The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1442 King

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

The huge blood-sucking pattern king in the group of blood-sucking patterns stared at Zhao Fu with a pair of blood-colored eyes, showing an ecstatic expression. It was definitely for Zhao Fu, because it was extremely sensitive to blood, and Zhao Fu was tempted by it. It's too big.


The blood-sucking mosquito king let out a neigh, and the countless blood-sucking patterns suddenly became different, rushing towards Daqin ferociously.

Zhao Fu also immediately ordered to shoot arrows, absolutely not allowing these blood-sucking patterns to rush forward.


The arrows flew out with terrifying force, making a sound of piercing the sky, shaking the sky, with a sharp momentum, which made the hairs stand on end.

Puff puff……

The blood-sucking mosquitoes were hit by arrows and fell from the sky, like a rain of corpses, but many blood-sucking mosquitoes were more flexible, dodged the arrows, and continued to attack Daqin quickly.

Those blood-sucking mosquitoes that were tens of meters in size and hundreds of meters in size also displayed their abilities. Their mouthparts that looked like long needles flowed with blood, facing the Daqin soldiers, and then sucked them violently.

Shocking things happened, some soldiers screamed, their bodies shriveled up quickly, their blood seemed to be sucked away by an invisible force, and the defensive cover seemed to be weak against that suction.

The huge blood-sucking mosquito king also aimed its mouthparts at Zhao Fu, sucking at Zhao Fu violently, and Zhao Fu immediately displayed the Saint Domain.


A loud noise came out, and Zhao Fu felt a huge suction force, pulling his body suddenly, especially the blood in his body seemed to be coming out through his body, and Zhao Fu's body was also sucked forward by that suction force.

The blood in Zhao Fu's body did not lose much, but five or six drops of blood were sucked by the blood-sucking mosquito king.

Tasting the blood of Saint Zhao Fu, the Blood-sucking Mosquito King rushed up like a madman with countless blood-sucking mosquitoes. The breath was like a surging sea, rushing towards Da Qin with the momentum to drown everything.

Seeing countless blood-sucking patterns attacking, Zhao Fu did not hesitate to use something specially developed to deal with blood-sucking patterns.

I saw wooden barrels being thrown into the sky one by one, and then exploded with a bang. Countless black flames fell down, like a rain of fire. Under the blue sky and white clouds, there was such a black fire rain, which had a dark beauty.

Countless blood-sucking mosquitoes that rushed forward were hit by the fire rain and fell to the ground one after another. Some wings were burned, and some bodies were ignited with flames, emitting a burning smell.

This kind of thing is the combination of fire oil and dark spar. The burning flame is dark flame, which can do great harm to these outsiders. Now that the rain of fire is falling, pieces of blood-sucking patterns fall from the sky.

These tens of meters of blood-sucking mosquitoes are also unavoidable. Although the scattered flames can't kill them, they can burn their wings.


Countless arrows pierced the sky and fell with terrifying force, like a rain of arrows, and the arrows hit by blood-sucking mosquitoes also fell one after another.

More than a dozen 100-meter-long shooting dragon crossbows shot arrows at the blood-sucking mosquito king. Those arrows pierced the sky and shot at the blood-sucking mosquito king, and the blood-sucking mosquito king exploded. A bloody flame, a terrible storm sounded, and the arrow was blown away.


The blood-sucking mosquito king's 10,000-meter body directly hit the defensive cover, making a loud noise, and the defensive cover trembled slightly.

Other huge blood-sucking mosquitoes also rushed towards them with terrifying power. Ordinary black flames and arrows had little effect on these huge mosquitoes.

And now Zhao Fu is no longer afraid, because most of the ordinary blood-sucking mosquitoes have been killed, and only a small half are left. These huge blood-sucking mosquitoes can be killed with fierce beasts, and the other soldiers only need to continue to attack ordinary blood-sucking mosquitoes.


The huge blood-sucking mosquito king came towards the defensive cover once, making a loud noise, and the mouthparts of the blood-sucking mosquito king emitted a strong light, and couldn't wait to suck Zhao Fu again.

This time Zhao Fu took out the Emperor Killing Sword, poured the power of a huge saint into it, and swiped the sword, a terrifying crescent flew out, extremely sharp, as if splitting the air in two.


The blood-sucking mosquito king who wanted to suck Zhao Fu's blood was chopped off with a sword, and there was a slender cut on its head, and bright red blood flowed out. The severe pain made the blood-sucking mosquito king rush towards Zhao Fu angrily. .

Zhao Fu is no longer afraid of it at this time, because the other blood-sucking mosquitoes are almost wiped out, and now there is only this blood-sucking mosquito king.

clang clang clang...

Zhao Fu slashed out countless sword arcs with a wave of his hand, and with a huge storm of sword energy, he fiercely slashed at the blood-sucking mosquito king who was rushing.

Although the blood-sucking mosquito king ignited a blood-colored flame to protect his body, he couldn't resist the sharpness of the Emperor Killing Sword, and was cut into small wounds, and blood continued to flow out.


The mouthparts of the angry blood-sucking mosquito king radiated a strong light, and a dangerous breath spread out. The blood-sucking mosquito king stabbed hard, and a terrifying blood-colored beam shot out, as if the air was exploding, and a gust of wind sounded, blowing all around. raging.

Zhao Fu was startled, and dodged to the side, thus dodging the blow.

But the blood-colored light beam hit the defensive cover behind Zhao Fu, making a loud sound, the defensive cover trembled violently, and with a bang, the blood-colored beam penetrated the defensive cover, forming a hole one meter wide.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised, because this is a defense shield against billions of blood-sucking mosquitoes, and it was shot through by blood-sucking mosquitoes.


Na is now also free to help Zhao Fu, stretching out a hand, countless black divine power gathered in the sky, a huge coercion spread out, a huge arm stretched out from the sky, and then pointed at the blood-sucking mosquito One shot.


The blood-sucking mosquito in the sky was slapped back to the ground, and the huge body caused the ground to vibrate violently, flying rocks, smoke and dust everywhere, and a big hole was smashed into the ground.

Zhao Fu seized the opportunity, the six gray dots in his right eye turned quickly, and huge iron chains one meter wide shot out from the ground with cold force, binding the blood-sucking mosquito king to the ground.

The Blood-sucking Mosquito King kept making ear-piercing neighing and struggling, and his strength was also very strong. The ground was also affected by this strength and continued to collapse.

Zhao Fu poured his strength into the sword, and slashed out several huge sword lights in a row, fiercely chopping on the blood-sucking mosquito. Several huge wounds were cut on the body of the blood-sucking mosquito king, and blood gushed out like a spring, and the blood-sucking mosquito The king's breath weakened, and his struggle became weaker.

When he raised the Emperor Killing Sword once, an astonishing sword energy spread, and Zhao Fu was about to kill the Blood-sucking Mosquito King.

The Blood-sucking Mosquito King looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, hesitated for a while, and still lay down on the ground, pretending to be willing to surrender. Zhao Fu was a little surprised by this, and Zhao Fu didn't want to subdue these blood-sucking mosquitoes, because the insects The nature of the beast is almost impossible.


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