The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1620 Featherman

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It was also the first time for Zhao Fu to see five men and five women doing this together, and he couldn't help but feel indignant in his heart. In broad daylight, under such a bright and bright world, he did such a morally corrupt and shameless thing. Zhao Fu felt that it was necessary to stop it.

clang clang clang...

Stretching out a hand, the gold in the left eye flew out quickly. The five couples were completely unprepared, and were directly tied up by iron chains, and then hung in mid-air.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and they didn't understand what was going on at all.

However, Zhao Fu appeared in front of them from one side, carefully sizing up the five women who were suspended in the air with a pair of eyes. In terms of figure and appearance, they undoubtedly belonged to the top beauties, and their delicate bodies were fully displayed in front of them. Fu couldn't help but react.

A handsome Yuren youth said angrily, "Who are you? Why did you tie us up? Do you know who I am? I am the young master of the Yuren clan, so you should let me go."

Zhao Fu glanced at him lightly, waved his hand, and slapped the feathered youth on the face, making the feathered youth's face red and swollen.

Feeling a sense of shame, the Yuren youth cursed angrily, "You bastard, lowly person, I will definitely kill you."

Instead, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Fu's mouth, he looked at the young man, and then waved his hands, slapping the handsome young man's face with invisible slaps one by one.

clap clap...

There were slaps in the face, and the handsome young man's face was swollen, several teeth were knocked out, and he couldn't speak clearly.

The others looked at Zhao Fu in fear, not daring to say anything.

Zhao Fu looked at the young man who was swollen into a pig's head, and had no interest in torturing him, so he raised his hand and wanted to kill him.

The sexy woman among the five women said hurriedly, "Please don't kill my husband, I can serve you."

The five of them don't have a single piece of clothing on them now, and they are still hanging in front of Zhao Fu. Not at all, from Zhao Fu's aggressive gaze just now, the five girls understand that Zhao Fu is interested in them.

Hearing this, Zhao Fu also stopped his hands, with a smile on his face. First, the five men were tied up and thrown aside, and their eyes were tightly bound with iron chains, and then the five women were put down.

The five women looked at Zhao Fu with fear on their faces, and understood what Zhao Fu was going to do. They stood there nervously, not daring to make any moves.

Zhao Fu stepped forward and hugged them into his arms, and while galloping on them, he asked for information.

The five women soon screamed profligately under Zhao Fu like whores. The five men were extremely angry. Their women were violated in front of them. cursed.

A few iron chains wrapped around his mouth, preventing him from saying anything, and loosened the chains that bound his eyes, allowing him to see with his own eyes how her woman was debauched under Zhao Fu's body, and how Zhao Fu behaved. Violate them.

When the quiet woman saw her man, she looked angrily at being raped by another man, feeling guilty in her heart, but she responded to Zhao Fu even more irritatingly.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu hugged the fifth daughter who was unable to breathe, and got what he wanted.

It turned out that in this highland, there lived Yuren and Yingren. One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers. The two races are also deadly enemies. There have also been many battles between the two sides, which made the hatred great, so the people on both sides naturally did not allow two people to fight against each other. Any association with people of different races is a felony.

They didn't know each other at first, but once they were taking a bath in this hidden pool, they happened to be bumped into by five Yuren men. There would have been a fight between the two sides, but the five Yuren men immediately fell in love with them and pursued them enthusiastically.

In the end, they also agreed to become their secret wives, and they have maintained their current relationship, because the location of the pool is relatively hidden, and it has also become a place for their tryst.

And that handsome young man is the young master of the Yuren clan, and his woman is that sexy woman, the daughter of the Yingren patriarch.

In fact, they are very suitable in terms of appearance, figure, temperament, and finally their noble status. It can be said that they are a natural pair, but they belong to the enemy and us, and it is impossible to be together.

Now the five of them have also been tamed by Zhao Fu, looking at Zhao Fu full of love and affection, looking like little slave girls.

"Master! Can we let our husband go now?" The charming Yingren woman said while lying in Zhao Fu's arms, looking at Zhao Fu with a smile.

The quiet woman next to her said shyly, "Yes! The master saw that we worked so hard to serve you just now, can you let them go for once? From now on, we can serve you every day for five days."

The Ying woman looked at the bold woman, but said the opposite, "Master! I want you to kill them. If this matter gets out, our family may be severely punished, because this is a serious crime."

The feathered men beside them were also angry in their hearts, secretly thinking that this woman was too vicious, especially the man who belonged to her, their hearts were chilled, they didn't expect that the bold woman would take the initiative to say that she would kill him, but they were so affectionate before.

As for the other man, his eyes were red, and he looked at Zhao Fu and the others with extreme hatred.

He was the man who watched how Zhao Fu raped her woman with his own eyes, and he was also the man of the quiet woman. At this time, he was not grateful to the quiet woman, but resentful, and only wanted that bitch to die quickly.

Zhao Fu didn't say anything, and he had a plan. He mainly wanted to obtain the ancestors of the two forces. That was Zhao Fu's main goal.


"I will deal with this person, and you are also my female slaves now, and you will leave with me later."

The girls nodded upon hearing this.

Zhao Fu also started his own plan. First, he secretly spread the news to the Yuren tribe. That handsome young man is the young master of the Yuren tribe. This is the most valuable one, enough to exchange for anything.

Moreover, the young master of the Yuren actually had an affair with a mortal enemy, the Yingren woman. If it got out, it would be over. Not only could he not be the patriarch, but the patriarch might be forced to abdicate now.

Zhao Fu wanted all kinds of things, and the patriarch of the Yuren clan would not refuse to give them, so he could only honestly agree.

The patriarch of the Yuren Clan was shocked when he passed the news, he didn't expect his son to do such a thing in private. If it got out, countless Yuren would be angry because they had too much hatred with the Yingren.

At that time, she will also be forced to abdicate by many elders, and the situation of their family will become difficult, and all feathered people will regard them as traitors.

Faced with Zhao Fu's request for the ancestral item, the patriarch of the Yuren clan did not hesitate, and quickly replied to Zhao Fu, agreeing to give her the ancestral item of the Yuren clan.


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