The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1609 Rat Man

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The little girl was sitting at the door, holding a green fruit the size of a fist, eating big mouthfuls, very happy, it was the first time for her to eat such a delicious fruit.

But after a while, she heard her mother's suppressed voice in the room, and she felt very happy. The little girl was a little curious, why was her mother so happy, but suppressed her own voice?

Confused, the little girl looked through the crack of the door and saw her mother and her best brother, both naked, doing something fiercely on the bed.

Although the little girl didn't understand, her face turned red instinctively, and she looked at it with embarrassment. It shouldn't be a bad thing for her to see her mother so happy, so she didn't care, and happily ate the fruit again.

An hour later, the woman blushed, gasped in Zhao Fu's arms, hugged her delicate body, and said with a smile, "Leave here with me, I will take good care of you and give you ten thousand times better than now." life."

The woman shook her head lightly, "My lord! I want to wait for my husband to come back. He said he would definitely come back. I want you to take my daughter away. She will only suffer if she stays by my side. I don't have the ability to take good care of her." she."

Zhao Fu frowned and said, "He hasn't come back for three years, and he probably died outside. Do you still have to wait like this? If he doesn't come back like this, don't you wait until you die?"

The woman chuckled and nodded firmly, "She is my husband, so I will naturally wait for him to come back, no matter how long it takes."

Zhao Fu was dissatisfied with stretching out his hand to lift the beautiful woman's face, and asked, "Then what am I you? Tell me?"

The beautiful woman blushed and said softly, "You are my master! My body and my heart already belong to you."

Only then did Zhao Fu smile in satisfaction, "You have to follow me out of here, and let you stay here alone, I don't have to worry about it at all, and I can help you find your husband's whereabouts, it's better than waiting for you several times."

Hearing this, the beautiful woman thought for a while, then smiled and agreed, "Thank you, master! By the way, Xiaoming has been outside for so long, we should quickly put on our clothes and let her in."

Zhao Fu said with a smirk, "Is it so early? I haven't enjoyed your body enough, so I might as well wait."

The beautiful woman blushed and said, "Master! I don't want it anymore, can I come back later and serve you well?"

Zhao Fu chuckled and agreed.

Afterwards, the little girl walked in from the door, looked at her ruddy mother who was able to get out of bed and walked, and threw herself into the arms of the beautiful woman with a smile on her face.

When she learned that Zhao Fu was going to take their mother and daughter out of here, the little girl was even happier. Although the time of contact was relatively short, she had already liked Zhao Fu, because no outsider had treated her so well.

The beautiful woman's name is Shusu, and the little girl's name is Shuming.

Zhao Fu took their mother and daughter for a stroll on the street, bought them various things, and made them both look new and more beautiful than before.

The happiest thing was Shuming, she had never been so happy before, holding Zhao Fu's hand with one hand, and mother's hand with the other, bouncing around very cutely.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu brought the mother and daughter to a wooden building. Zhao Fu said that he would help Shu Su find out about her husband, and he would naturally do it.

The person who received Zhao Fu was an old rat-man. Zhao Fu asked Shu Su to tell the old man about her husband by himself.

In less than a while, the old ratman brought a document and handed it to Zhao Fu, which can be said to be very fast.

Zhao Fu glanced at the document, then handed it to Shu Su, and Shu Su couldn't help weeping softly while looking at the document.

Shu Ming also held his mother's hand in distress and asked, "Mom, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?"

According to the data, Shu Su's husband didn't die, but joined a family to enjoy the glory and wealth, and abandoned their mother and daughter together, so he didn't come back for so long, and there was no news.

Now Shu Su has completely given up, never thought that the man she was willing to wait for would treat their mother and daughter like this.

Zhao Fu reached out and hugged her into his arms, and said with a smile, "How about I teach him a lesson for you?"

Shu Su shook his head and said, "It's not necessary. Since he abandoned our mother and daughter, I won't have any feelings for him anymore, and I don't want to have anything to do with him, master! Now I am willing to leave with you, and I will live with you for the rest of my life." serve you."

Zhao Fu put his arms around her and said with a smile, "Actually, you don't need to answer anything, I will definitely go, because I have taken a fancy to that family's township treasure."

Because of the investigation of Shu Su's husband, Zhao Fu also obtained information about the family he married into, and discovered that this family had a town treasure named Shu Lingyu.

Rumor has it that this kind of jade is condensed from millions of pure Ratman blood, and has strong Ratman power. If you can get it, there shouldn't be any problem in awakening the Ratman Totem.

Bringing Shu Su's mother and daughter along, Zhao Fu headed towards the place where the family was located, and it took a day to get there.

Zhao Fu had Shu Su on her back, she wanted to see her husband for the last time, to make an end to their previous relationship.

As for their daughter, Shu Ming, she didn't want to take it with her, because Shu Ming had no news about her father, and since he didn't want their mother and daughter, she might as well let Shu Ming completely forget it, and follow Zhao Fu with peace of mind from now on.

In the restaurant, a handsome, luxuriously dressed Ratman, drinking

Getting a little drunk, he came out of the restaurant with a few ratman guards.

He is Shu Ming's father, Shu Chang. Three years ago, when he was a foreigner, he met the eldest lady of that big family. Seeing that he could be prosperous, rich and powerful, he tried every means to join that family.

Although that eldest lady is very unruly and willful, Shu Chang's life now is hundreds of times better than before. Money can be spent as you like, and anyone who sees him has to be polite. No one dares to talk to him, and he also No longer the lowly Ratman of old.

As for his affairs with his wife and daughter, he has already forgotten, let alone let the family members know, because it is very bad for him.

Zhao Fu put his arms around Shu Su's delicate body, and appeared directly in front of Shu Chang. Seeing Shu Su, Shu Chang was shocked without any drunkenness, and his face became a little flustered. He quickly covered it up and glanced at Zhao Fu again. , said nothing, turned around and left with someone.

Seeing this, Shu Su had already expected it. He didn't feel any pain, but was relieved. He snuggled into Zhao Fu's arms, feeling like he already fell in love with Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at Shu Chang's back and said, "I think we can have a chat, you don't want other people to know about this."


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