The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1441 Monster

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

Hua Niang has already told Zhao Fu all the information about this treasure map. She also obtained it by accident. She is not sure if there is really a treasure. It seems that there are more than a dozen copies of the treasure map, so Hua Niang reminded Zhao Fu to be careful. , maybe there is something unexpected.

Zhao Fu also remembered this, and carefully went to the place where the treasure was located. It was in a big mountain, and there was a small town under the mountain called Demon King Town.

They also know that there is a powerful demon king sealed in the mountain. That demon king is very scary and prefers to eat people. That mountain is also a forbidden area of ​​the town. People who go there often disappear, so no one dares to enter.

When Zhao Fu heard the news, he cautiously walked into the mountain.

As soon as he entered the mountain, Zhao Fu keenly noticed wisps of devilish energy emanating from the ground. Although he was not sure if there were any treasures here, there must be something that contained a lot of devilish energy.

rub rub rub...

A few wild beasts rushed towards Zhao Fu from one side recklessly, Zhao Fu waved a few sword lights casually, beheading a few wild beasts.

The eyes of these beasts were red, and they looked ferocious. They also exuded a faint devilish energy all over their bodies. They should have been eroded by the devilish energy and turned into demons.

Zhao Fu didn't care about this, because these beasts were very weak, so he took the map and started looking for the entrance of the treasure, and finally found a hidden cave.

This cave is at the bottom of a mountain stream. If you don't look carefully, you will never find it. There is already a lot of magic energy coming out of the cave entrance, and the inside is pitch black, which makes people feel creepy.

But Zhao Fu also became more careful, because Zhao Fu found that there were traces of other people coming here, it should be someone who came here earlier than himself.

Zhao Fu didn't want the treasure to be obtained by others, so he entered that cave without hesitation.

ho ho ho ho...

There was a roar, and monsters rushed out from one side, carrying terrifying power, and attacked Zhao Fu ferociously.

Zhao Fu discovered that it was a group of octopus-like monsters, with a thin body, a pair of blood-red eyes that shone slightly, and two tentacles with sharp bone spurs, which could be used as weapons to attack others.

Zhao Fu's expression was flat, and he walked forward with the Massacre Sword in his hand, waving a series of sharp blood-colored sword lights.

Those monsters were hit by the blood-colored sword light and screamed in pain. Their bodies would be torn apart and black blood splashed everywhere. These monsters had no resistance at all under Zhao Fu's sword. Even if they stretched out their tentacles to attack, they would not be able to touch Zhao Fu. , All of them were cut off by a single sword.

In less than a while, the monsters that rushed out were cleaned up by Zhao Fu, but Zhao Fu was a little disappointed. The monsters here are so weak, which means that the things may not be very precious.

Because the more precious things, the stronger monsters will naturally subdue them. Now these monsters are obviously not powerful monsters, but it is also possible that they are too strong.

keep going.

Zhao Fu found some bright red blood, which was not from those monsters, but from the previous group of people. There were many bloodstains, which meant that several people were injured.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fu couldn't help but relax. To deal with this kind of monster who was still injured, his strength was obviously weak. He was not his opponent, so Zhao Fu didn't need to be too careful, so he accelerated his walking speed.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu came to a large space, several hundred meters wide, surrounded by black rock walls, filled with corpses of monsters, emitting a strong smell of blood.

There were no items here, it should have been taken away by the previous group of people, and the monster was not killed by Zhao Fu. Just as he was about to move on, there were some noises from behind.

A group of people came in from the rear, a total of seven people, four men and three women, one of the four men was handsome, the other was cold, the other was strong, and the other was a teenager.

Among the three women, one is plump and has a sexy temperament, the other has fair skin and a gentle temperament, like a big sister, and the other is a young girl, who looks a bit savage.

The monsters here have been killed by a team before, and the remaining monsters were cleared by Zhao Fu, so this team arrived here without any obstacles.

"Did you kill these monsters? Did you get any treasures? Hurry up and hand them over to me." The unruly girl pointed at Zhao Fu and shouted loudly.

Zhao Fu frowned slightly, his face a little displeased.

The heroic young man in the lead said apologetically, "My junior sister is a bit capricious, please don't mind me, brother."

The girl pouted in dissatisfaction, feeling that Zhao Fu had nothing to be afraid of alone, and he would definitely get something good, they just needed to grab it. So just wanted to say something.

The woman next to him who looked like a big sister stopped him, because she also felt that Zhao Fu was very dangerous, and might be far stronger than them. If there was a conflict, it was very likely that their side would lose.

Zhao Fu also had his own ideas, why not walk behind and wait for them to get something before grabbing it by force.

But I'm afraid there are other passages, or if they choose other ways to leave, then I may be waiting here in vain.

After thinking for a while, Zhao Fu ignored these people and continued walking.

This attitude made several people dissatisfied, and the cold young man said, "This person feels too arrogant, does he think we are easy to provoke?"

The unruly girl said angrily, "We should have killed him just now, and then snatched his things back. We would be so angry with him."

"That person is very

Qiang, maybe we will lose, so try to mess with him as little as possible. "The heroic young man said with a serious face.

"Hmm! I also think it's better like this." The woman with a temperament like a big sister also agreed.

Hearing her voice of approval, the heroic young man looked at her happily, while the woman turned her head away, her face flushed a little more. The two of them seemed to like each other, but they didn't seem to say it clearly.

"What should we do now? We are here for the treasure. If that person goes forward and takes away all the good things, conflict will definitely be unavoidable." The strong young man said suddenly, interrupting the ambiguity between the two.

This remark attracted everyone's approval, and they couldn't give the treasure to others for nothing, so there must be a battle between the two sides, unless that person is very powerful.

The woman with a sexy temperament also said, "Now we should follow him first. With him killing monsters in front, we will not be in any danger. On the one hand, we can check his strength. If he finds something good When the time comes, we are waiting for the opportunity.”

Everyone agreed with her words, and then followed Zhao Fu and entered the passage ahead.

Zhao Fu naturally noticed that the group of people behind him followed him, and a sneer appeared on his face, but he didn't pay much attention to it.


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