The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1619 Angel

[End of the God Station] Remind book friends to keep in mind: Website URL: Remember it in a second, never lose it!

The slapped bear man looked aggrieved and didn't understand what was going on. Looking at his father's furious and frightened face, he understood in his heart that the identity of the person who put the blood ban on him might be very terrifying.

On the other side, Zhao Fu returned to the team. After advancing for a certain distance, Zhao Fu stopped again, intending to summon two ancestor spirits, and then refine them.

Coming to a flat ground, Zhao Fu took out the bear-man skull and deer-man horns, and injected strength into them.

I saw the bearman's skull emitting black light, slowly rising into the sky, and the pair of antlers emitting yellow light, also slowly rising into the sky, the power of heaven and earth gathered rapidly, causing the wind and clouds to surge.

That bear skull absorbed countless powers of heaven and earth, gushing out countless black mist. These mist became more and more condensed, and then changed continuously, finally forming a huge black bear, exuding huge power.

And that pair of antlers emitted a strong yellow light, and countless powers of heaven and earth gathered together, and those yellow lights continued to change and condense, and finally formed a huge yellow deer with a powerful momentum.

The ancestor spirit of the bear people saw the spirit of the ancestors of the deer people next to them, and roared, and instinctively launched an attack.

clang clang clang...

The chains flew out of the void with terrifying power, making loud chain sounds.

I saw countless chains flying out quickly, binding the two ancestor spirits who were about to fight. The two ancestor spirits roared angrily and struggled constantly, but they were still easily pulled away by Zhao Fu. in front of you.

Zhao Fu stretched out his hands, black light appeared from both palms, and two huge suction forces erupted, slowly sucking the two ancestor spirits into his body.

Roar! Roar!

The two ancestral spirits roared in anger and fear. The sound was very loud and shook all directions. They burst out of strength and struggled continuously, setting off terrifying waves of air.

The two of them were finally sucked into Zhao Fu's body like a tide, and Zhao Fu immediately sat on the ground and began to refine the two ancestor spirits.

After the two ancestor spirits were sucked into Zhao Fu's body, they were still struggling. Zhao Fu's holy blood turned into black blood flames and enveloped them, and began to absorb their essence. Their power slowly merged into each part of Zhao Fu's body. place.

Zhao Fu's back tingled, and a black bear-man totem and a yellow deer-man totem emerged from Zhao Fu's back.

After refining the two totems, Zhao Fu returned to the team with a smile on his face.

The team continued to move forward, and Zhao Fu returned to the carriage. The women's faces were ruddy, and their eyes looked at Zhao Fu with watery eyes.

Zhao Fu first pulled Lu Lu's mother and daughter and Xiong Xi into his arms, and then tasted them. All the girls joined in, and there were fierce and indescribable voices in the carriage.

Shu Ming was sitting on top of the three demon wolves, knowing that Zhao Fu, the big brother, was doing the blushing thing with her mother and many big sisters, and thinking of how happy the big sisters were under the big brother, Shu Ming Can't help but look forward to growing up quickly.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu embraced Lu Yu, Lu Lu, a mother and daughter, and Xiong Xi, and the three daughters were panting in Zhao Fu's arms with flushed faces.

Xiong Xi felt Zhao Fu's extraordinaryness, and asked with curiosity in his beautiful eyes, "Now, can you tell me who you are? I don't believe that you are a small person. Look, you are at least an emperor's son!"

Zhao Fu replied with a chuckle, "No!"

Xiong Xi said with a hint of anger, "I said it just now, don't say that you are a small person, I won't believe it, and now you say that it is difficult to admit that you are a son of an emperor? I just want to know something about your identity , otherwise I don’t even know. What kind of person I follow.”

The snake god stretched out his hand to caress Xiong Xi's delicate body, and said softly, "Our husband is indeed not a son of an emperor, he is a son of a saint who surpasses the son of an emperor!"

Xiong Xi was shocked, and looked at Zhao Fu in surprise. He didn't expect Zhao Fu's identity to be so terrifying, and he understood it in his heart. No wonder he felt that his soul and body had been conquered just now, and he also received great benefits.

Since Zhao Fu's identity is so terrifying, it is definitely a good thing to follow Zhao Fu's side. Xiong Xi showed a smile and gently hugged Zhao Fu.

At this time, the team came to a highland, walked through this highland, and almost reached the area controlled by the ten courtyards of the foreign world.

Zhao Fu sat by the window, admiring the scenery of the highland. There are relatively few trees here, and most of them are grass. Because the location is relatively high, the temperature is slightly cooler.


Zhao Fu saw several figures flying over in the sky, his expression was slightly taken aback, and he said to himself, "Angel?"

Because the person Zhao Fu saw had the body and appearance of a human being, and there was no difference in other parts, but there was a pair of white wings on the back, and the aura on his body was not holy light.

Zhao Fu was a little curious and left the carriage, turned into a stream of light and followed these figures. These figures were all male, and there were five of them in total.

They landed beside a pool in the mountain, and in the pool there were already five beautiful women playing in the water.

These five women look different from the five men. First of all, they have eagle-like wings on their backs, and their little feet are not human.

Instead of human feet, they resemble claws, but in other places they are the same as human beings.

The five women not only have attractive figures, fair skin, but also very beautiful faces, with different temperaments, one is sexy, one is enchanting, one is quiet, one is bold, and one is delicate.

Zhao Fu could tell that they came from two races. The five men should be from the Yuren, and the five women should belong to the Yingren. Why did the two races meet in such a secret place?

The five Yingren women were playing in the water without any clothes, and when they saw the five Yuren men, they came to the shore with happy smiles without any shyness.

The five Yuren men were actually pretty good-looking, each of them put their arms around a Yingren woman, looking sweet, like a couple in love, and sat on the ground.

The Yuren man also didn't care about his beloved woman, naked in front of other men, talking and laughing between the two parties, and they were very familiar with each other, this kind of thing should not happen once or twice.

The two parties first happily and sweetly talked about their thoughts and some recent events, and then they were about to get to the point, and they kissed, and it seemed that they were about to do that indescribable thing.


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