[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: www.xinwanben.com Remember it in a second, never lose it!

Inject power into the spring beads, and the spring beads emit an invisible suction force, sucking all the spring water in the pool below into the spring beads, and after absorbing the water in the pool, the water light emitted by the spring beads becomes more and more attractive.

Zhao Fu smiled in satisfaction, put the spring beads away, and continued walking towards the center of the fierce place.

There are no hideous and terrifying thorns in the center of the ferocious land. The grass is paved into a lush green carpet, and some unknown small wild flowers grow. There is a small piece of dense woods next to it, a stream is flowing, and the sky is very blue. White cottony clouds.

Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of him, Zhao Fu didn't seem to be in any danger, and felt a little strange. It stands to reason that the center of the fierce place should be the most dangerous place.

Even though it was so peaceful and comfortable, Zhao Fu still carefully explored. Not long after walking, Zhao Fu unexpectedly found a familiar person in front of him. The person was dressed in blood, with a graceful figure, long blood-colored hair, and a beautiful face. He was far more beautiful than a fairy. Good to be beautiful.

And she was Tuoba Qing who had disappeared for a long time, that is, the woman who gave Zhao Fu the mark of origin and was also the first woman Zhao Fu had ever met.

Zhao Fu didn't expect to meet her here, with a smile on his face, he stepped forward and shouted, "Xiao Qing!"

Tuoba Qing turned his head slowly, and threw himself into Zhao Fu's arms, showing a beautiful smile, and said softly, "Master! Why are you here?"

Zhao Fu smiled and briefly explained what happened just now and the purpose of coming to the foreign land.

Tuoba Qing also comprehended, and said with a chuckle, "Master! You are really powerful, I really didn't misunderstand you, maybe your strength will surpass mine, and even break through the shackles of the original clan."

Zhao Fu chuckled lightly, "If it wasn't for the original imprint you gave me, I might not have achieved such an achievement, by the way! Where have you been all these years? How did you appear here?"

Tuoba Qing pulled Zhao Fu, and sat under a big tree, Zhao Fu leaned against the big tree, Tuoba Qing leaned on Zhao Fu's shoulder, the sun shone through the cracks between the branches and leaves, sprinkled a little golden spots, the breeze was gentle, Tuoba Qing began to talk about the experiences of these years.

Zhao Fu listened quietly to her words, and unknowingly, Zhao Fu suddenly felt a sense of drowsiness, which was getting stronger and stronger. Zhao Fu's head was a little groggy, and his eyelids seemed to be filled with heavy lead. Generally, when it sinks, it will almost fail to open.

Tuoba Qing in his arms also changed his face, it was no longer so soft and beautiful, but very ferocious, with fangs growing out of his mouth, Tuoba Qing also became a bit ugly and vicious, opening his mouth immediately Want to bite Zhao Fu's throat.


At this dangerous moment, Zhao Fu erupted a huge black gaseous flame, and a terrifying force spread out, knocking Tuoba Qing in his arms into the air.

At the same time, the sleepiness in Zhao Fu's head disappeared, Zhao Fu also reacted, looked at Tuoba Qing in front of him coldly, and asked, "Who are you?"

That Tuoba Qing was sent flying more than ten meters away, but he was not injured, and said charmingly, "Sister! I'm your wife, why don't you know me? Have you missed me for so long? Let me serve you well later! "

Zhao Fu had a cold expression on his face, he was still sure that the Tuoba Qing in front of him was not Tuoba Qing at all, he didn't know what kind of monster it was, so he drew out his sword directly, intending to kill the monster pretending to be Tuoba Qing in front of him.

Seeing Zhao Fu take out the sword, the monster said weakly with a cold face, "Master! Are you really going to kill me? Are you really so cruel?"

Zhao Fu said disgustedly, "Stop pretending, you are really disgusting."

Hearing this, the monster also changed his face, laughed ferociously, and uttered a man's voice, "Boy! I wanted you to die comfortably, but now you are asking for your own death. I will cut you into pieces." , have a good taste."

At this time, the monster not only grew fangs, but also a foot-long diamond-shaped tongue, but it still looked like Tuoba Qing, but it became very ugly. It's scary.

I saw it waved its hand vigorously, and countless winds gathered, turning into a huge wind blade, and with terrifying power, it flew towards Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu wanted to dodge at first, but the green grass under his feet suddenly seemed to be alive, growing rapidly, and then wrapped around Zhao Fu's feet tightly, making it impossible for Zhao Fu to dodge.

Facing the flying blade, Zhao Fu could only slash out with his sword. A huge black crescent collided with the flying blade, exploded with a bang, and turned into a wave. The wind spreads.

The monster stretched out its hand, and a long spear appeared in its hand. Holding the long spear in one hand, it made a charging movement, and then stepped on it, turning into a black shadow like lightning, and appeared in front of Zhao Fu in an instant. The spear in his hand stabbed out with great force.

Zhao Fu injected strength into his feet, causing them to condense into two groups of black flames, and then twisted hard to break away from the grass binding, and turned his body to the side, quickly dodging the ferocious shot.

The monster grinned, and the ground under Zhao Fu's feet suddenly turned into a big mouth, Zhao Fu's body began to fall, and that big mouth was about to bite violently, trying to bite Zhao Fu's body in half.


A muffled sound sounded, and that big mouth bit a black energy shield. In an emergency, Zhao Fu released the Saint Domain to block the terrible bite.

Holding a long spear, the monster smiled ferociously, turned around with the long spear in his hand, and stabbed at Zhao Fu ferociously, bringing out a terrifying force of the spear, as if it could pierce a boulder.

When Zhao Fu was in crisis, the golden pupil of his left eye shone

Rotating at a high speed, each iron chain shot towards the monster with powerful force, and each iron chain was enough to pierce the monster's body.

This made the monster stop attacking, leaped back, and retreated more than ten meters, avoiding the attack of countless iron chains.

Zhao Fu first covered the monster's mouth with black energy, and then flew out of it, slashing at the monster with his sword.

The monster didn't have any fear, and with a grinning grin, it thrust out the spear in its hand forcefully.


The spear and the sword collided with great force, making a sound of steel colliding, and sparks flew everywhere. The two forces collided and turned into a gust of wind.

Zhao Fu's expression became ruthless, and a huge force erupted, and he slashed the sword in his hand with all his might, knocking the monster into the air.

The monster's face was also full of anger, and the spear in its hand shot out a lot of light, and then it turned into a long snake as if it had come alive.

The monster grabbed the long snake and threw it out forcefully.


There was a burst of anger, and the long snake turned into a black shadow and flew out with terrifying power. It was extremely fast, like a streamer, and shot towards Zhao Fu.


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