao Fu like they covered the sky and the sun. The soul-detached beast itself also rushed towards Zhao Fu with a huge momentum. .

At this moment, Zhao Fu looked indifferent and put away the Emperor's Sword. He stretched out a hand and a seven-color magic circle appeared in the palm of his hand. The dazzling seven-color light above spread out a huge power that resembled the power of an immortal. .

Clang, clang, clang...

The sound of chains shook the sky, and colorful chains shot out from behind Zhao Fu, shooting like a torrent at the incoming soul beasts with powerful force.

Puff puff……

The colorful chains, with their swift power, penetrated the chests of each soul beast, directly killing the soul beasts and dissipating into countless black energy.

Countless colorful chains killed the clone of the Soul Contract Beast. Like a flexible snake, they turned around and shot at the Soul Contract Beast's body. The Soul Contract Beast's face was frightened and it blurred its body, but those seven-colored chains still transformed the Soul Contract Beast's clone. The soul beast is tied up.

Because the current colorful chain is blessed by the power of the saint and the power of six reincarnations that have been raised to the limit, and there is also a trace of real immortal power. The soul-bending beast's virtualization ability is no longer effective against Zhao Fu.

The spirit beast was tied up by countless iron chains, roaring loudly, and struggling continuously, making loud noises, but it could no longer break free of the iron chains.

Zhao Fu sneered and flew to the head of the soul-detached beast. He looked at the soul-detached beast with one pair of eyes, and the four eyes of the soul-detached beast also looked at Zhao Fu angrily. The two looked at each other.

"Now my right eye has become a treasure of the ghost clan, and I still need an eye. Today you can be my eye!" Zhao Fu's voice was cold and full of strong and domineering, not giving any chance to the spirit beast. Chance.

The gray dot in his right eye began to rotate, and Zhao Fu's cross pupil also began to rotate. A gray vortex appeared in Zhao Fu's eye socket. The suction power of this gray vortex was at least ten times greater than before.

Ho ho ho…

The soul-detached beast roared and struggled continuously, but the huge body was still sucked in bit by bit by Zhao Fu's right eye. In less than a few minutes, the soul-detached beast's 10,000-meter body was sucked in by Zhao Fu's right eye.

Zhao Fu's Immortal Mode has not yet been cancelled, but he directly poured power into his right eye, refining the soul-absorbing beast into an eye spirit, which is similar to a kind of weapon spirit.

Because the spirit beast is also an extremely rare ghost beast, its power can be inherited through blood. That is, Zhao Fu refined the spirit beast into an eye spirit. From now on, Zhao Fu's children will also have eyesight in their right eyes. The spirit has the same appearance and ability as the spirit beast.

Soul bonded beasts are usually controlled by signing a contract. Zhao Fu directly chose to forcibly refine them because of his strength.

After most of the day,

Zhao Fu refined the spirit beast, and the spirit beast now stayed in Zhao Fu's right eye. Its power became much stronger because the power of Zhao Fu's terrifying holy blood was integrated into it.

"Ms. sir! You are so strong!"

Hei Xiaojie's mother Hei Xiaomei threw herself into Zhao Fu's arms and said with a smile of surprise and admiration.

"Mom! You don't know the identity of the husband yet. You will find out when you return to Daqin. I guarantee that your jaw will drop. My daughter will not let you serve a mediocre and unknown person." Hei Xiaojie said with full confidence, Said with a smile.

A blush appeared on Hei Xiaomei's face, and the scene of serving Zhao Fu with her daughter came up. She originally planned to enjoy it once and then stop looking for Zhao Fu, but she still couldn't help but come to Zhao Fu's room every night. .

Bai Xiaoxi looked at the scene in front of her with some envy. Hei Xiaojie could have her mother by her side every day, but she could only see her relatives when she returned to her family.

In fact, she also thought that if her mother also served Zhao Fu, her mother would definitely like Zhao Fu, but she still had a father, so doing this would be very sorry for him, so she never dared to do that.

Zhao Fu smiled and hugged the beautiful woman, flew to the platform below, and picked up the book.


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