The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1608 Alien Land

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The Seventh Prince did not expect that in one day, the sky of the Huren Kingdom would change. He was originally a person who had no hope of inheriting the throne, but he could also inherit the throne. Moreover, he did nothing, which is too easy. Yes, he didn't expect that it was his mother and sister who sacrificed their bodies.

Hu Ling'er and Hu Wangchan were a little worried at first, but the matter was resolved so quickly, which was beyond their expectations, and now they are also surprised.

The next day when the Seventh Prince ascended the throne, his mother, sister, and beauty guards were not present, because they were grateful for serving Zhao Fu wholeheartedly in order to repay Zhao Fu's kindness at this moment. Of course, the queen also called.

After enjoying the bodies of the women, Zhao Fu also got what he wanted, which was the ancestor of the Huren Kingdom. It was a piece of palm-sized, irregularly shaped, orange-colored amber that emitted a slight orange light. pretty.

Zhao Fu took the amber and melted it into his body. The amber contained the purest tiger-man power, and when it spread in Zhao Fu's body, the power was still very strong.

This caused Zhao Fu's body to emit a strong orange light, and a phantom of a tiger man emerged from Zhao Fu's body, and then disappeared.

Zhao Fu had also merged with that huge tiger man power, and his back felt a tingling pain, and an orange tiger man totem was slowly discovered on his back.

Sensing the tiger man totem on his back, Zhao Fu smiled in satisfaction, and then he should leave with the others.

The Seventh Prince also tried his best to keep Zhao Fu. This time he mainly relied on Zhao Fu to ascend the throne. He wanted to thank Zhao Fu, but Zhao Fu refused.

As for his mother and elder sister, he didn't tell them about their relationship with Zhao Fu, and then left a letter saying that he was leaving here to play in other places, but in fact he was leaving this place with Zhao Fu.

Two days later, Zhao Fu's people finally came to the foreign land. There are more races here, and it is also the most prosperous and lively place among the foreign races. The streets are full of people and noisy.

Zhao Fu hugged Hu Ling'er's delicate body, and sat by the window looking at the street scene outside.

Now that you are in a foreign land, you have to be careful, not to mention the cultivation base of the land fusion state, even with the cultivation base of the emperor heaven state, you will be tortured miserably here.

At this time, Zhao Fu looked at a four or five-year-old rat-man girl with black hair, exquisite appearance, a rat tail, and wearing a shabby clothes. Said, "My lord! My lord! Can you give me some money, my mother is sick, and I want to take my mother to see a doctor."

Most people naturally don't have a good look at such a low-level Ratman. Most people just break free and leave. Some people even despise her for soiling his clothes, and rudely pushed the little Ratman girl to the ground.

The little rat-man girl who fell to the ground had some skin on her palms, which caused some pain, which made the little girl's bright eyes watery.

But she still held back her tears, got up from the ground, continued to pull the hem of the passerby's clothes, and begged, "My lord! My lord! Can you give me some money, my mother is sick, and I want to take my mother to see a doctor."

Zhao Fu asked people to stop the carriage and came to the little girl's side.

When the little girl saw Zhao Fu, she didn't dare to go forward and pull the corner of Zhao Fu's clothes, because she saw that Zhao Fu's clothes were too gorgeous, and her mother told her that the better the clothes, the more noble the status, and the less able it is for such a person. Offended, they are very scary, and they will die if they are not careful.

She always remembered what her mother said, which is also the truth that people who live at the bottom must understand, so she didn't dare to go forward, looking a little scared.

Zhao Fu was slightly touched, and smiled softly, "Take me to see your mother, and I will cure your mother's illness."


The little girl jumped up with surprise on her face, looking at Zhao Fu happily with her eyes.

Zhao Fu took the little girl's hand with a light smile, and said with a smile, "Really! Then take me to your house!"


The little girl nodded happily, held Zhao Fu's big warm hand, and walked to the side holding Zhao Fu.

The girls in the carriage were also slightly surprised, because Zhao Fu gave them the impression of being extremely cold-blooded, cruel and bloody. Although he treated them very well and was relatively gentle, they had never seen him so gentle before.

They didn't know why Zhao Fu would do this to a little girl, and they also looked puzzled in their hearts, but according to Zhao Fu's words, they also waited in place.

The little girl dragged Zhao Fu to a happy trot, came to a dirty and dilapidated alley, and stood upright in front of a small wooden house.

"My lord! This is my home."

The little girl raised her head and smiled happily, then let go of Zhao Fu with her little hand, pushed open the door of the small wooden room, and walked in.

Zhao Fu followed into it.

Seeing a woman with a pale, beautiful face, long black hair, and a simple and loving temperament lying on the bed, Zhao Fu couldn't help but feel even more touched, his nose was a little sore, and he couldn't help but think of his mother.

"Mother! Mother! I brought an adult here to see a doctor for you." The little girl grabbed the woman's hand, pushed it lightly, and said happily.

The woman who had fallen asleep struggled to open her eyes. Seeing Zhao Fu dressed in luxury, she forced a smile at Zhao Fu and said weakly, "My lord! My daughter is not sensible, please forgive me if I offend you."

Zhao Fu stepped forward and said with a chuckle, "That's not the case, don't worry, I'll cure your illness first!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Fu stepped forward, checked the woman's body, confirmed that it was just a common disease, took out the top-grade elixir, Zhao Fu fed it to the woman, and then took out a small bottle containing the spring of life for the woman. drink it.

After a while, the woman's face became rosy, her breath was not so weak, and she became more energetic.

"Mother! Are you well?" the little girl looked at the woman with a pair of eyes and asked with a smile.

The woman nodded with a light smile, stretched out her hand to caress the little girl's face lovingly, and then looked at Zhao Fu, "Thank you for saving my life, my lord!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just a small matter to me."

The woman said apologetically, "My lord has saved my life, but I don't have anything to repay my lord. I'm really sorry for my lord."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a smile, looked at the woman's mature body slightly, took out some delicious fruits, handed them to the little girl, and said, "I have something to tell your mother, be obedient How about playing at the door?"

The little girl looked at the delicious fruit in Zhao Fu's hand, took it with a smile, and said sweetly, "I see!"

Zhao Fu looked at the woman again, facing Zhao Fu's possessive gaze, the woman blushed and lowered her head, not knowing what to do.


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