The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1613 Elephant Man

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As a kingdom, in front of an empire, it is not worth mentioning at all, and those emperors are all high above, mortals are inviolable, how could he invite an emperor to lift the blood curse for his son.

Moreover, it is still possible for the emperor to undo it, but it is not 100% able to undo it. If there is more possibility, the bloodline must be of the highest level.

That is to say, the top-level emperor's blood is needed, which is simply impossible, because people with this kind of blood are already the top people in the world, and the forces behind them can also rank among the top in the world.

Facing this kind of terrifying person, he might have to kneel down and salute when he saw it, so that he could lift his son's curse.

The elephant god didn't say anything, and his body slowly disappeared in the sky.

A woman next to King Xiangren, thinking that her son will suffer great pain every day from now on, and that his children will also suffer the same, cried out in pain.

The faces of the other elephants were heavy or sad. As citizens of the elephant kingdom, they naturally didn't want to respect and love the little prince. They would feel very sad if they ended up like this.

But even the kings of the elephants have no ability to lift the curse, so how can they possibly lift the curse? At this time, praying to God is useless.

An old elephant man crossed his fingers in grief, palms together, knelt on the ground and prayed, "Great gods, great ancestors, please save our little prince! He is the future of our Elephant Kingdom."

When the others heard the words, they couldn't help kneeling on the ground, like the old elephant man, crossing their fingers and clasping their palms together, making a prayer gesture.

A young elephant man shouted loudly, "Great gods, great ancestors, please save our little prince. I will believe in you all my life, fight for you, and shed the last drop of blood."

An old woman who was also older, with tears in her eyes, "Great gods, great ancestors, I will spend all my time praying to you and believe in you wholeheartedly, please save our prince. "

A woman wearing a thick elephant man also shouted loudly, "Great gods, great ancestors, please save our little prince, I am willing to dedicate my virgin body to you, and keep my life pure. "


Many elephant people knelt on the ground and prayed one after another, but there was no response. Faced with this kind of blood curse, they were unable to solve it.

The Elephant Queen burst into tears and saw countless praying Elephants below. One was a child who was suffering for her, and the other was so moved by the actions of many Elephant People that her emotions were completely out of control.

The Elephant King also felt a little uncomfortable, his eyes gleamed with tears, and when he saw the little prince who was still in pain, the Elephant King decided to go to the emperor to try it out, if it didn't work, then he would let the evil god deal with it , Let him lift the curse.

There is a sad and heavy atmosphere spreading all around, which makes people feel dull and comfortable. Anyone who sees such a scene will not feel very good.

"I might be able to help!"

A sound that was not loud resounded in the venue, but it was like a huge stone falling into the water, setting off a huge wave. At this moment, the eyes of countless people present were all focused on Zhao Fu.

Facing the eyes of countless people, Zhao Fu stood there indifferently, without any change in his expression.

Everyone felt that Zhao Fu's cultivation was only at the Land Melting Realm, and there was suspicion and disbelief in their eyes. They were not sure whether the person in front of them could really save their little prince. Of course, Zhao Fu's appearance was A ray of hope.

Besides, cultivation doesn't explain anything. Elimination of the blood curse does not depend on cultivation, but on blood.

Moreover, the powerful emperor's blood is needed to get rid of the blood curse. This person stepped forward. Could it be that the person in front of him is actually an emperor's son?

Thinking of this, the expressions of many elephant people also became respectful. They dare not offend such a big man, and he is the little prince who came to save them. No matter what the outcome of the matter, Zhao Fu deserves their respect.

The Elephant King turned his head and his eyes fell on Zhao Fu. After examining Zhao Fu for a few seconds, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, "Your Excellency, please come forward and lift the curse for my prince."

The elephant people around also gave way one after another.

Zhao Fu walked up to the altar, came to the side of the little prince, and squatted down, the power of the saint in his hand gathered in the palm of his hand, and a saint's imprint emerged from Zhao Fu's palm, emitting a faint black light.

Immediately, Zhao Fu put his hand on the little prince's forehead, and the power of the huge saint's blood was injected into the little prince's body.


There was a dull sound, and countless bloody auras gushed out of the little prince's body at once, and there were so many, surprising things, it seemed that those bloody auras were afraid of something, and kept escaping from the little prince's body.

What's going on? The mighty Elephant God just now surpassed the Emperor Heaven Realm in strength, so he didn't have the ability to make the bloody aura like this, and the man in front of him was only at the Melting Earth Realm, and wearing a cloak, what kind of terrifying ability did he have?

ah ah ah...

The little prince screamed in pain and struggled on the ground, but Zhao Fu pressed his head hard, and continued to inject enormous power into the little prince's body.

Seeing the little prince in such pain, the Elephant Queen couldn't help but stepped forward to ask Zhao Fu to stop for a while, but was held back by the Elephant King, because this is the most critical moment, and he couldn't help it.

No interruptions.

A huge blood-colored aura gushed out like a tide, forming the blood-colored scaled hand at one time, but at this moment, Zhao Fu injected even more powerful saint power into the little prince's body.


An aura erupted from the little prince's body, and a strong black light radiated from his body. The bloody hand gradually disappeared, and there was no bloody aura gushing out of the little prince's body.

Zhao Fu fought from the ground, and the elephant king immediately went forward to check the little prince's body. Everyone looked at the king expectantly, waiting for him to announce the result.

After checking the little prince's body, the Elephant King turned his head and said gratefully to Zhao Fu, "Thank you Your Excellency for helping my prince lift the curse!"

When the people around heard this, they couldn't help but cheered. The little prince's curse was lifted. Everyone smiled happily and expressed their gratitude and praise to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu smiled lightly, "This is just a trivial matter, you don't have to be polite, Your Majesty."

The Elephant King said with a smile on his face, "Your Excellency has been so kind to me and deserves my respect. Now I will order the National People's Congress to hold a banquet immediately. I also ask you to show me your face. I will also thank you very much."


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