The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1607 The Throne (for Subscription)

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Hearing this, Zhao Fu smiled and nodded, and the three put on their clothes.

This time, the Seventh Prince went away for a long time and didn't come back until night. With a pale and dejected face, he said to her mother and sister, "Mother! Sister! I think we should leave early, the most important thing is to save our lives first."

After such a long time, the flush on the faces of Hu Ling'er and Hu Wangchan had long since disappeared, so the seventh prince didn't notice anything, but felt that his mother and sister had an attractive and mature temperament.

However, he was hit hard now and didn't care about these things.

Seeing her son like this, Hu Ling'er quickly asked, "What's the matter with the emperor?"

The Seventh Prince replied with an ugly face, "This time, the emperor asked me to come over to let me give up the throne and not to fight for it. He didn't intend to give up the throne to me, so he asked me to withdraw as soon as possible to save my life."

Hu Ling'er said angrily, "That old thing has always looked down on our mother and son, but don't worry, I will definitely make you the tiger king."

The seventh prince couldn't believe it, looked at his mother and asked, "Really? But now we don't have the slightest advantage, and we were kicked out by the emperor."

Hu Ling'er smiled lightly, "Don't worry! You have to trust me, and it's late now, you go to rest first."

The Seventh Prince still had some confidence in his heart, because his father had declared that he was impossible, but he didn't want his mother and sister to worry, so he nodded and went back to his room.

Hu Ling'er and Hu Wangchan looked at each other after the Seventh Prince returned, and immediately called Zhao Fu and told him about it, because only Zhao Fu could do it.

Zhao Fu sat on the chair, enjoying the service of Hu Ling'er and Hu Wangchan under him, thinking about how to deal with this matter, and then smiled lightly, "You bring me into the imperial kingdom later, and I will solve this matter. "

Hearing that Zhao Fu was able to solve it, Hu Ling'er said pleasantly, "Thank you, Mr. Xiang!"

Then, there was a fierce sound in the room, the sound was so loud that the Seventh Prince who lived on the other side could also hear it, but the Seventh Prince felt that he had heard it wrong. He knew his sister and mother, so they wouldn't be so lewd.

This matter ended soon, and the Seventh Prince didn't care. Although he didn't really believe that his mother would let him ascend the throne, he still couldn't help but look forward to it. He didn't know what method his mother would use to make him ascend the throne.

"Where is the king's bedroom?" Zhao Fu followed Hu Ling'er to the palace, stood in a hidden place, and asked.

Hu Ling'er pointed out the direction, and reminded, "My husband! You have to be careful."

Zhao Fu nodded upon hearing this, and then flew to one side.

When he came to the king's bedroom, Zhao Fu found that there were heavy guards here. In addition to many saint-level soldiers, there were also a few people from the melting-earth level. If you add the reason of the dragon of luck, it is difficult to sneak in.

Originally, Zhao Fu wanted to assassinate the king, and then forged the king's order, so that the three princes came together, and then killed them together.

But it is impossible to sneak in now. If the power erupts and forcibly kills the king, it is somewhat possible, because the king is already on the verge of death, and it should be easy to deal with him.

But even if he killed the king, the other three princes would definitely rebel, and the Huren Kingdom would be in chaos, Zhao Fu's goal would not be achieved.

After waiting at the door for a while, a beautiful woman with a graceful figure, white tiger ears and tiger tail, a beautiful face, and a hint of frailty, came out with a few maids and a sad face.

It seems that this is the queen of the Huren Kingdom, Zhao Fu thought for a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and followed the queen.

The queen's name was Hu Baibai, and when she came to her bedroom, she asked people to go down first, and she sat on a chair, crying sadly.

Originally, she also had a son, who was the eldest prince, but he died in a war, and now her husband is leaving her too. In this world, she has no one to rely on, and she doesn't know what to do in the future.

Moreover, after her husband's death, she did not have all her strength, and the new king could dispose of her at will. She was also very worried about this and felt a huge pressure.

"Queen! Why are you crying?"

A voice sounded behind her, Hu Baibai thought it was a waiter, and said softly, "Didn't the queen say that? I want to be alone, don't come and disturb the queen."

That person didn't leave, but directly stepped forward and hugged Hu Baibai, and Hu Baibai was startled, he never thought that this person would be so bold as to offend her, the queen, and turned his head to see an extremely handsome young man .

Hu Baibai looked at the young man with a pair of eyes, sniffing his breath in his arms, his heart couldn't help beating fast.

Originally, Hu Baibai wanted to call someone in, but now seeing the young man in front of him, he asked softly, "Who are you? Why did you offend the empress?"

Zhao Fu looked at Hu Baibai with a light smile. As a queen, she didn't have any aura, but felt very weak and made people feel sorry for her. He picked up her delicate body and walked towards the big bed next to her.

Hu Baibai sensed Zhao Fu's intentions and struggled hard, but was still hugged by Zhao Fu to the bed, and then raped by that bastard Zhao Fu.

However, she also enjoys it, showing the debauchery of that weakness.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu's tender body in his arms revealed his identity and purpose. Hu Baibai glared at Zhao Fu angrily, "I don't agree with you. I didn't expect that you came to kill my husband. You'd better leave now." , otherwise I would call someone."

Zhao Fu is shameless

Said, "Did you ask someone to come in to see how lewd and slutty you look? If this matter gets out, your husband will kill you, and your family will be wiped out. You can call if you want!"

Hu Baibai had an aggrieved face, tears in his eyes, he never thought that the person who gave her such happiness would be such a jerk.

Zhao Fu hugged her to comfort her, and promised her a better life, her family would enjoy better treatment than now, and Hu Baibai agreed.

Originally, Zhao Fu wanted Hu Baibai to poison the king directly, but Hu Baibai resolutely refused. Zhao Fu could only let her distract the guards, sneak into the bedroom and kill the dying king easily, and temporarily seal his body.

Because once he died as a king, the whole country would have visions, and then Zhao Fu summoned the three princes with the order of the king, and easily dealt with them. Did not expect them to die here.

Issued a series of transfer orders to control the military power, and finally made a false imperial decree with Hu Baibai, announcing the Seventh Prince as the successor to the throne.

The other three veins were dissatisfied, but the prince they supported died, even if they rebelled without a prince, it would be unpopular, and they did not have military power in their hands. They were originally in the trial of the neutral camp, and they all pledged their allegiance to the seventh prince.

If they start a rebellion, they will fail, and they can only submit to the Seventh Prince in the end.


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