The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1452 Traps

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clang clang clang...

A metallic sound came out, and skeleton soldiers exuding demonic energy and rotting aura appeared in front of Zhao Fu's eyes.

These should be transformed by the demon soldiers after their deaths. They are not very strong. Each of them has about five or six levels of cultivation, and the number is relatively small. They should be cleaned up by the people in front. Zhao Fu also felt a lot easier.

Facing these skeleton soldiers exuding demonic aura, Zhao Fu swung his sword forward like mowing grass with terrifying blood-colored sword lights.

Those skeletons had no strength to resist in front of Zhao Fu's power. They were chopped into countless bones by a sword and scattered on the ground.

The group of people in the back were a little startled. Seeing the skeleton soldiers who kept coming up, they were easily killed by Zhao Fu. At the same time, they also found that there might be a group of people in front, because in front of Zhao Fu, many people had already been killed. skeleton.

"Let's go!"

The heroic young man said, everyone heard the words and were about to step forward, but an accident happened suddenly.

A magic circle was suddenly activated, and the aura of the undead gathered around it crazily, forming skulls one by one. All the skeletons that had been killed in the surrounding area were also resurrected, attacking the team like a tide with a ferocious aura.

The team displayed a defensive cover in a panic, looking at the dense skeletons that surrounded them, with a hint of fear on their faces.

"You are despicable! You actually used this method to harm us." The Yingwu youth shouted at Zhao Fu angrily, thinking that Zhao Fu did it.

Zhao Fu turned around and smiled disdainfully, "It's your own carelessness. I didn't make that trap. It was set by the previous team. Who told you to be careless and want to take advantage of me behind my back."

That trap was indeed not done by Zhao Fu, it should be the last time the team also sensed someone coming in from behind, so they set up such a trap.

The trap was naturally extremely ferocious, and the countless skeletons and skulls quickly broke the defensive cover of the seven people. The seven people ignored Zhao Fu's words and were angry in their hearts. Now they could only fight those skeletons in close combat.

The heroic young man waved a big knife, and brought out pieces of knife light to split countless skeletons in half. The gloomy young man took out a bone flute and sent out a wave of sound waves to attack. The strong man waved a big stick, smashing all the nearby skeletons to pieces. , that boy used a mirror to shoot out streaks of cold light, crushing the skeleton.

The three women also displayed different attacks. The sexy woman and the woman who looked like a big sister used long swords, bringing out sword lights, and the unruly girl used long whips, which brought out a huge force , easily crushing the skull.

But there were too many skeletons, like a tide, attacking from above and below, the seven of them were quickly lost and began to be injured.

The sexy woman's arm was bitten by a skull, and blood flowed out. The sexy woman poured strength into her arm, and with a strong wave, smashed the skull that bit her.

Seeing that the others were already injured, the seven of them would probably die here, and the only way to survive was to let the person in front destroy the magic circle.

But they have already had a grudge with that person, how could that person help them, the sexy woman doesn't want to die here, she shouted loudly, "Master! As long as you break the trap, the little girl is willing to be your woman and serve you for the rest of her life."

Zhao Fu turned around and looked at the woman with some interest. He found that she was very sexy and attractive. He chuckled and said, "I can save you, but if I destroy the trap, then I will save seven of them. I will suffer a lot."

The savage girl who used to be, now looked scared, as if she was about to cry, and begged, "As long as you can save us, I promise you anything, even being your slave."

The woman who looked like a big sister glanced at everyone, sighed, and shouted. "Young master! As long as you destroy the trap, the three of us are yours, but you must also make sure not to hurt others."


She was answered by a loud noise, and saw a huge blood-colored sword light flying towards it with overwhelming force. Countless skeletons were directly turned into dust under the sword light, but in an instant, all the skeletons disappeared, and there were many ghosts on the ground. A deep sword mark.

The seven of them were a little shocked. They didn't expect Zhao Fu to be so scary. What's ridiculous is that they wanted to get Zhao Fu's idea before.

"Now it's time to fulfill your promise." Zhao Fu said with a faint smile, looking at the three women.

The sexy woman didn't expect Zhao Fu's power to be so terrifying. It would be a good thing if she could follow such a person, so she happily ran over, threw herself into her arms, and called out affectionately, "Master! The little girl's name is Wu He, It will be yours from now on."

The unruly girl looked at Zhao Fu with some fear, and looked at the woman who looked like a big sister with teary eyes.

The woman lowered her head and walked towards Zhao Fu with a sad expression.

The heroic young man grabbed her hand and begged, "Dongmei! Don't go."

The woman's body trembled, her eyes glistened with tears, she turned her head to look at the heroic young man who was keeping her, and smiled.

At this moment, she was really happy. Faced with Zhao Fu's strength, the heroic youth could still stand up to keep her. She could clearly sense the warmth from his palm, but it was over here.

She broke free from his hand and said softly, "According to the agreement just now, I'm his now. I'm really sorry! I hope you can find a woman who loves you more in the future."

"I don't want it! I just want you, Dongmei, I like you, please don't go to him

. "Two lines of tears flowed from the young man's eyes. The young man looked excited, grabbed the woman's arm, and looked at the woman with hot eyes.

The woman's body trembled slightly, and she froze in place. She didn't expect the young man to say the words she had been waiting for. Tears flowed from her eyes, and the woman smiled. She was really happy and happy at this moment.


An invisible force struck, directly knocking the young man away, spitting out a big mouthful of blood, the woman was startled, and anxiously wanted to check it out.

Zhao Fu's ice-cold voice sounded, "Stay there and dawdle, and I'll kill you all."

Only then did the woman and the crowd realize that they were not the ones to make the decisions now. Zhao Fu wanted their lives and could kill them at any time.

The unruly girl ran to Zhao Fu's side in fear, lowered her head honestly, and said, "Master! My name is Ziyue."

Zhao Fu nodded, and then looked at the last woman named Dong Mei.

Dong Mei gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, said sorry to the young man who was vomiting blood on the ground, and then ran towards Zhao Fu.

The young man yelled in pain, feeling extremely regretful in his heart, why couldn't he say that sentence earlier, then they would have been together earlier.


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