The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1414 Sword Spirit (please subscribe)

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This book looks very ordinary. It has a gray cover with the book of ghosts written on it. The material is also ordinary paper. There is nothing special about it, but it has a strong Yin power. This makes people feel unusual. It feels like They are some evil things.

Zhao Fu had great expectations for it, because the first level gave him a terrifying scroll that could summon a billion ghosts, and the second one would definitely not be too bad. After Zhao Fu checked the information in the book, he was really pleasantly surprised.

Because the books record a method of cultivating a shadow beast, a method of fusing a shadow beast, and a method of controlling a shadow beast.

The cultivated ghost beasts are more than one level, but as long as they are fused into the body of a first-level soldier with the same attributes, the power of that first-level soldier can be upgraded to the second level, and it also has the ability to unfold the soul beast.

As long as Zhao Fu uses this method, Zhao Fu can have a large number of second-level soldiers, whose strength is comparable to that of the Outer Realm Kingdom.

However, there are also limitations. First, the Yin Soul Beasts need to be cultivated by themselves. The more Yin Soul Beasts they cultivate, the more Yin Soul Beasts can be integrated into the soldiers. Second, the fused soldiers must be soldiers who are transformed into Yin Soldiers after death.

Because only this kind of pure Yin soldiers can fuse with Yin soul beasts. It is impossible for ordinary Yin soldiers in the underworld, because they actually have their own lives and are not transformed after death.

Da Qin now has 1.2 billion Yin soldiers. If a large number of Yin soul beasts are cultivated, Da Qin can have 1.2 billion more second-level soldiers. If it wants more Yin soldiers, it will need more Nine Nether King Seals. That requires Kingdom Seal to transform.

However, because the power of the city lord's seal disappeared, the power of the city was also weakened, and the number of Yin soldiers that could be transformed was also greatly reduced.

But it was definitely a heart-warming treasure. Zhao Fu happily put it away, and then led everyone to open the silver door and reach the next floor.

This layer is completely different from the previous two layers. It is a colorful world. The sky is of various colors, the ground is also of various colors, and the flowers, plants and trees are also of various colors. It looks beautiful, but it feels very strange. reality.

When Zhao Fu and the others were surprised, a golden lightsaber flew towards them with a sharp aura. He wanted to attack everyone. He reached out and grabbed the golden lightsaber.

The golden lightsaber kept struggling in Shanglong's hand, emitting sharp sword energy, but still couldn't break free, because Shanglong was a monk in the Heaven Realm.

Zhao Fu looked at the crowd and asked curiously, "What is this? I feel like it's the Sword Spirit, but I don't feel like it's the Sword Spirit."

Shanglong looked at the golden sword in his hand carefully. Others also looked at the golden sword curiously, not knowing what it was.

Hei Xiaomei thought for a while and said, "Mr. sir! This is a fake sword spirit. It is made using a special method. It has the same abilities as a sword spirit, but it is different from the real sword spirit. And Intelligence is generally low.”

Hearing this, Zhao Fu responded clearly, then thought of something, took the golden sword spirit in Shang Long's hand, then took out an ordinary iron sword, and then integrated the golden sword spirit into it, making the process smoother.

The sword integrated into the sword spirit immediately exudes golden sword energy, with a stronger power than before, and seems to be alive. The level of the iron sword has also been improved a lot.

Zhao Fu looked happy, this pseudo-sword spirit is also a good treasure, and this space is full of this kind of pseudo-spirits. In addition to the sword spirit, there are also various spirits, such as sword spirits, hammer spirits, etc. Spear spirit, ax spirit...

There seem to be tens of millions of these pseudo-spirits. If so many pseudo-spirits were brought back to Da Qin, it would be of great help to Da Qin.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu ordered everyone to start capturing these pseudo-spirits.

With a wave of the long flag in Shang Long's hand, countless Yin Qi surged out and turned into countless ghosts. Those ghosts pounced on the pseudo-spirits and began to capture them. The power of those pseudo-spirits was not weak, and they would also attack the summoned ghosts. kill.

Black and White Impermanence summoned a Black and White Tai Chi, bursting out a black and white vortex, sucking in countless pseudo-spirits.

Zhao Fu was also a little surprised by Han Li and the other girls. They used a magic circle to catch all the pseudo-spirits around them, then temporarily sealed them and threw them into the storage ring.

Zhao Fu pressed the ground, the golden pupil of his left eye rotated rapidly, a black magic circle emerged, and the iron chains shot at the countless pseudo-spirits with rapid power, directly dragging the countless pseudo-spirits into the seal. in space.

Although everyone was trying to capture the pseudo-spirits, many pseudo-spirits came to this side. A long banner spirit hundreds of meters high came towards here with hundreds of thousands of pseudo-spirits.

He was not surprised but overjoyed because the long banner in his hand did not have a suitable weapon spirit yet, and that long banner spirit was undoubtedly the most suitable weapon, and the power emitted by the long banner spirit was far greater than that of ordinary weapon spirits. Be strong.


Shanglong waved the long flag in his hand, and countless Yin Qi surged out, turning into a terrifying ghost dragon, rushing towards the group of pseudo-spirits with a ferocious momentum.

At the beginning, he bit the long flag spirit, and then used his tail and claws to attack other pseudo spirits. Facing the terrifying ghost dragon, the other pseudo spirits did not dare to approach, because as long as they were attacked by the dragon tail, their bodies would be destroyed. It turned into countless light points and disappeared.

Several huge stick spirits on the other side flew towards them with terrifying power. Hei Xiaojie and the others also showed expressions of surprise, because the mourning sticks in their hands did not have any weapon spirits, and the stick spirits were undoubtedly very suitable. .

Later, they also subdued several stick spirits and integrated them into their own weapons. Leng Li and the girls also found suitable pseudo-spirits to subdue them.

Everyone realized that they had gained a lot, and continued to capture these pseudo-spirits with smiles on their faces, because these pseudo-spirits were relatively low in intelligence.

A few days later, Zhao Fu and his men captured all the pseudo-spirits they could see, totaling more than 13 million. The harvest could be said to be very astonishing, and there was no danger at this level. It was easy to get through, and it felt good. Some are too simple.

Finally, we came to the customs clearance on the third floor. It was the same as before. There was a platform with a silver door on it and a stone platform with a colorful sword on the stone platform.

There is naturally a guardian creature around the platform. This guardian creature is a bit special. It is a little loli, who looks about five or six years old. She is wearing a princess dress, has fair skin, and looks very cute.

Zhao Fu did not approach it for the time being, because there was a huge formation around that platform, which seemed to be a sealing formation.

"You guys stay here first, I want to take a look." Zhao Fu said to the others, and the others expressed their understanding.

And that little loli looked at Zhao Fu curiously with her big eyes.


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