The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 1621 Eagle Man

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The ancestor of the Yuren tribe is a white luminous stone called the Spirit Crystal of the Yuren tribe, which contains the huge ancestor power of the Yuren tribe. It is a very precious treasure among the Yuren tribe.

Given this kind of treasure, the feathered patriarch also had a request, that is to kill those Yingren women and the other four feathered men, because this matter is so important, it is naturally impossible to leak it out.

Zhao Fu didn't reply to this point, and asked her to talk face to face. The patriarch of the Yuren agreed after thinking about it.

But when they arrived at the valley, the patriarch of the Yuren was stunned, because four beautiful women of the Yuren had already come here, and they were fighting fiercely with a handsome man.

She knew these four beautiful women, they were all the wives of the elders in the clan, their sons had a very good relationship with their own sons, and their sons were the four men caught by Zhao Fu.

Looking back to an hour ago, when Zhao Fu received the request from the patriarch of the Yuren to kill other men, he was also about to do it.

That bold woman supported Zhao Fu in killing them, and the other beautiful woman, for the sake of her own family, finally supported Zhao Fu in Zhao Fu's killing them.

The sexy woman's husband was the young master of the feathered man, so she didn't need to beg Zhao Fu, but the quiet woman and the enchanting woman knelt on the ground, begging Zhao Fu to let them go.

Of their two men, one was very touched, it was his lifetime honor to have such a woman as his wife, and even he felt sorry for the enchanting woman, while the other was extremely hateful, and looked at the quiet woman with vicious eyes.

Zhao Fu raised his general and came to the five feathered youths, hesitating whether to kill or not.

One of the feathered youths said fearfully, "My lord! Don't kill me. I heard you talking just now. Don't you want an ancestor's thing? My mother got an ancestor's thing from the dwarves. If you can Let me go, then my mother will definitely give it to you."

This directly made Zhao Fu give up the idea of ​​killing him. Seeing that it was effective, another young man also said, "His relatives will definitely get the ancestors' belongings, so Zhao Fu should not kill them."

Zhao Fu simply sent news to all four of their families, asking them to prepare the ancestors of other races.

The four families also understood the seriousness of the matter, so they agreed to Zhao Fu's request and came quickly.

One of the four beautiful women has a plump figure with a touch of charm, the other has a slender figure with a hint of gentleness in front of her, one has a hot figure and a very pungent personality, and the other has a voluptuous figure with a gloomy temperament. They are all beautiful, and they all have a pair of white wings.

The four of them rushed to the agreed place to exchange with Zhao Fu, but there was only one beautiful woman who took out the remnant soul of the dwarf ancestor, and the other three were good racial treasures, but Zhao Fu didn't need any of them, only the ancestor things.

That savage woman heard that Zhao Fu didn't want her race treasure and refused to let go of her son, so she cursed angrily, "You bastard trash, my old lady won't let you go, just wait and see!" .”

This angered Zhao Fu. He grabbed the four beautiful women and raped them. Now that hot woman is now screaming profligately under Zhao Fu.

Looking back at the present, Zhao Fu turned his head and smiled slightly at the coming Yuren patriarch, looked at her noble temperament, and mature figure, and said, "Come and serve me too!"

The patriarch of the Featherman's face was cold, and he said, "I will not promise you such a thing, and I have already brought you the ancestors you want, so let my son go quickly, and you must promise , this news cannot be leaked.”

Zhao Fu said domineeringly, "Now that the price has increased, do you see that the four of them are working hard to serve me? Now either you take the initiative to agree to serve me obediently, or I will arrest you to serve me."

As he spoke, Zhao Fu exuded his terrifying aura, which made the Patriarch of the Featherman's complexion change. He hesitated for a moment, and squatted under Zhao Fu with a cold face, serving Zhao Fu together with other beautiful women. Then Zhao Fu also had a good taste of this Featherman Patriarch.

Afterwards, Zhao Fu brought the five of them to the small pond, and let them meet his son.

The patriarch of the Featherman looked at his son who was swollen like a pig's head, gave Zhao Fu a hard look, and then went forward with other beautiful women to check if his son was injured anywhere.

The five youths saw their mother's flushed face and the mature and seductive smell emanating from her body. Their hearts sank. They couldn't help but think of Zhao Fu galloping on their mother. Some of them felt guilty and desolate, while others were angry.

Zhao Fu didn't pay attention to them. He was holding two things in his hand with a smile on his face. One was a hundred white spar, which was the Featherman Ancestor Spirit Crystal which contained a lot of ancestral power, and there was a ball of light with The phantom of a dwarf, this is the remnant soul of the dwarf ancestor.

"Now you have obtained the things, and you have enjoyed our body, now it's time to let our son go!" The patriarch of the Featherman looked at Zhao Fu with a cold face. She had no face to face his son's angry and guilty gaze just now. .

Zhao Fu smiled and loosened the iron chains on the five youths, and the five beautiful women were about to leave with their sons.

Zhao Fu smiled lightly and said, "They can leave later, you must stay, and do you feel that you can still leave me?"

The faces of the five beautiful women became ashamed, because after having sex with Zhao Fu, they were already obsessed with this feeling, and their hearts were also occupied by Zhao Fu. If they left Zhao Fu here, they probably would miss Zhao Fu later.

The pungent beautiful woman snorted coquettishly just now, "Then you always go back and prepare for us. We didn't intend to leave with you at the beginning, and there are still some things to deal with."

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile, and then agreed to leave with them.

After they left together, Zhao Fu took the five Yingren women and waited in place. Because of the rebellion, he also wrote five letters to the Yingren side, threatening them to help him collect ancestral items.

Otherwise, the news will be spread, and they will come down forcefully and kill them, the Eagles.

Zhao Fu injected some of his own strength into the letter, and when the five families received the letter, they didn't hesitate at all.

First of all, the news spread, and it was as serious as Yingren's here. Secondly, they felt Zhao Fu's terrifying power and felt powerless to stop them. They could only honestly prepare the ancestor's belongings, so as to avoid a catastrophe.

The five Yingren families sent five men, one of whom was a young man who was the older brother of the sexy Yingren woman. They flew down from the sky at the appointed place with serious expressions on their faces.


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