The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1581 The Body of the Spirit Tree (for Subscription)

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

Seeing countless sword lights piercing the sky and slashing towards him, the tree giant's face was ugly, and he exploded with all his strength, his body emitting a strong green light. He roared and stretched out his hands, a huge energy shield appeared with huge power .

bang bang bang...

With the power of destruction, one after another sword light slashed fiercely on the energy shield, causing the energy shield to tremble violently. Dozens of sword lights could still resist it, but thousands of sword lights slashed, and the green energy shield could not at all. withstand.


There was a loud noise, and the green energy shield was cut open by countless sword lights, turning into countless fragments and flying away, and the next sword lights struck the tree giant's body, easily cutting open the tree giant's body .

ho ho ho ho...

The tree giant let out painful roars, and quickly mobilized other body strength to block in front of him, forming a defense like a light curtain at one time, but it was still easily cut by the sword light.

Finally, the Heaven Punishing Sword Formation stopped, and the tree giant was also covered in wounds and blood, his breath was a little weak, and he looked a little miserable.

However, as a strong man in the Heaven and Earth Realm, he still possessed formidable strength. The Heaven Punishing Sword Formation that Zhao Fu used, because his cultivation base was too weak, only severely injured him, and could not kill him directly.

Holding the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand, Zhao Fu rushed towards the tree giant with terrifying power.

The tree giant looked angry, and raised his fist to hit Zhao Fu again, with a terrifying fist force, and there was a burst of anger.

Facing the huge fist, Zhao Fu swung the Emperor Killing Sword in his hand, flying with a fierce sword light, and collided with the huge fist.


Jian Guang was shattered by the fist and turned into a gust of sword wind, but a deep wound was cut on the fist, countless blood flowed out, and the tree giant screamed again.

Zhao Fu seized this opportunity and poured huge power into the Emperor Killing Sword at once. The Emperor Killing Sword emitted countless sword lights, and a cold aura spread out.


A sword was slashed out at once, with a huge sword light and sharp power, it slashed at the tree giant's wounded chest, knocking the tree giant back a few steps, there was a wound on the chest, and countless blood flowed out from it.

The giant tree screamed in pain, raised its fist like crazy, and hit Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu dodged down calmly, dodged the powerful punch, and moved forward one step at a time, reaching the belly of the giant tree, and slashed at the abdomen with a sword with an extremely sharp sword light.

This sword almost sliced ​​through the giant tree's stomach, and the giant tree let out a scream, which severely injured the giant tree, making the giant tree unable to fight back.

In the next few sword strikes, Zhao Fu slashed at the giant tree again, and finally pierced the giant tree's heart with one sword, ending his life. Zhao Fu was also sprayed with green blood.

At this moment, Zhao Fu's blood was a little excited, because the spiritual blood fused into the ruins last time made Zhao Fu's blood also have spirituality.

Now the spirit blood senses the tree giant's body, and it also has a strong spirituality. Zhao Fu didn't hesitate to want Zhao Fu to devour the tree giant's body, because it would definitely be of great benefit to him.

Zhao Fu directly drilled into the tree giant's heart from the stab wound, and then began to devour it.

I saw countless black mist with the power of a saint continuously pouring out from the giant tree's chest, and then wrapped the giant tree's entire body. The black mist continued to erode the giant tree's body, making the giant tree's body begin to melt , first the flesh, then the bones, turning into a green liquid.

The tree giant's hands and feet disappeared first, followed by the head, and finally the chest. Then they all disappeared and turned into a huge mass of liquid, which poured into Zhao Fu's body.

This time refining Zhao Fu was very careful and meticulous. Nothing and parts of the tree giant did not fall, ensuring the maximum refining of the tree giant and the integrity of the tree giant's body.

Now Zhao Fu is fused with the green liquid, making his body emit green light. At this time, Zhao Fu still feels very comfortable. He feels that he has obtained a strong vitality into every part of his body, as if his body is also changing.

This process lasted for more than an hour, and Zhao Fu also incorporated countless green liquids into his body. This green liquid melted into every part of Zhao Fu's body, making Zhao Fu obtain a very good thing.

That is the body of the spirit tree, which means that it has spirituality like a spirit tree, has a strong vitality like a tree, and has the ability of an ordinary tree.

At this moment, that is, Zhao Fu can transform into the tree man before, or turn into a big tree, grow roots and plunge into the ground, absorb the nutrients of the earth, or grow branches and green leaves, absorbing countless sunlight.

Zhao Fu felt that this kind of ability was quite novel, but he hadn't thought of what it would be useful for, and felt that it would only come into play at certain times.

Standing up from the ground, he put on a new dress. The previous one was covered in blood and could no longer be worn.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu continued to move forward, because this was the periphery of the fierce land, and Zhao Fu hadn't gone to the depths of the fierce land. With this lesson, Zhao Fu had to be careful. Without the blessing of the state-defending weapon, he would be a heavenly man. The little monk in the environment.

Of course, Zhao Fu planned to go up to have a look in advance, that is, the place where the tree giant appeared, so don't miss any treasures there.

After a while, Zhao Fu came to that place and found that although it was covered with thorns, every thorn grew small pink and white flowers, some of which looked like peach blossoms, and they looked very beautiful.

There is water in the middle of the flower

The spring is only a few meters big, with clear spring water and a faint fragrance.

Zhao Fu stepped forward to have a look, and found that this water spring is an extremely rare spring, called the Ten Thousand Flowers Beauty Spring, and its main function is to become beautiful. Can become beautiful and moving.

In fact, the spring of life also has the effect of increasing beauty, and can also increase vitality, but although the Wanhua beauty spring does not increase vitality, the effect of increasing beauty is dozens of times that of the spring of life, and it has a slight effect on power.

This alone can be called a priceless treasure, something that countless female powers want to obtain.

Moreover, if this Ten Thousand Flowers Beauty Spring is placed in a place with countless flowers, the water spring will absorb the power of ten thousand flowers, and its effect will be five or six times better than before.

A smile appeared on Zhao Fu's face. He was very interested in this and felt that it would be more useful, so he started to explore near the water spring.


Zhao Fu stretched out his hand to grab it, and an invisible force penetrated into the water spring. Zhao Fu grabbed a transparent bead like water. This is the eye bead of the spring. As long as he has it, Zhao Fu can build a Ten Thousand Flowers Beauty Spring anywhere. The effect of the previous spring water will not be weakened a bit.


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