The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1614 Rhinoceros

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Naturally, it was impossible for Zhao Fu to refuse, because Zhao Fu was not that kind and spent so much energy to help a person for nothing, so he naturally had his own purpose in doing so.

The Elephant King couldn't help being extremely grateful to Zhao Fu, and also understood that Zhao Fu's identity might be extremely scary, at least he was an emperor, so he naturally couldn't belittle him, so he was very polite and respectful to Zhao Fu.

During the banquet, each of the elephants toasted Zhao Fu, expressing their gratitude to Zhao Fu, and Zhao Fu responded politely.

Of course, gifts were indispensable during this process. Many elephant people gave Zhao Fu a lot of gifts, and one of the best things was a mammoth lair.

This kind of mammoth has thick long hair, a pair of huge tusks, and a relatively large body. Its defense power is not low, and its strength is Tier 4. Zhao Fu is quite satisfied with this lair stone.

However, Zhao Fu hadn't got what he wanted the most, so he couldn't help brazenly asking the powerful Elephant King, "Is there anything related to ancestors and gods?"

The Elephant King smiled, took out a heart-shaped green spar, the size of a fist, handed it to Zhao Fu, and said, "This stone is the heart of our ancestors, and it contains the powerful and refined power of our ancestors."

Zhao Fu reached out to take the green spar, felt its power, and smiled, "Thank you!"

The Elephant King smiled lightly, "It's just an ancestor's thing, it's not very important to me, I also want to thank you for your kindness in saving my prince."

Zhao Fu picked up a glass of wine and said with a smile, "Then you all don't need to be so polite, let's continue drinking together."

The Elephant King also picked up a glass of wine, drank it proudly, and then asked, "Where does your Excellency come from? It should be a powerful empire, right?"

Regarding Zhao Fu's identity, the Elephant King was really curious. The bloodline was too powerful, but because Zhao Fu hid his breath, he only felt very scary, and he was not sure what level of bloodline it was.

It can only be determined to be at least the blood of the emperor, and it may even be the blood of the peak emperor, but he didn't know that Zhao Fu's blood had reached the orthodox holy blood level.

The Elephant King knew that Zhao Fu was not easy, so he wanted to inquire about Zhao Fu's identity and get to know him. Such a person might be of great help to him.

Zhao Fu replied with a faint smile, "It's an inconspicuous little place, let's keep drinking!"

Seeing that Zhao Fu couldn't answer, King Elephant couldn't continue to ask. He didn't know that Zhao Fu was telling the truth. He was in an inconspicuous little place, which was the border area of ​​the outer domain.

After the banquet, Zhao Fu continued to move forward with the people.

Sitting in the carriage, Zhao Fu took out the piece of Xiangren's ancestral heart and started the fusion.

Zhao Fu injected some power into the ancestral heart. At that moment, the green spar emitted a green light and began to melt, turning into a ball of green liquid, and then began to gasify, turning into a one-meter-sized crystal. green heart.

This green heart is not a solid body, but made of green mist. Zhao Fu opened his mouth and inhaled all the green mist into his body, officially starting refining.

A trace of green melted into Zhao Fu's body, causing Zhao Fu's skin to gradually turn green. Finally, Zhao Fu melted all the green mist into his body, and a green elephant man totem appeared on his back, and the green color of his skin returned to normal.

"Big brother! How are you?"

An hour later, the little girl Shu Ming stuck her head into the carriage, looked at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes, and asked with a happy smile.

Zhao Fu looked at Shuming and asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

Shu Ming walked into the carriage, holding a handful of yellow flowers in her little hand, came to Zhao Fu, handed the flowers to Zhao Fu, and said with a smile, "Big brother! You see the flowers are so beautiful, I picked them specially For you."

Zhao Fu took the flowers with a smile, rubbed Shu Ming's head, and led her outside.

At this moment, the team had left the Elephant Human Kingdom and came to a border area. Here was a grassland. At a glance, there were green grasses and yellow flowers. The air carried a hint of floral fragrance.

Because Zhao Fu wanted to refine the heart of the ancestors, the girls also came outside, some lazily lying on the grass, some picking small yellow flowers, making a wreath on their heads, and some sitting aside talking and laughing.

The scenery here is beautiful in itself, and with so many charming women, it forms a picture of green grass beauties.

Zhao Fu was about to step forward when suddenly arrows flew up with powerful force. There were probably thousands of arrows, and the momentum was astonishing.

Facing the sudden arrows, Zhao Fu's expression didn't change much. A black dragon mask spread out with a terrifying aura. It was more than a thousand meters wide, covering all the people and blocking the thousands of arrows. arrows.

The person hiding in the grass was startled. He didn't expect to meet a dangerous person. He thought it would be easy to deal with less than a hundred people. He shot a wave of arrows and might be able to solve the opponent, but now he alone Block all arrows.

Without any hesitation, those people hiding in the grass immediately backed away quickly, not daring to stay for a moment.

Ai Fei snorted coldly, holding a long gun, and leading more than thirty and a half centaur soldiers, rushed into the grass like lightning.

ah ah ah...

There were screams, the sound of weapons colliding, and the sound of fighting. Forces erupted, countless sharp lights flew, and grass clippings flew.

After a while, the sound subsided, and a strong smell of blood emanated from the grass. More than thirty and a half soldiers and horses escorted several people out.

These few have rhinoceros heads, human body, gray skin, strong physique, but not very tall, and now they have fear on their faces, and there are some bloodstains on their bodies.

Although there are only more than 30 centaur soldiers, each of them is a saint-level monk, and there is no problem in solving thousands of fifth-level rhinoceros.

Ai Fei escorted a few Rhinoceros to Zhao Fu, flattered him and said, "My lord! It is this group of Rhinoceros who surrendered to us, and the others have all been killed. These are the few remaining survivors. What do you want to ask them?" Is it? If not I'll kill them all now."

At this time, Zhao Fu was sitting on the green grass with his arms around the snake goddess and the half werewolf goddess in the other. Looking at the performance of the centaur prince Ai Fei, he felt pretty good, and said with a chuckle, "Go down! I Ask them something."

Ai Fei stepped aside when he heard the words, and several Rhinoceros were brought in front of Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu looked at these rhinoceros with a pair of eyes, and asked with a faint smile. "Where are you from?"


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