The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1615 Corpse Lake (for subscription)

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Several Rhinoceros replied in fear, "We are from the nearby Rhinoceros City, and we are robbing passers-by by following the order of the city lord."

Zhao Fu nodded, and continued to ask, "Then is there anything special about your city? Or are there any ancestors, or something similar to gods, as long as you tell them, I can let you go."

The rhinoceros were frightened and hurriedly thought that they had already been terrified when they saw the strength of Zhao Fu and his party, and they could do almost anything when they heard that they could survive.

At this time, a rhinoceros man said, "There is a rhinoceros lake near our city. We rhinoceros people often take a bath there. It has slightly improved our physique, and it is also a treasure of our city."

"It is rumored that a very powerful rhinoceros fell there and formed such a rhinoceros lake. I don't know if it will be useful for adults."

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile and said, "Then take me to your lake now, I want to go and have a look, and I will let you go afterwards."

Several rhinoceros nodded in surprise.

Zhao Fu asked the others to stay here, and flew into the sky with a few Rhinoceros. After more than an hour, they came to a lake.

This lake is several kilometers in size, and its shape is like a pothole. The kind of pothole formed by the impact itself has an invisible force.

At this time, many rhinoceros were already swimming or bathing in the lake, and there were also rhinoceros children playing in it. The sun was shining high in the sky, and the lake reflected the sparkling waves. It was a harmonious and beautiful picture.

Zhao Fu was about to step forward to carefully check the strength of the lake.

A Rhinoceros woman with a child looked at the Rhinoceros behind Zhao Fu in surprise, and said, "Why did you come back so early? Why didn't my man see you?"

Several rhinoceros men faced each other, and it was difficult to answer. It was impossible to directly say that your man was killed by the men in front of him, and they didn't dare to say this directly, for fear that Zhao Fu would be dissatisfied.

Zhao Fu ignored the rhinoceros woman, and came to the lake by himself, stretched his hand in, and felt the power of the lake.

This force has a strong rhinoceros breath, it should belong to the rhinoceros power, but it feels a little weak, unable to awaken the rhinoceros totem, Zhao Fu frowned slightly, a little disappointed.

Several rhinoceros followed behind Zhao Fu, but did not answer the woman's words.

The woman pulled the little boy and saw that some people ignored her. She was a little angry, and she also stepped forward to the lake, and shouted, "Did you hear what I asked you? And who is this man with the cloak? Don’t you know you can’t bring outsiders here? I’ll tell the city lord later and see how he handles you.”

When the rhinoceros heard the woman's yelling, they felt a little frightened, for fear that it would make Zhao Fu unhappy.

And the woman finished talking about the rhinoceros, then turned her gaze to Zhao Fu, and asked loudly, "Who are you? Don't you know that this is where our rhinoceros belong?"

Zhao Fu turned his head to look at this somewhat rude and powerful woman, and with a wave of his hand, a sword light flew out.


The sword light was extremely fast, and in a flash, it split the woman's body in half, blood spattered, the woman's corpse fell to the ground, and the internal organs were left on the ground.

The rhinoceros people were startled, their hairs stood on end, and they looked at Zhao Fu with a look of fear, and the worrying thing happened in their hearts.

"I am going to kill you!"

The seven or eight-year-old little rhinoceros man that the woman was holding was angry when he saw his mother was killed. He looked at Zhao Fu with hatred in his eyes, raised his little fist, and rushed at Zhao Fu desperately. Come.

Zhao Fu was expressionless. With one wave of his hand, an arc of light flashed past, chopping off the little boy's head. The little boy's headless corpse fell down. His little head rolled into the lake and floated on the surface of the lake. Dye the lake red.

A few Rhinoceros people on the shore rushed over angrily when they saw Zhao Fu being so cruel and beheading women and children.

Zhao Fu looked contemptuously at the rushing rhinoceros, and with a wave of his hand, a huge sword light flew out, cutting several pieces of several rushing rhinoceroses, blood flowed all over the ground, and slowly flowed into the lake.

The lake water was stained with blood, and Zhao Fu felt that the power of the lake water had increased a little, showing a surprised expression. Looking at the other rhinoceros around the lake, he stretched out a hand and grabbed it hard.

clang clang clang...

The chains shot out from the bottom of the water with great force, and shot towards the rhinoceros in the lake.

Some young rhinoceros who were taking a bath were pierced by iron chains, screaming, and then pulled into the water. Blood continued to flow from their wounds, and they died after a while. The blood stained the lake red.

Some rhinoceros children who were playing in the lake were tied up with iron chains, and then they were pulled into the water. The huge force of the iron chains strangled their bodies into several sections, and blood spurted out.

Some iron chains carried great force, piercing through the bodies of women who were washing clothes in the lake, screams sounded, and then dragged them into the water.

After killing so many people, the strength of the lake has increased a lot, but it is still not enough.

Zhao Fu turned his head to look at the terrified Rhinoceros behind him, and said, "Don't worry, I won't kill you, now you go back, take your family and leave as soon as possible, don't blame me for being late."

a few rhinos

Knowing what Zhao Fu was going to do, he was afraid that he would not kill them if he was grateful to Zhao Fu, and then quickly ran to Rhinoceros City.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu entered the Rhinoceros City and started a massacre. He also released 50,000 dark soldiers to kill all the 100,000 Rhinoceros people in the city, regardless of men, women, or children.

After killing so many people, Zhao Fu collected their bodies and threw them into the lake.

So many corpses directly stained the clear lake water with blood, exuding a disgusting smell of blood.

Zhao Fu also entered it, came to the center of the lake, and a huge suction burst out, absorbing the power of countless blood,

That huge power continuously poured into Zhao Fu's body, and Zhao Fu quickly absorbed it. The power also had the power to improve his physique, which helped Zhao Fu slightly.

In the end, all the power of the lake had been absorbed by Zhao Fu. Only then did Zhao Fu's back tingle once, and a bloody rhinoceros totem emerged.

Zhao Fu came out of the lake with a smile. The lake here has become a dead lake without any vitality. There are mummified corpses floating in the lake. It looks very terrifying. The flesh and blood of those corpses have been destroyed Zhao Fu absorbed.


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