The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1443 Scarlet Nest Stone (for Subscription)

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But the blood-sucking mosquito king wanted to surrender voluntarily, which was very rare. Zhao Fu thought about it and accepted the blood-sucking mosquito king's surrender.

The next moment, the Blood-sucking Mosquito King looked pitiful and begged for blood from Zhao Fu. This may be the reason why it surrendered, it was only for Zhao Fu's holy blood, otherwise it would not surrender to Zhao Fu, a person who is in the apocalypse world.

It likes its own blood. Zhao Fu cut open his arm and released some blood for the blood-sucking mosquito king to inhale. Of course, Zhao Fu didn't give it for nothing.

Don't just believe these extraterrestrial creatures, they must be restricted, and it is safe to have the means to control them.

After the blood-sucking mosquito king surrendered, a small number of blood-sucking mosquitoes did not follow the blood-sucking mosquitoes to surrender, but fled in all directions, as if listing the blood-sucking mosquito king as a traitor.

Zhao Fu was a little surprised by this, the hostility of the outsiders to the world of Apocalypse must be too great! It is rare for Zhao Fu to see a former king surrender and be disgusted and despised by those former subordinates in the world of Apocalypse.

"Blood! I want more blood! The master will return your blood."

A voice suddenly sounded in Zhao Fu's mind. Zhao Fu looked at the blood-sucking mosquito king who suddenly became painful, and felt a little puzzled because the voice was made by the blood-sucking mosquito king.

Although he didn't know what happened, Zhao Fu came to the Blood-sucking Mosquito King and cut open his wrist. The blood slowly flowed out and dripped down his arm.

As soon as the blood dripped, it was sucked away by an invisible force and merged into the body of the blood-sucking mosquito king.


A terrifying aura emanated from the body of the Blood-sucking Mosquito King, and a huge blood-colored flame ignited, setting off waves of air. That terrifying aura made people dare not take a step closer. Everyone keeps retreating.

I saw the 10,000-meter-long blood-sucking mosquito king screaming in pain, and its body began to dissolve, like flesh and blood, and then the carapace, nothing left.

Not only Zhao Fu didn't know what was going on, but the others also didn't know what was going on.


A woman appeared in the huge blood-colored fireworks. She had a perfect face, long blood-colored hair, pointed ears, and a sexy figure. She was wearing blood-condensed armor, but the important parts were covered. An evil and enchanting temperament.

The woman's speed was extremely fast, and she appeared in front of Zhao Fu in just a split second. She squatted on the ground and greedily licked the blood left on Zhao Fu's arm with her bright red tongue. As for the wound Zhao Fu had just cut, it had already healed. .

After licking the blood from Zhao Fu's arm, the woman showed a look of enjoying the delicious food, and then threw herself on Zhao Fu, saying softly, "Master! Could you please give me some blood."

Zhao Fu refused straight away, "No way!"

Now Zhao Fu understood that this woman was the King of Blood-sucking Mosquitoes, and she seemed to be undergoing a transformation just now, turning her into a human form, and her strength was greatly improved, almost several times that of before.

The woman said in a dissatisfied voice, "Master! Don't be so stingy, just give me a little blood, and I will serve you, okay?"

Zhao Fu gave her a blank look. Although the woman is extremely beautiful, not even weaker than Alasina, he still replied directly, "No need! And what happened just now?"

The woman pouted slightly, but still put her arms around Zhao Fu, explaining, "That's blood refining! Our extraterrestrial worms and beasts can be transformed into human forms through this, and both strength and bloodlines will be greatly improved."

"However, not all insects and beasts can be refined with blood. It requires not only strong strength, but also precious treasures. This time, I came to attack you because of your blood. To me, your blood is a priceless treasure. "

Zhao Fu responded, "Then take me back to your lair now!"

The woman put her arms around Zhao Fu and said expectantly, "Master! I took you there, can you give me some of your blood."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu felt really bored, and glared at her, "Just saying this, believe it or not, I will seal you here right now."

Hearing this, the woman pouted and became honest.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu and the others followed the woman. The huge lair was thousands of miles wide and 10,000 meters deep. There were still some blood-sucking mosquitoes left here, and they were quickly wiped out.

In addition, there are blood-colored insect eggs here, the number is very large, reaching nearly 20 million.

What surprised everyone in Zhao Fu was that the lair stone in the center of the lair was thirty meters high, exuding a faint bloody light, and carrying a strong coercion.

In addition to the nest stones here, there are also nest stones in other places. The size is relatively normal, and the number reaches more than 20. This should be a gathering place for blood-sucking mosquito nests, so there are so many insect nests.

But that 30-meter-high Worm Nest Stone is really scary. Generally, a Worm Nest Stone is only three meters in size. A million Worm Beast Lairs are a first-class lair stone. This lair stone can at least hold With one billion blood-sucking mosquitoes, isn't this nest a thousand levels?

Flying dragons can fuse up to level 33 insect nests, and when fused, the body will also be damaged. If this thousand-level insect nest stone is integrated into the flying dragon, the flying dragon will definitely explode to nothing.

Of course, it is the most wasteful act to integrate these lair stones into the body of the flying dragon. Before, Zhao Fu could not occupy the lair stones, but now that Zhao Fu has Xue Ji, that is, the woman from before, she can definitely use the lair stones .

Then can Zhao Fu cultivate

Raising your own worms? Thinking of this, Zhao Fu smiled and hurriedly asked Xue Ji.

Xue Ji shook her head, and explained, "Master! Even if I control the lair stone, you can't own the worm beast, because the blood nature of the worm beast incorporates the elements of disgust, resistance, hatred, and massacre of the people of Apocalypse." , this is something that our world master has incorporated."

"So it is almost impossible for ordinary worms to surrender to the Apocalypse. Only some powerful creatures can ignore a message. Even if I surrender to you, other worms will follow that factor and attack you."

"However, there is also a solution. As long as you can obtain something that can change the properties of the Nest Stone, you may be able to cultivate insect beasts."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu was still a little disappointed, and he understood why these extraterrestrial creatures hated the Apocalypse world so much.

Looking at the bug eggs, Zhao Fu originally wanted to cultivate them into his own bug beasts, but now it seems impossible, so these bug eggs can't be kept. Zhao Fu thought of a place to use them.

He ordered people to collect these insect eggs, and then take away the insect nest stones here. Zhao Fu does not intend to integrate these insect nest stones into the living body for the time being, but to keep them, maybe they will be useful in the future.


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