The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1618 Holy Blood Forbidden (for subscription)

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The beautiful woman also stepped forward and said, "Young master! My daughter is actually yours, so we are also your father-in-law and mother-in-law. If you kill him, Lu Yu will feel bad in the future. Now he also knows that he was wrong. , I beg you to let him go once, and my mother-in-law begs you too."

Zhao Fu turned his head to look at the beautiful woman in front of him, stretched out his hand to lift her chin, and showed a smile on his face, "You come with me, I will consider letting him go once."

The prince was angry in his heart, his daughter was taken by Zhao Fu, and now Zhao Fu is still interested in his wife, how could he not be angry? But he didn't dare to say anything, because he was also afraid of death at the moment, if he died, everything would be gone.

When Lu Yu heard Zhao Fu's words, he also pinched Zhao Fu angrily. He didn't expect Zhao Fu to fall in love with her mother. Thinking of serving Zhao Fu with his mother in the future, Lu Yu blushed and felt very embarrassed.

The beautiful woman Lu Lu, seeing her husband who is afraid of death and her shy daughter, nodded helplessly, "I promise you, now you can let my husband go!"

The corners of Zhao Fu's lips turned up, showing a hint of a smile. He let go of his feet, looked at the prince with a pair of eyes and said, "I still need the pair of ancestor antlers from your family. Take them out now, and I'll let you go right away."

Upon hearing this, the prince hurriedly took out a pair of yellow antlers and handed them to Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu took the antler, sensed its power, put it away with a smile, and left the Prince's Mansion with Lu Yu and her mother Lu Lu without saying anything.

After a while, Zhao Fu returned to the team with the mother and daughter. Zhao Fu left the two of them in the team and found the big bear man by himself.

Because of the prohibition, the big bear man waited honestly, not daring to leave there.

Zhao Fu also said directly, "Now pass the news back. I want the ancestors of your bear people. You should have them. As long as you give me the ancestors, I will spare your life."

The bear man nodded, and wrote a letter, which was quickly handed over to the bear man kingdom, and Zhao Fu got a quick response.

The bear man is the only prince of the bear man kingdom, which is very important to the bear man kingdom, so the bear man kingdom directly agreed to Zhao Fu's request and exchanged the ancestor's property for the bear man man.

A few hours later, Zhao Fu met at the agreed place. To be careful, Zhao Fu first hid around and waited for the arrival of others. If there was any danger, he should evacuate immediately.

I saw a tall woman with a pair of black bear ears, long black hair, and a cool face, who came to the appointed place and waited.

The bear man secretly thought that it was not good, why did his sister send the ancestor's thing.

Zhao Fu was about to come out with the bear man. The bear man was afraid that Zhao Fu would attract his sister's attention, so he said, "That is not from our Xiongren country. I think I wrote the letter wrong. Why don't I write a copy?" Believe me, the Bearman Kingdom will definitely prepare better ancestral artifacts."

Hearing this, Zhao Fu glanced at the big bear man, grabbed his body and walked out, naturally not believing his nonsense.

Because the woman who came here looks a bit like a bear man in terms of admiration and aura. It is obvious that the woman who came is a relative of the bear man.

Seeing that Zhao Fu brought the big man out, the woman in black felt relieved. The big man is the only heir to the Xiong Ren Kingdom, so nothing can happen to him, or the consequences will be more serious. The throne will fall into the hands of a collateral line.

"This is what you wanted from the ancestors. The ancestors let my brother go." The woman in black took out a bear-man's skull and said with a cold face.

For this person who hijacked his younger brother as a threat, the woman in black, Xiong Xi, the elder sister of the big man Xiongren, naturally wouldn't give Zhao Fu a good look.

She didn't know her attitude, which made Zhao Fu more interested in her. He sensed the power of the bear-man skull. It was a very powerful ancestral item, and it should be able to summon those ancestral spirits.

Looking away, Zhao Fu looked at Xiong Xi with a pair of eyes, and said with a smile, "I can let your brother go, but now I not only want the ancestors, but you must also keep you to serve me."

Xiong Xi's face turned cold, and he stared at Zhao Fu with a pair of eyes. He erupted with a terrifying aura, aroused the power of heaven and earth, and said coldly, "Don't dream!"

Zhao Fu's disdainful aura erupted with a more terrifying aura, pressing fiercely on Xiong Xi's body, making Xiong Xi's expression a bit ugly.

Seeing her ugly face, Zhao Fu said with a light smile, "Now you have no choice, either agree to my request, or I will kill both of you siblings."

Xiong Xi looked at the big man with a cold face,

Facing his sister's eyes, the bear man felt guilty and regretted in his heart. If he hadn't been spying on Lu Yu's beauty, he wouldn't have ended up like this, and made his sister serve him too.

"I promise you!" Xiong Xi said calmly.

A smile appeared on Zhao Fu's face, he stretched out his hand and pulled Xiong Xi into his arms, then turned his head and said to the big bear man, "Now you can go!"

The big bear man looked at Xiong Xi with a sad face, "Sister! I don't want you to be like this. He is not a good person, and with his character, there must be countless women. It will not be good for you to follow him."

Zhao Fu frowned, and said ironically, "I'm not a good person, so you are a good person?"

Xiong Xi understood that Zhao Fu was a little angry, and immediately said to the big man Xiongren, "You don't have to worry about me, I will take care of myself, Xiongren Kingdom needs you, I hope you can remember

Learn from this lesson and be a good king in the future. "

The big bear man wanted to say something else, but Xiong Xi said with a cold face, "Leave quickly."

In the end, the big bear man had no choice but to leave, and quickly returned to the bear man country, broke into the hall of the bear man country by himself, and said to the bearded middle-aged man, "Father, hurry up and save my sister, she was taken away by that bastard. "

When the middle-aged man saw the big bear man, his heart burst into anger, but when he heard his words, he was startled and asked, "What's going on?"

The bear man told the middle-aged man everything.

The middle-aged man finally sighed, "The power he erupted is comparable to the Emperor Heaven Realm, so it's useless for me to take someone there. Your sister understands this truth, so she asked you to leave as soon as possible. Don't worry about her, and Come here, and I will lift your restraint."

Hearing that he couldn't save his sister, the bear man walked over with a sad face.

The middle-aged man put his hand on the forehead of the big bear man, and a huge force was poured into it, and he immediately sensed that the holy blood turned into a blood ban.

at once!

The middle-aged man felt a wave of extreme fear in his blood, his hair stood on end, and his body was cold. It took him a while to react, and he slapped the big bear man to the ground, and said angrily, "You bastard, have you offended me?" who?"


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